Preventable Diseases facts
While investigating facts about Preventable Diseases On The Rise and Preventable Diseases In The Us, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Every Mexican child is granted a “National Vaccination Card” where their vaccination history has to be registered. A complete record is mandatory for being enrolled in school With 14 preventable diseases included, México has one of the most complete vaccination schemes in the world.
how many vaccine preventable diseases are there?
James Harrison has donated blood every week for the last 60 years. His blood contains a rare antibody that prevents pregnant women from developing Rhesus Disease. With his donations, he has saved over 2 million lives.
What are vaccine preventable diseases?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are preventable diseases. Here are 50 of the best facts about Preventable Diseases With Vaccines and Preventable Diseases In Australia I managed to collect.
what is the best method of prevention for the transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases?
A Green Bay Packers fan regularly donated blood in order to afford tickets to games. He later found out that he had a potentially deadly blood disease that was only preventable through blood donation. He had without knowing it been saving his life the entire time.
Steve Crohn was one of the first studied cases of HIV immunity. His Immunity was due to a mutation in the CCR5 delta-5 receptor of CD4-t*cells, this prevented the virus from "entering" the immune cell. He committed suicide at the age of 66 after most of his friends died from the disease.
Farmers feed large magnets to cows to prevent "Hardware Disease". Cow Magnets sit in their "stomach" for the lifetime of the cow and prevent accidentally eaten pieces of metal from lodging in the stomach folds causing illness.
Farmers put magnets into the stomach of cows so that they attract metal parts the cow accidentally ate to prevent them from becoming lodged in the animal's tissue(which is know as hardware disease)
The doctor who discovered that hand washing prevented the spread of disease was committed to an asylum, where he died after being beaten by the guards.
An experiment in a hospital where the sign at a hand-washing station was changed from “Hand hygiene prevents you from catching diseases” to “Hand hygiene prevents patients from catching diseases” resulting in a 45% increase in the use of soap or hand sanitizer.
Claims that red wine can help prevent heart disease are inconclusive at best, and at worst may lead people to drink more alcohol in pursuit of the health "benefits".
The doctor who discovered that hand washing prevented the spread of disease was thrown in a mental institution for his crazy ideas.
Malaria was such a concern for American soldiers during World War II, the military created extended malaria programs to monitor and prevent the disease in Atlanta. It eventually changed its name and became known as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or The CDC.
The influenza virus that killed 50–100 million people worldwide in 1918 was genetically reconstructed from tissue samples in 2005. The virus is currently held at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia
Preventable Diseases data charts
For your convenience take a look at Preventable Diseases figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are preventable diseases becoming more common?
You can easily fact check telling stories of vaccine-preventable diseases why it works by examining the linked well-known sources.
Keeping your teeth and gums healthy helps to prevent heart disease, strokes, and dementia.
Farmers feed their cows large magnets that settle in their stomachs to prevent "Hardware Disease", since cows often eat nails, staples, and pieces of wire when grazing. - source
The reason seals, whales, and other diving mammals can hold their breath for so much longer than non-diving mammals is because they have a special type of myoglobin (oxygen-biding protein) that is positively-charged, preventing disease-causing clumping (like tau in Alzheimer’s). - source
Eugene Smith was attacked in order to prevent him from publicizing the effects of contaminated water in Japan. Two months after the attack, he published one photograph; it drew international attention to Minamata disease.
Cinnamaldehyde is a substance isolated from the bark of cinnamon tree that prevents clotting of the blood. It can prevent stroke and arterial diseases.
When prevailing winds blow from onshore to offshore?
Leaves of beetroot were used for binding of wounds in the ancient Greece. Beetroot was popular "mouth freshener" in the past. It was used to eliminate the smell of garlic. Latest medical experiments showed that beetroot lowers blood pressure and increases endurance in athletes. It also prevents development of liver diseases which result from protein deficiency, diabetes or alcohol abuse.
How many diseases are preventable by vaccines?
People appreciate corn snakes because they keep the number of rodents under control. Corn snakes prevent spreading of diseases and damaging of crops that are usually associated with large populations of rodents.
Most pediatricians work to prevent illnesses and diseases whenever possible. They encourage regular check-ups to identify any issues, and support healthy choices.
Cardiovascular disease is 80% preventable through diet and exercise
Buckwheat is ideal type of food for people diagnosed with celiac disease (people that cannot tolerate wheat gluten). Buckwheat contains phytonutrients that are useful in lowering elevated blood cholesterol level and high blood pressure. Flavonoids isolated from the buckwheat have anti-inflammatory (prevent inflammation) and anti-cancerogenic (prevent development of certain types of cancer) properties.
The concept of pediatric medicine in a way that viewed children as vastly different patients than adults was not entirely unheard of in Czerny's day, but it was his groundbreaking work in nutrition, physiology, and disease prevention that gave him this acclaim.