Racial Slur facts
While investigating facts about Racial Slur, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The NY Yankees beat up a drunk bowling team because they were hurling racial slurs at Sammy Davis Jr. as he played the Copacabana
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Actor Mark Wahlberg had a cocaine addiction at the age of 13. He was also charged with attempted murder at 16 after bashing a Vietnamese man over the head with a stick and shouting racial slurs at him.
Laws that enforced racial segregation were known as what?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what did king advocate as a response to racial segregation. Here are 33 of the best facts about Racial Slur I managed to collect.
what racial segregation means?
A Queen's University Professor was "'banned’" from his own class and pushed to an early retirement when he used racial slurs while "he was quoting from books and articles on racism," after complaints were lodged by a TA in Gender Studies and from other students.
Mark Wahlberg was a violent racist bully in the 80's. He purposely yelled racial slurs and threw rocks at black people. He also beat a vietnamese man in public.
The Economist received a letter from Boston protesting their usage of "niggardly," an adjective meaning stingy or miserly, because it sounded like the racial slur. The magazine, based in Britain, responded with, "Why do we get such letters only from America?"
NBA Hall of Famer Charles Barkley once tried to spit at a fan shouting racial slurs during a game, but his spit accidentally hit the little girl next to him instead. Barkley became friends with the girl and her family and gave them tickets to later games.
The world’s best selling mystery novel, And Then There Were None, sold over 100 million copies. It was first published in 1939 under a different title, which included a racial slur.
The word "Gypped" meaning "to cheat, swindle", is a racial slur deriving from the word "Gypsy"
The name "Marijuana" was a racial slur given to the drug to deter white people from using it in the early 1900's
James Baldwin also attended DeWitt Clinton High School in the Bronx. He disliked school because of persistent racial slurs but worked on the school magazine as an editor.
Baseball spectators often yelled racial slurs at Jackie Robinson.
In 2004 after speaking at a campus forum concerning recent racially insensitive incidents, Visiting Assistant Professor Kerri Dunn reported her car had been vandalized and painted with offensive and racist slurs. Subsequent investigation revealed that she herself had vandalized her car.
Racial Slur data charts
For your convenience take a look at Racial Slur figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about racial slur?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Jackie Robinson's first year in the Major Leagues was not an easy one. IT was common for baseball fans to call racial slurs at him.
The racial slur "gator bait" refers to a practice where babies of black slaves were used as bait to catch alligators - source
4 african-american men tortured and murdered an inter-racial couple and wrote racist slurs on their walls. Investigators refused to call it racially motivated. - source
A legitimate word, "Niggard," that originated before and has no relevance to the current racial slur, meaning "a stingy or ungenerous person."
There is a site called "The Racial Slur Database" dedicated to documenting racial slurs. - source
When did racial segregation in schools end?
In 1986, Mark Wahlberg and his friends chased 3 black kids while yelling racial slurs at them and throwing rocks at them. 2 years later, he brutally assaulted 2 Vietnamese men, calling them racial slurs. He only served 45 days in prison.
George Takei played in Twilight Zone episode as the son of a WW2 Japanese - American traitor at Pearl Harbor. The episode was aired once and pulled for racial slurs and negative portrayal of Japanese - Americans, as they received mistreatment and prejudice after the attacks
the Origin of these Racial Slurs
25% of black Americans earning less than $25,000 a year say they have been called a racial slur. Among those earning more than $75,000, the number is 65%.
Sambo" is a racial slur in some countries.
The Nazi's had their own swing band that would parody jazz songs, substituting racial slurs and lyrics about destroying the Allies.