Hip Hip facts
While investigating facts about Hip Hip Hooray and Hip Hip Hurray, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Washington DC police ran a fake hip-hop studio to attract criminals and record proof of their illicit deals. "Manic Enterprises" made 70 arrests, snagged $7.2 million in cocaine, and confiscated 161 illegal weapons. Cops shut it down after they heard a gang planned on robbing the studio.
how hip hop started?
German Shepherds are prone to getting hip displasia as a result of breeding for specific cosmetic traits. This unethical breeding has turned a once robust breed into a frail breed disproportionately prone to musculoskeletal disorders, osteoarthritis, diarrhea, obesity, and behavioral problems.
What is hip hip hooray?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is hip in hip hop. Here are 50 of the best facts about Hip Hip Hop Song and Hip Hip Meaning I managed to collect.
what is hip hip hurray?
After years of inbreeding by kennel clubs, modern bulldogs' noses are so squashed they can barely breathe, their heads are so big they almost always have to be born via C-section. Their tails can become ingrown, they all have hip dysplasia, and their average life expectancy is 6 years.
When our ancestors started walking upright on two legs, our skeleton configuration changed affecting our pelvis and making our hips narrower, and that's why childbirth is more painful and longer for us than it is to other mammals.
Phil Collins is an honorary member of the Hip-Hop group, Bone Thugs-n-Harmony due to the international success of their single, “Home”, on which Collins is featured. Collin’s moniker for the group is “Chrome Bone”.
About Adrian Carton de Wiart, a British soldier. He fought in 3 wars and was shot in the head, face, stomach, ankle, leg, hip, and ear, survived 2 plane crashes, escaped a POW camp and tore off his own fingers when a doctor refused to amputate them. He lived to be 83.
After watching an episode of House M.D., a doctor from Germany learned of a patient's previously unknown hip replacement and correctly diagnosed them with cobalt poisoning, saving their life.
Researchers played nonstop loops of Led Zeppelin, A Tribe Called Quest and Mozart to cheese wheels to find out how sound waves impacted flavor. Cheese wheels that were exposed to hip hop music had the strongest flavor.
While exploring the newly discovered Yellowstone, Truman Everts got separated from the group. His horse then ran away with supplies, he fell on his campfire, fell hip deep into a geyser, and was finally found crawling months later with frostbite weighing a mere 55 lbs.
King Tut had a club foot, feminine hips, an overbite. He had Kohler’s disease. DNA determine that Pharaoh's parents were undoubtedly brother and sister.
Scientists say caesarian births are "affecting human evolution" because women with narrow hips are spreading this genetic predisposition to their daughters
Looting of DJ equipment during a 1977 power outage in New York played a large role in the success of Hip Hop
Hip Hip data charts
For your convenience take a look at Hip Hip figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about hip hip?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 1979, Elvita Adams jumped from the 86th floor of the Empire State Building in an attempted suicide, only to be blown back onto the 85th floor by a gust of wind. Her only injury was a broken hip.
Women care more about a man's shoulder to hip ratio than they do about penis size. - source
King Tut's parents were probably brother and sister, and as a result he had a clubbed foot, wide hips, potbelly, female-like breasts, required a cane, and was prone to malarial infections - source
In 1957 Elvis asked his audience at a Seattle concert to please rise for the national anthem. He picked up his guitar, leaned in, shook his hips and began his biggest hit "You ain't nothin' but a hound dog." The crowd went wild. A 15-year old Jimmy Hendrix was there.
After Tupac was cremated, his ashes were mixed with marijuana and smoked by members of his hip-hop group, Outlawz. - source
When hip hop was hip hop?
Swedish peace group erected a sign to keep the Russian submarines out of their border - it displays an animated sailor in underwear thrusting his hips with a morse code that broadcasts: "This way if you are gay."
How hip hop was created?
Hip-hop mastermind Immortal Technique established an orphanage in Afghanistan in 2008 funded by the profits from his album "The 3rd World"
The 1977 New York City blackout resulted in numerous looters stealing DJ equipment from electronics stores, resulting in the hip hop genre, barely known outside the Bronx at the time, which grew at an astounding rate from 1977 onward.
People from slavic countries such as Poland, Bulgaria, and Ukraine have genetically shallower hip sockets. Colloquially known as "Dalmatian hip" among hip surgeons, this hip structure helps facilitate a deeper squat. The "slav squat" may have a biomechanical basis.
After Tupac died, his remains were cremated, mixed with weed and smoked by the members of his hip-hop band - Outlawz.
During the 1977 New York blackout, a number of looters stole DJ equipment from electronics stores and as a result, the hip hop genre, barely known outside of the Bronx at the time, grew at an astounding rate from 1977 onward.
Hip hip infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Hip Hip numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

50 Cent's Beef Durations over the years with Hip-Hop Artists