Pays Taxes facts
While investigating facts about Who Pays Taxes In The Us and Who Pays Taxes On A Gift, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In the 1800s, a cult leader gave 600 acres of land to God but the State of Pennsylvania took possession and sold it because the Almighty didn’t pay His taxes.
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If college students work while going to college their employers can count up to $5200 of their pay as tuition reimbursement and make that amount tax deductible for the student. Only a few percent of employers utilize this.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering who pays property taxes at closing in florida. Here are 50 of the best facts about Amazon Pays Taxes and Who Pays Taxes On Alimony I managed to collect.
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Los Angeles’s private golf courses effectively receive a public subsidy of $89.8 million in taxes” paying only $200,00 in property taxes without granting the public access to the land. LA ranks bottom of the list in terms of public parks against all major metropolitan cities in America.
In 1846, Henry David Thoreau refused to pay his taxes because he objected the Mexican-American War and slavery. He spent the night in jail for his actions. This popularized the concept of Civil Disobedience, peacefully protesting a law, which later influenced Gandhi, MLK, and Leo Tolstoy.
The town of Monowi in Nebraska is the smallest town in the USA with only one resident. Elsie Eiler (84), she is the mayor, clerk, librarian and bar owner. She pays taxes to herself, gives herself her own liquor licenses and votes for herself in municipal elections.
Penn Jillette (of Penn & Teller) was originally such a successful street performer that when he asked an accountant how to pay taxes on the money he earned, he was told that he'd be better off not paying any since he would most likely be accused of being a drug dealer.
The "town" of Monowi, Nebraska has a population of 1. Elsie Eiler, in her capacity as Mayor, grants herself a liquor license and pays taxes to herself.
The audience at Oprah's "You Get a Car" episode each had to pay $7,000 in taxes or forfeit the gift.
When 16 year old John Paul Getty III was kidnapped in 1973, his billionaire grandfather refused to pay $17 million ransom. After the kidnappers mailed Getty's ear to a newspaper, his grandfather only agreed to pay $2.2 million because that was the maximum amount that was tax deductible.
Pennsylvania still charges its citizens an 18% tax on alcohol to pay for damages of the 1936 Johnstown flood.
A prison in Oregon had its windows sandblasted after residents complained that prisoners had better ocean views than the tax paying citizens.
Tax payers in Minnesota were forced to pay over $500 million to build the Vikings' new stadium without even being able to vote on a referendum on whether or not they should even do so
Pays Taxes data charts
For your convenience take a look at Pays Taxes figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why amazon pays no federal taxes?
You can easily fact check why amazon pays no corporate taxes by examining the linked well-known sources.
Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin renounced his U.S. citizenship to avoid paying $700 million in taxes.
Illegal income, such as bribes, are considered taxable income. Authorities can use this to prosecute people with "legal immunity" (diplomats, UN workers, etc) as they are not immune to paying taxes. - source
Billionaire Mark Cuban wrote: "The most patriotic thing you can do: bust your ass and get rich. Make a boatload of money. Pay your taxes. Lots of taxes. Hire people. Train people. Pay people. Spend money on rent, equipment, services. Pay more taxes."
The $1,000,000 grand prize on America's Got Talent is paid over 40 years to equal $25,000 per year (pre-tax). If taxed at 15% it would be equal to a job paying $10.21/hour. - source
What happens when someone pays your property taxes?
Every tourist to the Kingdom of Bhutan must pay a daily fee of USD$250. This tax is to discourage large tour groups of "low-quality high impact tourists" that may damage Bhutan's fragile and unspoiled environment.
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California has a free, online, state-run program that will do your taxes for you, and I didn't know about it because the people I pay to file my taxes have fought to keep it hidden.
Monowi, a town in Nebraska, has a population of one person; the Mayor pays taxes to herself and acts as bartender and librarian
General Motors pays its CEO more than it pays in US taxes
Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin, a native of Brazil, renounced his US citizenship to avoid paying $700 million in taxes
There is a tax that called a TIF in Niagara Falls which is entirely voluntary to pay, tourists can ask to have it removed from their bills if they know about it. It pulls in roughly 15 Million a year from tourists with no regulation or tracking on where the money goes after being collected.
Pays taxes infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Pays Taxes numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.