Background Check facts
While investigating facts about Background Check Free and Background Check Companies, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The super-rich can watch theatrically-released movies at home via a $35,000 streaming box for $500 each (if you own a 100+ inch screen and pass a background check first)
how background checks for employment?
George Zimmer, the owner and founder of The Men's Wearhouse, does not background check his employees. "I don't trust the U.S. justice system to get it right," says Zimmer, who is himself a recovering alcoholic; "I'd rather make my own decisions, and I believe in giving people a second chance."
What background checks do companies do?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what background checks does uber do. Here are 21 of the best facts about Background Check Near Me and Background Check For Employment I managed to collect.
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Second Chance Coffee Co. in Illinois conducts FBI background checks to make sure those seeking employment with the company have actually been to prison because the company only hires ex-inmates.
Roughly 30 percent of Americans have a criminal record — arrest or conviction — that would show up in background checks, according to the US Department of Justice. The National Employment Law Center says that one in four California adults has either an arrest or conviction record.
Potato guns may be classified as Title II weapons meaning their possession and manufacture are illegal without a federal background check and a $200 tax stamp
Business do background checks to prevent negligent hiring claims from being filed against them in the event a new employee injures or harms a customer or coworker who comes into contact with the employee through their work, and is also a reason why felons have a difficult time getting a job
There are 4 states that do not have access to the National Background Check database for Medical professionals. Delaware, Massachusetts, South Dakota, and Wyoming.
Disney World has been recognized as "the greatest attraction in the world for children and pedophiles" by a criminology expert. Several Disney employees were arrested for child molestation and it was only in 1998 that the company started requiring background checks for working at Disney World
In Seattle, it is illegal to run a criminal background check on prospective renters. The law was designed to combat the increasing number of former convicts who are unable to find housing, and to promote the idea that once you have served your time, you shouldn't continue to be punished.
Although employers can ask you about any prior arrests on a job app, the FCRA limits reporting of arrests on background checks to 7 years
Yankee White is an administrative nickname for an extensive background check given in the USA for Department of Defense employees working with the President and Vice President. The Yankee White clearance includes requirements for U.S. citizenship and unquestionable loyalty to the United States.
If you're unemployed and planning to seek employment in 60 days you can get a free background check, according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Background Check data charts
For your convenience take a look at Background Check figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why background check for employment?
You can easily fact check why background check job by examining the linked well-known sources.
Mexico only has one legal gun store in the entire country. It's on a military base and requires six months of background checks in order to be permitted to shop there.
The federally mandated criminal background check system 'NICS' has only denied 0.70% of all processed firearms transactions since 1998. - source
In 1999 NRA testified to Congress that they supported mandatory background checks for all firearms purchases. - source
Purchasing real estate in 1960's Grosse Pointe, MI required a background check and an assessment on the point system of how Americanized they are.
About McKamey Manor, a “haunted house” that requires you to have a physical, background check, a drug test and you have to sign a 40 page waiver before you can participate. - source
When background check for employment?
A woman was due for a promotion and found out through her employer performing a background check that she has a warrant for her arrest. It was for overdue library books her son had. She had been moving around alot to get out of an abusive relationship which was why she never got any notices
How background checks are done?
A Chicago journalist went to buy a gun to "show how easy it is to get one" and then failed the background check and couldn't buy one
The NYT's lead war reporter during the run-up to the Iraq war ('03) got almost all her information from a known forger, doing almost no background checks. Her stories were cited by Pres. Bush as proof we needed to go to war.
Hawaii offers their homeless people one-way tickets out of state. To qualify, participants must complete a background check, be mentally sound, and have what the bill calls “sufficient personal hygiene.” Hawaii is the fourth state/city to implement this program.