Property Taxes facts
While investigating facts about Property Taxes By State and Property Taxes California, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Los Angeles’s private golf courses effectively receive a public subsidy of $89.8 million in taxes” paying only $200,00 in property taxes without granting the public access to the land. LA ranks bottom of the list in terms of public parks against all major metropolitan cities in America.
how property taxes work?
President Grant in 1875 called for taxing Church property equally and wrote that its tax exempt status was "an evil that, if permitted to continue, will probably lead to great trouble in our land".
What property taxes are deductible in 2018?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what property taxes do i pay. Here are 50 of the best facts about Property Taxes Florida and Property Taxes Nyc I managed to collect.
what property taxes are deductible?
Jon Bon Jovi avoided property taxes by raising bees so that he could classify his mansion as a farm.
The United States of America placed 120,000 Japanese-Americans in internment camps. Their property was confiscated before they entered the camps. It was never returned. Tax records were destroyed which meant camp attendees could not claim compensation for property loss.
In the early 1990s Willie Nelson had nearly all of his property confiscated and sold by the IRS, for payment of back taxes and fines. His famous guitar, named Trigger, was only saved from sale because his daughter smuggled it out of his Texas home and took it to Hawaii.
In 2015, a woman who lived in a house that straddled the NY/CT border lost half of her house because her mortgage provider did not pay the property taxes.
Indian Casinos came about because a Native American couple, Russell and Helen Bryan, living on a reservation fought property tax all the way up to the Supreme Court therefore establishing precedent that the US government cannot regulate Indian affairs on reservations.
After having their houses renovated on the TV show "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition", many families have gone into foreclosure due to huge increases in property taxes, and cost of utility bills.
In 2015, Ireland's GDP had a massive 26% spike. All because Apple moved it's intellectual property assets into Ireland for tax purposes.
The English monarch, William III was so broke he levied a tax on properties with too many windows to increase his revenue. This caused property owners to brick up any excess windows to avoid paying the tax. This is the origin of the term "Daylight Robbery"
Public school districts receive the majority of their funding from property taxes, not from federal funding, which explains why schools from well of neighborhoods are well funded while schools in poor neighborhoods lack resources and funding.
In 1909, the citizens of Ulysses, Kansas, moved their whole city (including buildings) to evade exorbitant property taxes.
Property Taxes data charts
For your convenience take a look at Property Taxes figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why property taxes so high?
You can easily fact check why property taxes so high in nj by examining the linked well-known sources.
In Illinois, newspapers are required under state law to publish the names of local residents who do not pay their property taxes on time
Thomas Paine proposed a "Citizen's Dividend" upon the principle that the natural world is the common property of all persons so all citizens receive regular payments (dividends) from revenue raised by leasing or taxing the monopoly of valuable land and other natural resources... - source
When the government bought the property at a tax sale in 1864 they paid $26,800 for it. At today's prices that would be about $400,000.
Federal income tax is not the only tax Americans have to pay. There are also social security tax, sales tax, property tax, alcohol tax, tobacco tax, gambling tax, and excise tax.
In order to avoid paying high property taxes, the residents of Ulysses, Kansas moved their town into a new area two and a half miles away. The courthouse, post office, a hotel, and every other building were moved to the new location in 1909. - source
When property taxes due?
The IRS requires you to report bribes and illegal earnings, and to mark stolen property at their fair market value when filling out your taxes.
How property taxes are calculated?
Your state government keeps track of any "unclaimed property" in your name- this could be tax refunds, reimbursement checks, old savings account money or proceeds from an inheritance. Most states have an online process where you can see if you have any unclaimed property!
A Texas man was arrested for attempting to pay a $600 property bill with $1 notes folded so tightly it reportedly "required tax office personnel approximately six minutes to unfold each bill".
In 1978 California passed Prop 13 which declared property tax levels permanently at 1975 values, and could only increase each year at a max of 2% inflation. Property values could only be reassessed upon ownership change, in essence, allowing owners to always pay at 1975 valuations, even today.
The Vatican is no longer exempt from all property taxes in Italy.
Many of our national heroes like Paul Revere, John Adams, and Sam adams were part of an organization that led often violent riots and destroyed private property, including the stamp tax riots, the attempted lynching of Deborah Franklin, and the Boston tea party