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Rain Clouds facts

While investigating facts about Rain Clouds Name and Rain Clouds Crossword, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Boeing factory in Seattle is so massive that rain clouds began to form inside the facility until a state-of-the-art air circulation system was installed

how rain clouds are formed?

William Rankin, a fighter pilot who survived ejecting into a thunderstorm. He encountered very low temperature, frostbite, massive wind and lightning, severe decompression, and nearly drowned from breathing in rain water. Overall, he was in the cloud for more than 40 minutes.

What clouds produce rain?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what type of clouds are rain clouds. Here are 50 of the best facts about Rain Clouds Are Called and Rain Clouds Images I managed to collect.

what are rain clouds called?

  1. Because of the frequency and massive destruction cause by hail in Alberta, insurance companies pay for cloud seeding planes that spray silver iodine to make the rain fall before it becomes hail.

  2. The Asian brown cloud, a layer of air pollution that appears over South Asia and the Indian Ocean every year between January and March when there is no rain to wash pollutants from the air. Nearly two million people die each year, in India alone, from conditions related to the brown cloud.

  3. After Chernobyl meltdown, Russian military pilots created rain clouds to protect Moscow from radioactive fallout. British scientist allowed into the area, said that the population in Belarus was exposed to radiation doses 20 to 30 times higher than normal as a result of the rainfall

  4. Kurt Vonnegut's brother Bernard invented seeding clouds to create rain, a form of weather control that Kurt would parody with "Ice-Nine" in his book "Cat's Cradle."

  5. NASA's Vehicle Assembly Building is so large that on humid days, rain clouds can form below the ceiling

  6. The CIA used "weather modification" as a tactical weapon by increasing rains(cloud seeding) over Vietnam during the Vietnam War in order to slow Vietnamese military activity in the region.

  7. NASA’s Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space Center in Florida is the tallest one-story building in the world and is large enough (volume four times of Empire State Building) that rain clouds have been known to form inside.

  8. Planet Kepler 7b has clouds made of silica particles, so it rains molten liquid glass.

  9. Sometimes the rain can evaporate before it hits the ground. This is referred to as virga.

rain clouds facts
What kind of clouds are rain clouds?

Why rain clouds are dark in colour?

You can easily fact check why rain clouds are black in colour by examining the linked well-known sources.

There are 13 ecosystems in Corcovado National Park. These ecosystems include beach habitats, coastal marine habitats, mangrove swamps, lowland rain forest, highland cloud forest, and jolillo palm forest.

Those clouds that look like fish skin/scales are a pretty reliable indicator of a change in weather (often rain) in the next 6-12 hours - source

Some weather stations also have sensors that measure the rain falling at the present time. They may also have a disdrometer that is capable of measuring drop size distribution, a transmissometer to measure visibility in real time, and a ceilometer to measure the cloud ceiling. These are found more often at automated airport weather stations.

Often the rain produced by a cumulonimbus cloud only lasts for 20 minutes or less, but the rainfall itself is often very heavy. It can also cause flash flooding.

The Vehicle Assembly Building is so large that on very humid days rain clouds will form on the ceiling, which NASA has installed moisture reduction systems to minimize their effects - source

When rain clouds gather?

A weather map is used to show weather facts about a specific place at a given time. It can show temperature, cloud coverage, rain or snow, wind, air pressure, humidity, and the direction a weather system is moving or expected to move.

How rain clouds work?

A planet discovered in 2002 is theorized to have clouds and rains of iron.

Russia has spent millions of rubles on 'Cloud Seeding' the past decades to prevent rain on its public holiday, and at one point it rained cement chunks through the roof of a Moscow suburban home.

NASA has a building, the Vehicle Assembly Building, so huge that it requires around 10,000 tons of Air Conditioning equipment to prevent rain clouds from forming inside on a humid day

The breakthrough discovery that silver iodide could be used effectively in cloud seeding to artificially produce snow and rain was made by Bernard Vonnegut, the older brother of American novelist Kurt Vonnegut.

Brown dwarfs, sometimes called "failed stars" because they aren't massive enough for nuclear fusion, are celestial objects on which there are oceans, clouds, and rain of molten iron

When rain clouds gather pdf?

Some bacteria travel the world by riding in clouds, and they appear to spread themselves by making it rain

Wildfires can get so large and so hot that it can form clouds, create lighting, and basically create its own weather system. Some have produced rain and helped put itself out.

In 1967 U.S. began rainmaking campaign over Vietnam known as Operation Popeye. Cloud seeding involves spraying fine particles of silver iodide into a cloud system. 52+ countries have current weather modification programs. China’s said to have used ahead of Beijing Olympics-forcing early rain.

Rain is dirty. Apparently winds carry dust particles into the atmosphere where they get covered with water vapor and fall to the ground as raindrops when storm clouds form.

The Gobi Desert exists because the Himalayas prevent rain clouds from reaching the region

How rain clouds are made?

It takes about one million cloud droplets (10-20 micron in diameter) to form a single rain drop (2mm in diameter).

Kurt Vonnegut's brother Bernard was a famous scientist who discovered that clouds seeded with silver iodide could produce rain and snow.

A rain drop travels about 14 mph and takes about two minutes to fall to the ground coming from your average cloud at 2,500 ft

The first stage of a thunderstorm, called the developing stage, occurs when a cumulus cloud is pushed upward by air. In the developing stage there is not usually much rain but lightning can be seen.

About "bio-precipitation" where microbes living in the clouds cause it to rain or snow in order to get back to Earth.

A waterspout can carry small marine animals up into the clouds and bring them inland. People as far as 100 miles inland have experienced raining fish.

There is a direction relation between air pollution and the amount of rain that reaches the ground. The reason why pollution stops rain and snow is that the particles allow the cloud moisture to condense into much smaller droplets than usual.

Artificial rain clouds made with silver iodide were used to "wash away" toxic radioactive material following the Chernobyl disaster. This was done to protect cities around the disaster, especially Moscow.

The interior volume of Vehicle Assembly Building is so vast that it has its own weather, including rain clouds

It was suggested before the Space Age that there were rain-forests under the thick clouds of Venus

NASA can literally make rain clouds when testing their engines

They used to try to make it rain ('cloud seeding') by shooting giant cannons into the air, known as the 'Steiger Vortex rain making gun':

Snow isn't rain freezing before it hits the ground, but instead is made out of tiny crystals forming within a cloud. They collide and, when heavy enough, they fall

Facebook's first data center ran into problems of a distinctly ironic nature when a literal cloud formed in the IT room and started to rain on servers

During Operation Popeye, the US seeded rain clouds over Vietnam and extended their monsoon by a month. Such tactics have since been banned by the Geneva Convention.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Rain Clouds. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Rain Clouds so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor