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Poor Eyesight facts

While investigating facts about Poor Eyesight Symptoms and Poor Eyesight Pwd, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In WWII, John T. "Mike" Wolf joined the navy to become a pilot. Even though he had poor eyesight, he passed his physical when the doctor got distracted and forgot to give him the eye exam. Lt. Wolf went on to become a highly decorated fighter pilot ace, shooting down 7 Japanese planes.

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Harry S. Truman, 33rd President of the United States, passed the eye exam needed to enter the National Guard by memorizing the eye chart due to his poor eyesight

What poor eyesight means?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what causes poor eyesight. Here are 46 of the best facts about Poor Eyesight Causes and Poor Eyesight In Low Light I managed to collect.

what poor eyesight looks like?

  1. In 1950, almost no cases of near-sightedness were found among Eskimo children. But after the advent of compulsory education, eyesight got worse. In 1979, poor eye vision was relatively high among Greenland Eskimos at all ages

  2. About Larry Walters, who dreamed of flying since he was a child. He was going to join the air force but his poor eyesight disqualified him. On July 2, 1982 he built a homemade airship out of a patio chair and 45 helium balloons and flew for nearly an hour, reaching an altitude of 16,000 feet.

  3. In 1982, a man named Larry Walters attached 45 helium-filled balloons to a lawn chair and took flight to a height of 16,000 feet. He did so because he was denied entry in the US Air Force due to poor eyesight.

  4. After President Harry S. Truman was rejected from West Point due to his poor eyesight (20/50 in the right eye and a legally-blind 20/400 in the left) he was able to pass the test and join the Missouri National Guard by memorizing the eye chart.

  5. In 1963 Bruce Lee was rejected from the United States Army with a "4F" classification due to an undescended testicle, poor eyesight, and a sinus disorder.

  6. Javan rhinoceros has poor eyesight, but excellent sense of hearing and smell.

  7. Bottlenose dolphin has poor sense of smell, but excellent eyesight and well-developed sense of taste.

  8. Mole has poor eyesight, but it is not blind. It uses keen sense of smell to detect the prey.

  9. Wyoming toad has poor eyesight. It cannot detect motionless insects (it is able to identify only insects that fly or walk on the ground).

  10. They have poor eyesight, but excellent sense of smell. They can detect smell 40 times better than humans. Anteaters use their nose to find food.

poor eyesight facts
What is considered poor eyesight?

Why is poor eyesight so common?

You can easily fact check why do rhinos have poor eyesight by examining the linked well-known sources.

Beavers have poor eyesight, but excellent sense of smell and hearing.

Since eels have poor eyesight, they generate low-level electric charge (up to 10 volts) that helps them see their surrounding and locate a prey.

Warthog has poor eyesight, but excellent senses of smell and hearing.

Rhinos have poor eyesight, but they have excellent sense of smell and hearing.

Unlike other cephalopods, nautilus has poor eyesight. Eyes are able to distinguish light from dark. Luckily, their sense of smell is well developed and used for finding of food.

Poor eyesight when tired?

Sperm whales have small eyes and their eyesight is poor. However, even blind whales are able to find food thanks to echolocation. This technique consists of producing clicks and listening of the returning sounds (after bouncing off the objects in front of them). By using echolocation sperm whales can detect prey without using their eyes.

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Naked mole rats have small eyes and poor eyesight, but they have excellent sense of smell, hearing and touch.

African buffalo has poor eyesight and sense of hearing, but their sense of smell is excellent.

They have poor eyesight and use well developed sense of smell to find their prey.

Nyala has long ears and excellent sense of hearing. Eyesight is poor, despite large eyes.

Opossums are nocturnal animals (they hunt at night). They have poor eyesight and sense of hearing, so they need to rely on their sense of smell during the hunt. Luckily, their sense of smell is excellent.

Poor eyesight when waking up?

Shrew has poor eyesight, but excellent sense of smell and hearing. Last two senses help shrew to locate its prey and avoid predators. Shrews are also very smart animals. Their brain weighs 10% of the total body weight.

Asparagus was used as laxative and in treatment of toothache and poor eyesight in the past. It contains substances that can alleviate symptoms of the migraine, PMS and hangover.

Kiwi has poor eyesight. It can see six feet in front of itself during the night and only two feet during the day.

Sheep has field vision of around 300 degrees (it can see behind its head), but it has poor depth perception. Sheep compensates its poor eyesight with excellent sense of hearing.

Hedgehog has poor eyesight, but excellent senses of hearing and smell which facilitate detection of food.

How to apply eyeliner with poor eyesight?

Pangolins have poor eyesight, but they have excellent sense of smell. They do not have external ear, but they hear well.

Rubber eels have small eyes covered with skin, which makes these animals practically blind. Scientific name of these group of amphibians is "Caecilian". Name originates from the Latin worm "ceacus" which means "blind" (due to their poor eyesight).

Ferret have poor eyesight, but excellent sense of smell and hearing.

Bilby has poor eyesight, but it has keen sense of hearing and smell which facilitate detection of food.

Wolverines have poor eyesight, but their senses of hearing and smell are excellent, which help them find the prey more easily.

Ronald Reagan, after being ordered to active duty in 1942, was classified as being limited to stateside duty due to poor eyesight. within two months, he was transferred to the Army Air Forces.

Opium poppy was used in treatment of asthma, poor eyesight and stomach disorders in the past.

Moose have poor eyesight, but they have excellent sense of smell and hearing.

Indian rhinoceros has poor eyesight, but excellent sense of hearing and smell. It detects partners for mating by following the strong scent typical for this species.

House fly has red compound eyes. Each eye contains 4000 lenses that enable visualization of different pictures at the same time. Despite huge number of lenses, house fly has poor eyesight.

Mudpuppy has poorly developed eyesight. It is able to detect prey by using well developed sense of smell.

Amazon river dolphins have small eyes and poor eyesight because they live in murky waters (with low visibility).

There is actually a correlation between intelligence and poor eyesight.

There are only about 25 albino alligators in the world, all in captivity. They have poor eyesight and lack the pigment melanin, so they appear white. One of them is Claude, who resides in the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco.

They have poor eyesight, but excellent sense of smell, which helps them find type of eucalyptus they like to eat.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Poor Eyesight. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Poor Eyesight so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor