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Suicide Bomber facts

While investigating facts about Suicide Bomber Sri Lanka and Suicide Bomber Kaaba, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A suicide bomber planning on detonating in Moscow at New Year's Eve, used her phone as the trigger. When her mobile phone company sent her a spam message, the bomb detonated, killing only herself.

how suicide bombers are trained?

Capt. Harith al-Sudani. He was an Iraqi spy who infiltrated IS. He foiled 30 planned vehicle-bomb attacks & 18 suicide bombers. Once his true identity was discovered he paid the ultimate price in the line of duty.

What do the suicide bombers say in modern warfare?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happens to a suicide bomber body. Here are 50 of the best facts about Suicide Bomber Tunisia and Suicide Bomber Easter I managed to collect.

who was the suicide bomber at manchester?

  1. A suicide bomber was foiled when he forgot to set adjust his clock for daylight savings time and the device went off early in his car

  2. The detonation of a suicide vest will often peel the face off the bomber and launch it, intact, away from the blast. This can be very helpful in identifying the bomber.

  3. The first suicide bomber in history was an Indian Queen who set herself on fire and ran into an ammunition's storehouse to kill the British in 1780.

  4. A suicide bomber was blown up prematurely when a spam text wishing her a happy New Year detonated the bomb.

  5. A Russian suicide bomber received an unexpected text message from her wireless carrier which triggered her belt bomb and killed her instantly.

  6. Aitzaz Hasan, a 15 year old Pakistani school boy, who sacrificed his life while preventing a suicide bomber from entering his school of 2,000 students.

  7. A 14yo Syrian boy who ran away from home to join ISIS soon became disillusioned after seeing the conduct of the other fighters. To escape the group, he volunteered to act as a suicide bomber, but instead of activated the explosives he turned himself in to Iraqi authorities.

  8. In winter 2010,terrorists tried to wander in Moscow wearing suicide belts with cellphones wired to their belts. When someone texts, the bomb detonates. An hour before the attack was supposed to be carried, one of the bombers received an automated text thus killing her and failing the plan.

  9. Today is Aitzaz Hasan day: a day to tribute a 15 year old boy died stopping suicide bomber from entering his school, last year.

  10. Aitzaz Hasan, 15 yr old boy, died when he bravely confronted a suicide bomber walking towards his school which resulted in early detonation of the bomb. His action saved the lives of hundreds of students.

suicide bomber facts
What are the suicide bombers saying in modern warfare?

Why suicide bombers should buy life insurance?

You can easily fact check why were kamikaze pilots called suicide bombers by examining the linked well-known sources.

14-year-old Aitazaz Hassan Bangash, who sacrificed his life after tackling a suicide bomber who was determined to kill students gathered for their morning assembly at their school. During the scuffle, the bomber dressed in a school uniform, panicked and set off the bomb, killing them both.

In 2014 a British sniper in Afghanistan killed six insurgents with a single bullet after hitting the trigger switch of a suicide bomber whose device then exploded. - source

Chinese police use crossbow to stop suicide bombers without detonating their vests - source

Najih Al-Baldawi, an Iraqi man who sacrificed himself by hugging a suicide bomber as they detonated inside a shrine, reducing the force of the blast and saving dozens of people.

Three stray dogs saved nearly 50 soldier's lives in Afghanistan in 2010 after they fought off a suicide bomber. Two of the dogs survived and were taken to the U.S. to be reunited with the soldiers after $21,000 was raised on Facebook. - source

What to do when someone attempts suicide?

Under a secret, Navy-funded project, WWII scientists actually tried to turn sharks into living remote-controlled suicide bombers.

How to identify a suicide bomber?

A dog that chased away a suicide bomber in Afghanistan and saved the lives of 50 US soldiers was accidently euthanized in a dog shelter in Arizona.

One of the London suicide bombers went back to the casher in a restaurant because he didn't get enough change, just one hour before he blew himself up in the subway

In 2000, the destroyer USS The Sullivans was the target of a failed terror plot in the Port of Aden; the bombers' suicide boat was so overloaded with explosives that it sank. The culprits were able to salvage the explosives, and 9 months later, used them to attack the USS Cole in the same port.

A Pakistani school boy Aitzaz Hasan sacrificed his life while preventing a suicide bomber from entering his school of 2,000 students

Aitazaz Hassan, a 14-year-old who sacrificed himself to stop a suicide bomber from entering his school.

When your child attempts suicide?

A suicide bombers plan to blow herself up on New Year’s Eve was thwarted by a spam “Happy New Year” text message from her cell phone provider which prematurely detonated her explosive in her safe house.

A man built a restaurant in Northern Iraq called MaDonal's after McDonald's turned denied his request. The restaurant serves items such as "Big Macks," and serves free food to U.S. forces, and thus has been threatened by suicide bombers, turning the man into a local celebrity.

A would-be suicide bomb attack in Moscow was averted because a spam text detonated the bomb and killed only the bomber before she reached the targeted location.

Before the Sochi Olympics Russia took saliva samples from Muslim women so authorities could identify the body parts if any become suicide bombers.

An Israeli soldier survived after being hugged from a suicide bomber. After he regained consciousness his back was on fire, which he put out by lying on the pieces of the bomber's dismembered body.

How to spot a suicide bomber?

Daallo Airlines Flight 159 suffered a failed suicide bombing attempt, where the only fatality was the bomber, whose body fell from the plane.

In 2007 a Glasgow cabbie kicked a would-be suicide bomber in balls hard enough to injure his foot, while the bomber was on fire.

In 2011, Afghan president Hamid Karzai pardoned dozens of child would-be suicide bombers, and in February 2012 many of the pardoned children were re-arrested attempting to commit suicide bombings in Kandahar Province

Moustapha Akkad, who financed the first 8 Halloween films, was killed by a suicide bomber in Jordan

In 2010 a suicide bomber attacked Stockholm. The only fatality of the attack was the bomber himself

In the 1950s, Project Headgear was a secret NAVY program that attempted to turn sharks into suicide bombers. It ultimately failed because they could not find a way to successfully encourage sharks to swim in the proper direction

"Operation Kratos", a tactic for neutralizing suspected suicide bombers in which police (without identification) will execute a suspect via multiple close-range shots to the head. Even though this policy killed an innocent student in 2005, similar tactics are still in force across the globe.

Tyler Ziegel, a US Marine, who survived a suicide bomber attack in 2004, to only die by "falling on ice" in 2012 at age 30.

In 2008, Al Qaeda in Iraq used two mentally disabled women as unaware suicide bombers.

About Aitzaz Hassan, a 15-year-old, Pakistani school boy, who in 2014, when he saw a suicide bomber at the gates to his school, decided to confront the man, while his friends ran inside, detonating the bomb, and saving upwards of 2000 children. This is what genuine altruism looks like...

In "Team America: World Police," Michael Moore is portrayed as a fat, socialist suicide bomber because Matt Stone and Trey Parker were angered by a cartoon he put in his film "Bowling for Columbine."

Aitzaz Hasan, a 15 years old Pakistani school boy sacrificed his life while preventing a suicide bomber from entering his school of 2000 students.

How in 2007, a baggage handler at Glasgow Airport stopped a would-be suicide bomber with one well-aimed kick. "It's fair to say he won't have to pay for many more drinks for the rest of his life"

Aitazaz Hassan, hugged a suicide bomber to save countless others lives whilst sacrificing his own.

A teenager in Pakistan stopped a suicide bombing at his school by tackling the bomber at the front gate. He sacrificed himself to save his schoolmates.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Suicide Bomber. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Suicide Bomber so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor