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Question Answer facts

While investigating facts about Question Answer Game and Question Answer Jokes, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1970, psychologist Timothy Leary was sentenced to 20 years in prison. On arrival, he was given a psychological evaluation (that he had designed himself) and answered the questions in a way that made him seem like a low risk. He was assigned to a lower-security prison from which he escaped.

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A boy dying of an incurable illness wanted to meet Luke Skywalker (in character). His mental state devolved to the point where he did not realise Luke was fictional. Mark Hamill agreed to dress up in character and meet the boy. He spent hours answering questions.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the answer to the ultimate question of life the universe and everything. Here are 50 of the best facts about Question Answer Gk and Question Answer Of A Letter To God I managed to collect.

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  1. As production of Toy Story wrapped up in 1994, Pixar writer Andrew Stanton asked his coworker's during a brainstorming session, "What if mankind had to leave Earth and somebody forgot to turn off the last robot?" 14 years later he answered his own question with the movie WALL-E in 2008.

  2. One day Isaac Newton was asked by his colleagues why planets' orbits are elliptical. He couldn't answer so he went home and started thinking about it. A while later he invented differential and integral calculus, which he then used to answer the question.

  3. Princeton students did vastly better on a series of "trick" math questions when the questions were printed in a small font and a washed-out gray print. The difficulty of reading the questions slowed them down enough to make them think carefully about the answers.

  4. A dead pope once got put on trial in the year 897. They dug up Pope Formosus, propped his corpse up on a throne and they actually asked the fucker questions and a Deacon answered on behalf of him. And they found him guilty of perjury.

  5. Serial killer Rodney Alcala acted as his own attorney in his trial. For five hours he interrogated himself on the witness stand, asking questions addressed to "Mr. Alcala" in a deep voice and answering them in his normal voice.

  6. 20th President James A. Garfield was ambidextrous and was versed in both Greek and Latin. He would sometimes entertain his friends by having them ask him questions and then writing the answers simultaneously in Latin in Greek using both hands.

  7. Joyce Brothers became famous in the 1950's for becoming the first woman to win the game show The $64,000 Question, despite the fact that the show's producers did not want her to win and deliberately gave her questions perceived to be beyond her ability, which she answered correctly anyway

  8. Norm Macdonald was at the last question on Do you want to be a millionare for charity. After he answered the last question, which was right, Regis Philbin kept saying "are you sure" so many times that Norm passed. This ended with 500.000 going to charity instead of 1.000.000.

  9. offers a $25,000 scholarship to the qualified applicant who can best answer the question, "How do you strive to make others happy?"

  10. According to Cunningham's Law the best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, it's to post the wrong answer.

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Question Answer data charts

For your convenience take a look at Question Answer figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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I wanted to show that attempting questions you dont know the answers to in an MCQ test isn't a bad idea at all, even if negative marking is applicable. This may help those who are

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Top + Bottom Tags on Stack Overflow for Questions w/ Accepted Answers

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You can easily fact check why bpo interview question answer by examining the linked well-known sources.

Miami Vice star Don Johnson once asked Hunter S. Thompson to answer old Zen philosophical question: 'What is the sound of one hand clapping?' Hunter S. Thompson answered by reaching up and slapping Johnson upside his head.

President James Garfield was ambidextrous and fluent in both Latin and Greek, so he would entertain his friends by having them ask him questions and then he would write the answer in Latin with one hand while simultaneously writing the answer in Greek with the other. - source

When 1978 TV series "Holocaust" aired in West Germany in 1979, a panel of historians would answer questions live afterwards. They ended up receiving thousands of calls from Germans saying this was the first time they heard about the Holocaust. "Holocaust" later became German 'word of the year'. - source

An Australian research institute ran a four-month study "to answer the age old question, 'Where have all the bloody teaspoons gone?'". Results: 80% of the teaspoons in the study disappeared, with the half life of the teaspoons calculated at 81 days

Alice Cooper has said he was inspired to write the song "School's Out" when answering the question, "What's the greatest three minutes of your life?" "If we can catch that three minutes in a song, it's going to be so big." - source

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Joyce Brothers, the first person to win the eponymous grand prize on "The $64 000 Question" in 1955, was not actually supposed to win. The producers deliberately gave her difficult questions believed to be beyond her abilities as a woman, but Joyce answered them anyways.

