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Punched Face facts

While investigating facts about Punched Face Cat and Punched Face Persian Cat, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Liam Neeson was training to be a Teacher until he punched a 15 year old student in the face for pulling out a knife

how does it feel to get punched in the face?

Actor Ron Perlman smokes 4 cigars a day, mostly to calm himself. He says: “Some people meditate, I smoke cigars. It’s the best way for me to find myself. Smoking a cigar stops my hands from shaking. Smoking a cigar prevents me from punching people in the face when they get on my nerves."

What does it feel like to get punched in the face?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering i got punched in the face what should i do. Here are 50 of the best facts about Punched Face Stone and Punched Face Kitten I managed to collect.

what happens when you get punched in the face?

  1. Michael Caine saw an Afrikaans foreman punch a black labourer in the face while filming Zulu (1964). He swore to never film in South Africa again while Apartheid existed; he kept his word.

  2. After Mick Jagger rang up bandmate Charlie Watts during the night and asked "Where's my drummer?" Watts got out of bed, shaved, dressed in a suit, put on a tie and freshly shined shoes, then went to Jagger's room and punched him in the face.

  3. In 1960 a terrorist armed with a bomb tried to hijack Trans Australia flight 408. The co-pilot punched him in the face and ripped the wires off the bomb saving 49 lives.

  4. Buzz Aldrin once punched a conspiracy theorist in the face after he was accused of faking the moon landing

  5. At a 'The Who' concert in 1969, a man rushed the stage and tried to take the microphone. Roger Daltrey punched him in the face, and Pete Townshend kicked him in the crotch. The man was actually a plain-clothes policeman trying to warn of a large fire next door. Townshend was later arrested

  6. When the Pope addressed the European Parliament in 1988, the future Northern Irish first minister Rev. Ian Paisley interrupted by shouting "I denounce you as the Antichrist". German MEP Otto von Habsburg, son of the last Austro-Hungarian emperor, responded by punching him in the face.

  7. The Married Life sequence from Pixar's "Up" was originally going to depict Carl and Ellie in a lifelong "punching contest" with one another that started when they were young. Ellie was also going to punch Carl in the face on her death bed.

  8. In 1960 a Russian man with a bomb tried to hijack Trans Australia Flight 408. The co-pilot punched him in the face and ripped the wires off the bomb saving everyone on board.

  9. Famous paparazzo Ron Galella was once punched in the face so hard by Marlon Brando that his jaw broke and he lost five teeth. The next time he took Brando's picture, he wore a football helmet.

punched face facts
What to do if you get punched in the face?

Why do i feel like i got punched in the face?

You can easily fact check why does getting punched in the face hurt by examining the linked well-known sources.

Buzz Aldrin punched a moon conspiracy theorist in the face.

There is no English equivalent to the German word "Backpfeifengesicht", which essentially means "a face begging to be punched". - source

David Bowie's permanently dilated pupil was the result of a punch to the face in a fight over a girl. Despite their altercation, he and George Underwood stayed friends and Underwood went on to do the artwork for Bowie's early albums. - source

A 54-yo man was riding a train in Essex when 6 women emerged from a toilet and attacked him, punching and kicking him out onto a platform where he fell on another woman who accused him of trying to steal her bag and punched him in the face. There was no explanation for the attack.

Keith Richards once snuck into Chuck Berry's dressing room, and started playing his guitar when he saw it sitting there. When Berry came in and saw Richards playing his guitar, he proceeded to punch him in the face. - source

What happens when you get punched in the face?

Dave Mustaine of Megadeth chose to pursue a career in heavy metal as revenge against his brother-in-law who punched him in the face for listening to Judas Priest's album "Sad Wings of Destiny."

How to draw someone getting punched in the face?

In 1960 a terrorist armed with a bomb tried to hijack Trans Australia Flight 408. The co-pilot punched him in the face and ripped the wires from the bomb saving all 49 passengers.

The real St. Nicholas is most famous for punching another bishop in the face at the Council of Nicea.

Buzz Aldrin, when loudly confronted by a moon landing conspiracy theorist and called "a coward, and a liar, and a thief" - punched him in the face.

Marlon Brando once punched a paparazzi so hard in the face it broke his jaw and he ended up losing five teeth... the paparazzi ended up wearing a football helment when taking pictures from that point onward

After being recognized from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Alfonso Ribeiro was punched in the face by a fan. When Alfonso asked him why he did it, he replied, "I got so excited, I didn't know what else to do."

What to do when you get punched in the face?

During the filming of Air Force One, Harrison Ford insisted on being punched in the face to add to the physicality of the scenes. Scenes would have to be delayed to wait for the swelling to subside.

The structure of the male human face evolved to minimise damage taken from human punches

Martin Shkreli tried to auction off the chance to punch him in the face.

Buzz Aldrin punched a conspiracy theorist, Bart Sibrel, in the face for doubting he was on the Moon

How much does it hurt to get punched in the face?

Jeremy Clarkson was sued for racial discrimination for calling an assistant and a "lazy Irish cunt" and punching him in the face requiring hospitalization.

Buzz Aldrin (second man to walk on the moon) once punched a heckler in the face for calling him a liar and a coward. Said person believed that Buzz had lied about landing on the moon and it was all a hoax for him to get rich.

Pantera, to get a cover for their album "Vulgar Display of Power", which features a man getting punched, had a model be punched 30 times in the face. He was paid $10 per punch.

At age 32 Mike Tyson served 9 months in prison after punching a 62 year old man in the face without warning after he was involved in a minor 3 car accident Tyson's wife was involved in.

A punch in the face from a childhood friend gave David Bowie his different coloured eyes. Bowie later said he had been done a favour.

In 1922 an Iron Cross decorated Jewish German war hero punched Hitler in the face

"cuteness inspired aggression" i.e. "that baby is so cute I want to punch it in the face" is a thing.

The human face may have evolved to "take a punch."

Bart Sibrel a Man Who Claims the Moon Landings Were Hoaxes Was Punched In the Face By Buzz Aldrin

A young Mike Tyson once caught his local garbage man putting the body of his deceased pigeon Julius into a garbage compactor. Tyson proceeded to rush out into the street and punch him in the face, leaving the man "convulsing on the ground like an infantile retard".

Former Canadian Prime Minister Joe Clark was punched in the face by a stranger who called him by name while walking in Montreal. Clark had declined RCMP protection, available to all former prime ministers, after he left politics

At an award show in 2004, Jeremy Clarkson got into an altercation with Piers Morgan that resulted in Clarkson punching him in the face, leaving a scar above his left eyebrow.

A Canadian survived a face-to-face encounter with a polar bear by punching it square in the nose.

A US Army private supposedly killed herself by punching herself in the face, breaking her nose, dousing herself with an acid solution after mutilating her genital area. She poured a combustible liquid on herself and set it afire. She then shot herself in the head.

Manny Pacquiao avoided punching in the last three minutes of a fight, because he did not want to "kill" Margarito, who had a swollen face and near permanent damage to his right eye. Margarito was oblivious to the pain of a broken facial bone, and fought on like a drugged zombie

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Punched Face. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Punched Face so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor