Playlist Songs facts
While investigating facts about Playlist Songs 2019 and Playlist Songs 2018, I found out little known, but curios details like:
James Gunn has a playlist of over 500 songs that he thinks Peter Quill's mother would have really liked and pulls from that list when he thinks a song would suit a scene. Disney has never rejected any of his songs.
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Spotify has a CPR playlist. All the songs on the playlist have a tempo of 100 to 120 bpm, which is the same tempo at which one should give chest compressions during CPR. Coincidently, two of the songs are: "Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen and "Stayin' Alive" by The Bee Gees.
What is the maximum songs on a spotify playlist?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what songs to add to my playlist. Here are 16 of the best facts about Playlist Songs 2020 and Playlist Songs Clean I managed to collect.
what songs should i add to my playlist?
The last time Mtv's schedule was only music videos with no other programming was the weeks after 9/11/2001 when they played a tight playlist of light and mournful songs.
Tupac Shakur's song 'Changes' is on the Vatican's music playlist
In a year, college format radio stations have an average playlist rotation upwards of 10,000 different songs, the highest of any format. Christian format stations, on the other hand, had the lowest average playlist rotation of only about 1000 songs.
In 2009 the Vatican used a Tupac song on their MySpace playlist because it, "share[s] the aim to reach the heart of good minded people."
The American Heart Association and NY Presbyterian Hospital both have separate Spotify playlists to perform Hands-Only CPR to, based on the 100-120 beats per minute requirement. One of their songs is "Another one bites the dust" by Queen.
A playlist of music was used at Guantanamo Bay to torture uncooperative detainees, including one instance in 2003 where a prisoner was subject to over 10 days of hearing nothing but the song "Bodies" by Drowning Pool.
Last year, musician Samir Mezrahi released ‘A a a a a Very Good Song’: 10 seconds of silence that, as it’s listed first alphabetically, will automatically be at the top of your iTunes playlist, purposefully giving you time to select a song you want to hear.
In February 2011, Virgin/EMI label executives asked European radio stations to remove David Guetta's Who's That Chick? from their playlists because they think Rihanna had too much songs on the chart.
The song "Can't stop me now" is not by Kanye West and has nothing to do with him. Might not be that interesting, but seriously in all the years I've listened to it through my playlist I keep thinking it's Kanye.
The song “Do It” by Corey Struggs (AKA Big Nibba) and Rick Ross. Both these men (Corey with cancer, Ross with a probable OD) are going through tough times right now so, even if you don’t like it, put it on your playlist and help them out, it’ll be really encouraging if it works.
Playlist Songs data charts
For your convenience take a look at Playlist Songs figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is spotify adding songs to my playlist?
You can easily fact check why is spotify playing songs not on my playlist by examining the linked well-known sources.
Spotify collects data on what songs people listen to in different cities globally. This data is accessible and you can get a playlist of the music that is most listened to in each city. Each playlist involves analysing approximately 20 billion listener/track relationships. - source
Spotify found users did not listen to the Discover Weekly playlist if all the songs were new to them, so Spotify adds songs already liked by the user to add credibility to the playlist. - source
Hey Ya, a song about a miserable couple in denial, appears on over 40% of wedding playlists
Playlist songs infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Playlist Songs numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Amount of songs from a given year in my music playlist