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Wilt Chamberlain once challenged Muhammad Ali to a boxing match. Wilt was a foot taller,60 pounds heavier, and had a 92 inch reach. During a joint press conference, Ali answered every question with “Timberrrrr!” After breaking to meet with his lawyers, Wilt returned and called the fight off.

Cunningham’s Law which states, “The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, but to post the wrong answer.”

Wilt Chamberlain once challenged Muhammad Ali to a boxing match. Wilt was a foot taller and 60 pounds heavier with a huge reach. During a joint press conference, Ali answered every question with "Timberrrrr!" After breaking to meet with his lawyers, Wilt returned and called the fight off.

Serial killer Rodney Alcala represented himself in court, questioning himself in a deep voice, and answering himself in a normal voice for five hours.

Canadians who win a sweepstakes have to answer a math question to claim the winnings to keep it from being considered gambling or a game of chance.

Question answer infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Question Answer numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

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Answer to an interesting question durring this week's game for thrones.

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My way of answering my friends questions on a topic.. Creating an infographic.

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The simple act of a surgical team stopping to answer a set of 19 questions such as “Do we have the right patient?” and “What operation are we performing?” has been proven to reduce deaths by more than 40% and complications by one third.

The first person to win the game show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" used none of his lifelines until the million dollar question. He used phone-a-friend to call his dad and tell him that he was about to win and then answered the question correctly without help.

Canadians, by law, have to answer skill-testing questions if they are drawn as winner for a sweepstakes.

Microsoft used the question "Why are manhole covers round?" to assess how an interviewee would tackle a question with more than one correct answer.

Yea and Nay don't mean exactly the same as Yes and No. They were for questions posed in the positive whereas yes and no were for questions in the negative. So answering "yes" to "don't you like it?" always meant you did like it. This removes ambiguity.

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In the 1700s, ornamental "garden hermits" were men hired to live on the estates of the wealthy. Dressed as druids and living in small structures, hermits would sometimes answer guests' questions or give advice. Alternatively, they would remain silent, serving as a perpetual play or live diorama.

A Disneyland employee working as Winnie the Pooh went to court for slapping a child. After recess, the man returned in costume, jigged, and answered questions on the stand in full character. The jury acquitted him after seeing the costume's short arms disallowed slapping someone at child height.

A toy doll called My Friend Cayla became infamous for asking its owners personal questions, saving the answers and being hackable at the same time.

The first person to win $1M on the US version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire used only one of his lifelines—he phoned his dad on the final question to let him know he knew the answer.

On the Newlywed Game a contestant answered "in the ass" to a question about the strangest place they ever had sex. For years host Bob Eubanks denied it occurred, even offering a $10,000 reward for proof

If you call Auburn University at (334 844 4244), they will try to answer any question that you could ever ask.

The first broadcast presidential debate in the US was the Republican candidates' debate in 1948. There was only one question, and each candidate had 20 minutes to answer it, then 8 1/2 minutes each to rebut the other's.

There is a human library where you can "check out" people who represent different groups that will discuss their values and answer any questions

In Ancient Sparta boys were punished for not answering questions Briefly and Wittily enough

Headlines that end with a question mark can be answered no: Betteridge's Law. Any headline with a question mark is usually a BS story.

In the 1800s, Thanksgiving was basically Halloween. Poor people would knock on doors to ak "anything for Thanksgiving?" and rich kids went out dressed in rags to mock them, up until the Great Depression when the question was always answered with NO.

The "Euthanasia Machine" invented by Philip Nitschke, which asks the patient a series of questions, and automatically administers a lethal injection if the correct answers are made.

Canadian residents must answer a math question to claim a prize if they win a contest or sweepstakes

Cunningham's Law, which states "The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, it's to post the wrong answer." It is now used to describe how Wikipedia works.

There was a pilot filmed for a show called Idiot Quest, where you won points by giving the wrong answer to general-knowledge questions - but the contestants were hooked up to lie detectors to make sure they really didn't know the answer. It never aired.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Question Answer. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Question Answer so important!

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