Police Departments facts
While investigating facts about Police Departments Hiring and Police Departments Hiring Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In Stringtown, Oklahoma, population 400, 76 percent of the town's 2013 budget came from traffic tickets. After a state investigation into excessive speed trapping the town's police department was disbanded.
how police departments are funded?
As part of a program for improving community relations in the UK, The Avon and Somerset police department hired a race relations advisor to educate cops on race issues. He was later tased by officers after they mistook him for a wanted man.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what police departments test for steroids. Here are 50 of the best facts about Police Departments Near Me and Police Departments Hiring In Texas I managed to collect.
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In 2016 news anchor Anderson Cooper donated bullet proof vests to every K9 unit in the Virginia Police Department after finding out that a police dog was shot and killed during a shootout.
A police department in Michigan staged a fake wedding - with undercover cops acting as the bride and groom - and invited local drug dealers to attend. At the reception, they busted them all at once.
A man named Robert Wiggen, who spent 3 years in prison, started a website that posts mug shots taken from police department websites and makes them easily searchable on sites like Google and then charges money to have the images removed. His own mug shot is absent from the site.
Some police departments in the U.S. are starting to create Internet Purchase Exchange Locations so that Craigslist or similar transactions can be conducted in an area with video surveillance and police presence and keep participating parties safe.
People who turn in their drugs to the Gloucester Mass. Police Department and ask for help won’t be arrested, they’ll be rehabilitated.
In 1998 Sean Penn was taken hostage in a police department holding cell and dragged outside by gunpoint only to learn the whole thing was an elaborate prank by Woody Harrelson
Until recently, The Honolulu Police Department were able to legally have sex with prostitutes while being undercover.
The Tallahassee Police Department ( the tow where Florida State University is located) pressured a student, Rachel Hoffman, into being an informant for a drug sting in 2008. Rachel's TPD handlers lost track of her during the sting. Rachel's body was found two days later in Perry, FL.
After blogger Jeff Pataky wrote about the incompetence of the Phoenix police department, the Phoenix PD raided his home, seized his laptop, backups and cable modem, handcuffed and detained his female roommate for over three hours, and took his sons out of elementary school.
In 1984 the FBI declared the Key West Police Department a criminal enterprise, and several high-ranking officers were arrested for running a protection racket for cocaine smugglers.
Police Departments data charts
For your convenience take a look at Police Departments figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why police departments were created?
You can easily fact check why police and fire departments are not socialism by examining the linked well-known sources.
A 12-year-old Ethiopian girl was snatched by four men on her way home from school. A week later, three lions encountered the group and chased the men off. The lions stayed with the girl without harming her, before departing as police searching for her came near.
Since 1995, 7-Eleven has provided more than 6 million coupons to police departments across the country to "ticket" young people "caught in random acts of kindness" dubbed Operation Chill. - source
The film trucks used on the film "The Warriors" were “protected” by a real gang called The Mongrels for $500 a day. A member of the gang approached the film crew and said “we’d love to protect them for you.” A gang mediator from the police department told the crew to pay them. - source
Courts have ruled that it's legal for police departments to discriminate against smart people when hiring
That, until recently, the Houston, TX police department regularly used Whataburger order numbers to mark crime scenes. - source
When police departments are defunded?
A man got a job as the chief of police with falsified credentials which included a picture of a fake Los Angeles Police Department badge bearing the serial number 714, rightfully belonging to the fictional Sgt. Joe Friday of "Dragnet."
How police departments work?
That in addition Fire Department red and Police red and blue, some states reserve purple lights expressly for funeral procession escort vehicles.
Elvis Presley was an official captain of the Memphis Police Department and even had dashboard police lights for his cars. He was known for pulling people over and lecturing them on safety before giving them an autograph and letting them go.
Some Canadian police departments give out "positive tickets" to thank people for doing something good.
Miami Police Department uses fixed microphones throughout the city and a special software to automatically pick up any gun shots and triangulate their origin to a couple of meters accuracy. Allowing them to immediately dispatch Officers there.
In 2016 Alberto Lopez stole about $5,000 working for the Bank of America. A warrant for his arrest was issued so he moved and kept avoiding the police. He was eventually caught when he went to a job interview as a dispatcher with the... Police Department.