Raises Money facts
While investigating facts about Money Raised and Raises Money By Selling Stock, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A guy made $1,000,000 by selling each pixel on a 1000 x 1000 pixel web page for $1 a pixel. The Million Dollar Homepage was created in 2005 to raise money for his university fees. The inventor went on to create a company today valued at $250m.
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When the Cards Against Humanity team kept all of the money they raised by selling nothing (literally) for 5 Dollars on Black Friday, they split the $71,145 and one employee bought a 24 karat gold vibrator for over $3,000.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what charity raises the most money. Here are 50 of the best facts about Raises Money By Taxation and Raises Money From Multiple Small Investors I managed to collect.
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A 10 year old boy in China spent 2 years collecting 160,000 plastic bottles, raising $2,700. He donated all this money, and his own savings of $30, to orphans of AIDS victims.
During the Irish Famine the Choctaw Nation, who were going through poverty and starvation themselves, donated as much money as they could raise in solidarity with the Irish. The 'Kindred Spirits' sculpture commemorates this event
A man named KurtJMac has been walking to the edge of the world in Minecraft since 2011 to raise money for charity. Since he began over 8 years ago, he's helped raise over $400,000. He is about 25% of the way there.
John DeLorean was arrested by the FBI for conspiring to smuggle $24M worth of cocaine into the US while the DeLorean Motor Co was failing to raise money to survive. Claiming he was coerced into participation in the deal by FBI agents who approached him as legitimate investors, he was acquitted
In a report from 2013, most of the funds raised by the NFL don't fund cancer research. In the end, after everybody has taken their cut, only 8.01% of money spent on pink NFL merchandise is actually going towards cancer research.
A UK man became paralyzed after a cycling accident and spent 4 years raising £22,000 to pay for pioneering treatment that might help him walk again. However, upon hearing about a disabled boy needing surgery (that stood a better chance of success), he donated all the money to him instead.
A Catholic Priest in Brazil tried to raise money for charity by taking to the sky strapped to a chair and 1,000 helium balloons, got to 20,000 feet and then realized he didn't know how to use his GPS, went missing, and two months later was found dead 100km out to sea.
Stephen King has made large charitable donations without announcing them because he was "raised firmly to believe that if you give away money and you make a big deal of it so that everybody sees it, that's hubris. (...) you're not supposed to make a big deal about it."
The 'Live aid' concert in 1985 was trying to raise money for a famine in Ethiopia. However the money ended up funding Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam and his genocide regime. The money he received went to "buy sophisticated weapons from the Russians" used to crush his opposition.
Art Bell set a Guinness World Record by staying on the air for 116 hours and 15 minutes. Using the money raised on air, Bell chartered a plane to fly to Vietnam and rescue 130 stranded Vietnamese orphans, who were eventually brought to the United States and adopted by American families.
Raises Money data charts
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What is true about raises money?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
When the space station Skylab fell to Earth in 1979, it landed in Esperance, Western Australia. The Shire of Esperance fined NASA $400 for littering, which went unpaid for 30 years until a radio host raised the money and paid it on behalf of NASA.
The inspiration for "Nacho Libre" was Fray Tormenta, a Mexican priest who turned to wrestling to raise money for an orphanage, but he himself got the idea and name from a 1963 film...about a priest who turns to wrestling to raise money for an orphanage. - source
The famously anti-gay Harlem preacher Pastor Manning, who's known for vitriolic anti-LGBT hate speech, is in massive debt. An organization that provides shelter for homeless LGBT youth is raising money to buy the building his church is housed in to open an additional shelter at that location. - source
Stephen King has made large charitable donations without announcing them because he was "raised firmly to believe that if you give away money and you make a big deal of it so that everybody sees it, that's hubris. ... you're not supposed to make a big deal about it"
The world record for the largest number ever counted to belongs to Jeremy Harper. He streamed the entire process online , and raised money for charity. He reached 1,000,000. It took him 3 months. - source
When an investment company raises money from investors?
Jim Parsons (Sheldon), Johnny Galecki (Leonard), Kaley Cuoco (Penny), Kunal Nayyar (Raj) and Simon Helberg (Howard) each took a $100,000-per-episode pay cut from the $1 million that each had been earning in order to free up additional money for Bialik (Amy) and Rauch’s (Bernadette) raises
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The homeless person, Kenni Nickel, from the viral video "How Does A Homeless Man Spend $100?" is dead. The youtuber behind the video, "Josh Paler Lin", raised close to $150k on "indiegogo.com", stating it was for Nickel, before he died. According to Nickel's family he never received the money.
The creator of the Operation board game never received royalties for the game and was not able to afford his own surgery until friends and fans raised money for him online.
Alexandra Scott who started a lemonade stand to raise money for children with cancer. Before passing away at the age 8 she successfully raised over $1 million towards cancer research. Her foundation sponsors a national fundraising weekend every June called Lemonade Days.
Comedian Daniel Tosh auctioned props from his show, Tosh.O, to raise funds for a fellow comedian Andy Ritchie with a brain tumor, raising $25,000.Tosh then placed a double-or-nothing bet on a Patriots football game and won, ultimately doubling the money he raised for Andy.
In 2014 Namibia raised over $350k by auctioning off the right to hunt one endangered black rhino. The rhino was past breeding age and detrimental to the rest of the herd. The money was used to protect endangered animals.