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Pg Rated facts

While investigating facts about Pixar G Rated Movies and Pg Rated Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The R-rated film Planes Trains and Automobiles would have been rated PG if not for the scene where Steve Martin says "fucking" 18 times in one minute. Despite the rating it is the only time in the movie where the word is used.

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Despite multiple uses of the word "fuck", the MPAA voted to override their guidelines and give The Martian a PG-13 rating

What does rated pg mean?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is rated pg. Here are 48 of the best facts about Pg Rated Movies On Netflix and Pg Rated Movie I managed to collect.

what pg rated means?

  1. The Temple of Doom led to the creation of the PG-13 rating; Spielberg wrote to the MPAA asking for a rating between PG and R

  2. The HP Lovecraft novella "At the Mountains of Madness" was planned to be adapted into a film directed by Guillermo del Toro, produced by James Cameron, but it has not been greenlit since 2011 due to Universal Studios wanting it to be a PG-13-rated film instead of R-rated.

  3. There is a PG rated horror movie about tomatoes that revolt against humans, and their only weakness is a song known as "Puberty Love"

  4. 2 versions of 'Mad Max: Fury Road' were made: a PG-13 version and an R-rated version. Test audiences preferred the R-rated version, so that's what was released.

  5. Steven Spielberg is responsible for the PG-13 rating. He suggested it after parents complained about the PG rating given to 'Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom'. Three months later, 'Red Dawn' became the first release rated PG-13

  6. The director of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre originally intended for the film to have a PG rating. Ultimately the film was given an R rating for what is implied to happen off-screen.

  7. The red-band trailer for Sausage Party accidentally played before a showing of Finding Dory; the theater forgot to switch out an adult-audience trailer roll for one meant for G and PG-rated films. Rogen later tweeted that the story "made his day."

  8. Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker was so violent for a PG-rated cartoon, which forced the studio to remove some scenes such as the stabbing of Batman, real death of Bonk and Joker,etc

  9. Following controversy over the violent nature of his two recent PG films, Gremlins(1984) and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom(1984), Steven Spielberg suggested that the MPAA revise their rating system to better advise potential viewers about content. Months later PG-13 was created.

  10. Gunner Palace, a documentary about US soldiers in Iraq, got a PG-13 rating by the MPAA despite over 40 uses of "fuck." The director appealed the original R-rating saying it showed what overseas army life was like and the importance for younger viewers to connect with and understand the soldiers.

pg rated facts
What is pg rated movies?

Why is shazam rated pg-13?

You can easily fact check why is yesterday rated pg 13 by examining the linked well-known sources.

Two professors conducted a study on the American ratings system for film (MPAA) and discovered there is a bias towards studio film vs. independent films. A studio film bordering between an R/PG 13 rating had a better chance of getting a PG-13 rating than an indie film with similar content.

Temple of Doom and Gremlins were the 2 films that prompted the MPAA to create the PG-13 rating, as they were to light to be rated R but too mature to be rated PG. Red Dawn was the first film to be rated PG-13 - source

The movie Chariots of Fire was slightly altered when it was released in the US. To avoid the G rating, which would affect box office sales, a scene in the movie was replaced with one in which the main characters encountered two war veterans who uttered 'shit', thus getting the PG rating. - source

That, contrary to popular belief, use of the word “fuck” does not automatically mean a movie must be rated R. The ratings board may still rate a movie PG-13 if a majority vote believes that the context in which the word was used is “inconspicuous.”

When they see us rated pg?

At first, "Transformers" earned an R rating from the MPAA for intense violence but producer Steven Spielberg stepped in to argue for a lower rating, and it got downgraded to PG-13.

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The movies Temple of Doom and Gremlins led Steven Spielberg to request the MPAA create a rating between PG and R. Consequently, the PG-13 rating was created.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) wants movies to have an automatic PG-13 or R rating if there is some sort of "tobacco incident" in the film.

The Street Fighter Movie received a G rating after being edited to bring down the original R rating. The studio added one curse word to bring it to a PG-13.

Steven Spielberg helped create the PG-13 rating as he felt his movies fell between the PG and R ratings of the times.

The creator of the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" hoped that the uncut version of the movie would receive a "PG" rating because of the lack of gore. Not only did the movie receive an "X" rating, but it was banned in many countries.

Interesting facts about pg rated

"The Martian" used the F word twice and still managed to keep a PG-13 MPAA rating.

It used to be OK to have bare boobies in films rated PG

On August 10, 1984 the movie Red Dawn was released and was the first movie to ever receive a PG-13 rating.

In August 2000, MGM released the 1982 film 'Swamp Thing' on DVD in the US under the 'PG' rating. The disc was accidentally released with the international version of the film containing an extended scene of female nudity, causing controversy.

Kangaroo Jack was original shot as a comedy for adults. After poor test screenings, it was re-edited as a kid's movie. Parents complained of the misleading commercials and inappropriate jokes for a movie rated PG.

Why is how to train your dragon rated pg?

The 2D version of "The Wizard of Oz" is rated G while the 3D version is rated PG

Any amount of drug use in a film earns at least a PG-13 rating, according to the MPAA (PDF warning)

The Oscar-winning film 'Chariots of Fire' originally earned a G rating by the MPAA . To avoid being thought of as a children's movie, the editors added a new scene for the US release that included obscenities and so earned a PG rating instead.

The first cut of Problem Child 2 (1991) received an R rating. It was eventually released in theaters with a PG-13 rating and an old Woody Woodpecker cartoon added to the beginning.

The 1984 film Red Dawn was the first to garner a PG-13 rating.

A scene of the shark attacking the helicopter pilot was cut from Jaws 2 in a bid to secure a PG rating for the film. A storyboard produced by the filmmakers demonstrated that the pilot survived and saved Marge who wasn't actually eaten, even though her death is implied in the film

In the early 1980s, complaints about violence and gore in films rated PG led to speculation that the rating system's scope "no longer matched a notion of childhood most parents could agree on". Steven Spielberg suggested a new intermediate rating and the PG-13 rating was introduced in July 1984.

Before July 1984, there was no PG-13 rating. Most violent movies & gore films were either PG or R. After “Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom” and “Gremlins,” Steven Spielberg pushed the MPAA for the new intermediate rating.

The trailer for "Hereditary" was accidentally shown to an audience of "at least 40 children" who were set to view the the PG rated film "Peter Rabbit" and caused "a small panic".

In the PG-13 rated action comedy Wild Wild West you can totally see Will Smith' black hairy nutsack

The PG-13 rating didn't exist until July 01, 1984

Director Tobe Hooper originally intended for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre to be a 'PG' movie, but the Ratings Board ultimately gave the film an 'R' rating due to the strong implications of what is happening "off-screen"

The classic movie "Jaws" has a PG rating. After initially being rated R by the MPAA, select scenes were cut down to obtain a lower rating to appeal to a wider audience

Steven Spielberg invented the PG-13 rating.

The writer/director of the original texas chainsaw massacre was hoping to get a pg rating

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Pg Rated. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Pg Rated so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor