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Petition Signatures facts

While investigating facts about Petition Signatures Needed and Petition Signatures Template, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A proposal and petition on the White House's website to build a Death Star that earned 30K signatures. It would have cost $850 quadrillion, and take 833,000 years. The White House said, "the Administration does not support blowing up planets"

how many signatures does a petition need?

A man from Pittsburgh started a petition to rename their airport after Mr. Rogers. The petition got over 4000 signatures.

What is the highest number of signatures on a government petition?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happens if a petition gets enough signatures. Here are 24 of the best facts about Petition Signatures Illinois and Petition Signatures Per Hour I managed to collect.

what happens when a petition gets enough signatures?

  1. Lucille Ball was questioned for being part of the Communist party. When asked about signing a petition to take the Criminal Syndicalism Act of the statutes off of the state of California she asked to see her own signature and was told it was destroyed.

  2. As a response to 700 scientists expressing support for God-guided evolution, a petition called "Project Steve" was created and reached 1370 signatures. Only scientists named some variation of Steve were allowed to sign it. Less than 1% of people in the world are named Steve.

  3. Edward O'Kelly, the man who shot and killed Robert Ford (who had killed Jesse James by shooting him in the back), was released due in part to a petition favoring his release getting 7,000 signatures, he later was killed while trying to shoot a police officer

  4. The "vocal minority" Pao claims wants her to step down, is actually a petition that already includes 80,000 signatures.

  5. The term 'round-robin', used in the context of a rotational system, originated from the practice of signing a petition in a circular manner, as a means of disguising who made the initial signature (the ringleader).

  6. Because of his "service to our country" in National Treasure, at least 3,526 people signed a petition to give Nicolas Cage the Declaration of Independence. However, the movement did not receive the 100,000 signatures required for a White House response.

  7. The British Parliament considers all online petitions that get more than 100,000 signatures for a debate.

  8. In Nov 2012 a petition to build an actual Death Star was made to the US government and got enough signatures required for the White House to respond

  9. A petition to build a death star with 30,000 signatures was sent to the White house. Gov had to issue a response

  10. Subway used to apply a chemical called Azodicarbonamide on its breads as a bread conditioner to whiten the dough and allow sandwich bread to bake more quickly, until a petition drive spread which gathered over 50,000 signatures forcing it to make alterations

petition signatures facts
What is the highest number of signatures on a uk government petition?

Petition Signatures data charts

For your convenience take a look at Petition Signatures figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

petition signatures fact data chart about Visualisation of countries of signatures on the British peti
Visualisation of countries of signatures on the British petition site to revoke article 50 (excludes UK)

petition signatures fact data chart about Signature count by country for the UK Article 50 Revocation
Signature count by country for the UK Article 50 Revocation petition (log scale)

What is true about petition signatures?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Snapchat had an update to their app last month and the backlash from users has been so overwhelming that a petition was made.. demanding the app go back to the way it was. In less than a month, the petition already has over 1,250,000 signatures. Snapchat is now changing the app features back.

A petition once had almost 35,000 signatures which stated that the US government should build a Death Star for defense. The government responded. - source

5 years ago a petition 40k signatures strong to take Daniel Tosh off the air permenantly was sent to Comedy Central CEO - source

The Ellen Pao petition to request her removal as Reddit CEO on is only 7000 signatures away from goal.

What happens when a petition gets enough signatures?

A petition to build a death star was sent to the White house with almost 35,000 signatures. Gov had to respond.

How many signatures are needed for a petition?

There is a petition with about ~108,000 out of 150,000 signatures to have Netflix and MGM reboot the Stargate Universe Series

In 2014 a petition to the White House to deport Justin Bieber reached 100,000 signatures, forcing then-President Obama to respond.

A petition got 34,435 signatures to build an actual Death Star, full scale. The petition received an official white house response. The response stated in a light hearted matter that such a task could not be completed because the cost would total around $850,000,000,000,000,000.

After Zima was discontinued in 2008, an online petition was started to bring the drink back. The goal was 1,000,000 signatures, and the petition was closed with 848 signatures.

A We the People petition asking to pardon Edward Snowden gained enough signatures to require a response from the White House. However, the White House has never responded and gave no reason as to why.

Petition signatures infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Petition Signatures numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

petition signatures fact infographic about Revoke Article 50 Petition - EU Country Signatures Visualise

Revoke Article 50 Petition - EU Country Signatures Visualised

petition signatures fact infographic about A petition to close my high school due to COVID 19 got almos

A petition to close my high school due to COVID 19 got almost 100 signatures in one morning.

What happens when a petition gets enough signatures on

That, at almost 700k supporters, the Bring Back Jeremy Clarkson petition is the fastest growing petition on in history, beating these far more important issues by several hundred thousand signatures.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Petition Signatures. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Petition Signatures so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor