Low Frequency facts
While investigating facts about Low Frequency Sound and Low Frequency Hearing Loss, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Sharks love heavy metal because the low-frequency vibrations are similar to the sounds made by struggling fish
how low frequency can you hear?
The human ear can't tell where low frequencies come from, so that is why subwoofers can be hidden in home theaters or in trunks of cars.
What's low frequency?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what low frequency wave. Here are 50 of the best facts about Low Frequency Tinnitus and Low Frequency Noise I managed to collect.
what's low frequency sound?
Supposedly haunted locations share a similar low-frequency sound that can cause fear and panic in humans
The iconic THX sound that plays before trailers isn't actually very loud, it just feels loud because it contains a spectrum of frequencies that go from low to high.
Infrasound - a low-frequency sound (19Hz and below) that cannot be heard, but literally unsettles human beings. Some horror movie music composers use this sound to make audiences feel dread just before disturbing or scary images appears on the screen.
The low frequency of a cat's purr causes vibrations inside their body that eases breathing, heal injuries, builds muscle, while acting as a form of pain relief. Cat owners are at 40 percent lower risk of a heart attack after interacting with cats and hearing their soft purrs.
Vic Tandy and the “fear frequency.” Tandy and his coworkers at the Warwick Laboratory, experienced "ghost" sightings with feelings of fear and depression. He discovered that a new extractor fan was emitting soundwaves at low frequencies known as infrasound, which causing the disturbance.
Tigers cannot purr. To show friendliness they use chuffing. A soft, low-frequency snorting similar to purring in smaller cats, is heard in more friendly situations. Other vocal communications include grunts, woofs, snarls, miaows, hisses and growls
Giraffes hum at night. According to audio recordings of giraffes taken at three European zoos, the long-legged animals sometimes produce "a low-frequency vocalization with a rich harmonic structure and of varying duration" at night.
Cat purring has the ability to aid in cat and human healing of broken bones, joint and tendon repair, and wound healing due to purring at a low frequency between 25 and 140 Hz.
Cats embed a high-frequency "cry" within their naturally low-pitched purr in order to exploit their owners
Porpoises produce low frequency sounds that are used for communication.
Low Frequency data charts
For your convenience take a look at Low Frequency figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why low frequency sound travels further?
You can easily fact check why low frequency hearing loss in meniere's disease by examining the linked well-known sources.
Low frequency sounds we subconsciously perceive induce fear, anxiety, and odd sensations that we attribute to the supernatural. It is adaptive because these sounds are often linked to impending natural disasters/danger.
The Bloop is an ultra-low-frequency and extremely powerful underwater sound, probably produced by icequakes in large icebergs, or large icebergs scraping the ocean floor. - source
Green lacewings produce song of ultra-low frequency by vibrating their abdomens. Song is an important part of courtship during the spring and summer.
Tim Storms, the man with the lowest voice in the world; his voice is so low that he cannot himself hear the lowest frequency sounds that his vocal cords can produce.
Elephants can communicate with each other using a sound frequency too low for the human ear to perceive. This infrasonic communication is used to coordinate pack behaviour and can be heard by other elephants up to 5km away. - source
When the wavelength is long the frequency is low?
T-Rex couldn't roar like most people think. Instead, it did something called closed-mouth vocalization, where it made these low-frequency booming sounds that could travel for miles.
How low frequency for subwoofer?
Sand in the Sahara makes ultra low frequency humming noises when stepped in, moved, or compressed similar in sound to a wet towel wiping across a window. It's so low in frequency that you need special microphones to hear it.
Infrasound can cause phenomena that people typically associate with ghosts. The sound waves may vibrate the human eye, causing people to see things that are not there. Usually, these waves have frequencies of less than 20 Hz, so they are too low-pitched for people to actually perceive.
Giraffes do communicate, but the frequency is so low people cannot hear it.
Sei whales produce low-frequency, growl-like calls for communication.
Exposing astronauts to sound frequencies similar to those of a cat's purr could prevent bone loss caused by low gravity