Google Search facts
While investigating facts about Google Search Console and Google Search By Image, I found out little known, but curios details like:
On the day of his death, "Heath Ledger" was understandably the number 1 search on Google. Number 2 was "Keith Ledger".
how google search engine works?
In 1999 Google brought in 16 students to test out their search engine. Upon reaching the site, they sat still for 45 seconds...just staring. Worried, Google finally asked what was wrong. All 16 responded the same: they were waiting for the rest of the page to load.
What google search engine?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's google search console. Here are 50 of the best facts about Google Search Engine and Google Search History I managed to collect.
what google searches are interactive?
Google wants to stop people using the term "Google" as a verb meaning to search something up with an internet search engine. They believe that due to brand recognition, Google will become a generic term, and hence cost them the legal right to a trademark.
Google Images was created in response to Jennifer Lopez wearing a Versace dress to the Grammy's in 2000, which subsequently resulted in Google's "most popular search query" they had seen to date: Jennifer Lopez's green dress.
The "I'm Feeling Lucky" feature in Google search actually cost Google $110 million a year as 1% of all searches use this feature and bypass all advertising.
Bing used Google to populate Bing search results.
14-year-old kidnap victim Shawn Hornbeck, while being held captive, Googled himself and found the website his parents set up for his search. He left an anonymous message there -- "How long are you planning to look for your son?" -- but no one knew he had been the author until after his rescue.
Google hires programmers through their own search engine
Google made the term "Hiybbprqag" to prove that Bing was copying search results after becoming suspicious thus, tripping up Microsoft.
Jennifer Lopez wearing a green Versace dress during the 42nd Annual Grammy Awards subsequently led to the creation of Google's image search.
Workers at Google believed the site was under a DDoS attack due to the extreme volume of people searching about Michael Jackson on the day of his death.
A man faked his death, lived next door without his kids knowing, fled to Panama with his wife on a fake passport, tried to build a hotel using his insurance money, after a visa policy change he returned home and pretended not to remember anything; his ruse was revealed by a Google search
Google Search data charts
For your convenience take a look at Google Search figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why google search results look different?
You can easily fact check why google search changed by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 2003, a website called Scroogle was created by Google critic Daniel Brandt, to allow users to search Google anonymously. It stayed active until 2012, where it was shut down by Brandt due to a combination of throttling of search requests by Google and a DDoS attack.
Companies such as Google, Lego and Xerox regularly work to avoid the risk of their trademarked names becoming genericized, because if those terms become fully generalized terms for 'internet search', 'interconnecting plastic block' or 'photocopy', then they could lose those trademarks. - source
A single Google search requires more computing power than it took to send Neil Armstrong and eleven other astronauts to the moon - source
That, on average, one Google search consumes the same amount of electricity as powering a 60 watt light bulb for 17 seconds.
The most searched term on Bing is "google" for 28 straight months - source
When was the first google search?
16-20% of google searches each day have never been searched before
How google search works?
The Green Versace dress that JLo wore on Feb 2000 for the 42nd Grammy Awards, drew massive attention and at the time and was the most popular search query Google had ever seen. But they we had no surefire way of getting users exactly what they wanted thus, Google image search was born.
In the U.S., Google searches for "why is my poop green" peak between 5 and 6 AM , while "how to roll a joint" peaks between 1 and 2 AM.
When Michael Jackson died, Google believed all the searches for his name were a DDoS attack, and blocked such searches for 30 minutes. Twitter and Wikipedia also crashed, with the Los Angeles Times suffering an outage also.
As the news broke that Michael Jackson died, Twitter, Wikipedia and AOL Instant Messenger temporarily crashed. Google initially believed that the millions of search requests meant their search engine was under DDoS attack, and blocked searches related to Michael Jackson for 30 minutes.
Google caught Bing copying Google's search results in 2011.
Google search infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Google Search numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Google searches for Rebecca Black peak on Fridays, but this trend has been diminishing since 2014.