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Parmesan Cheese facts

While investigating facts about Parmesan Cheese Crisps and Parmesan Cheese Sauce, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 2008, Italy spent $65,000,000 to bail out the Parmesan cheese industry

how parmesan cheese is made?

Italy’s Credem Bank takes parmesan cheese from local producers in exchange for cheap loans (charging 3-5% interest, depending on quality) & a fee ensuring the cheese matures properly (2yrs) in the bank vault (cheese is sold if the loan defaults). 430,000 parmesan wheels ($200M+) are stored there

Where is parmesan cheese at the store?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what parmesan cheese is vegetarian. Here are 40 of the best facts about Parmesan Cheese Substitute and Parmesan Cheese Tesco I managed to collect.

where is parmesan cheese at walmart?

  1. The word "parmesan" isn't regulated in the United States and is usually imitation cheese

  2. Italy spent $50,000,000 bailing out the Parmesan cheese industry.

  3. There is a bank in northen Italy that still accepts parmesan cheese as collatarel for loans, they have a inventory with over 17,000 tons of parmesan, valued over $200 million. Their vaults has been robbed 3 times. The name is Bank Credito Emiliano.

  4. Real parmigiano reggiano cheese is only made in a very small area of northern Italy and "parmesan cheese" is counterfiet. Also, Italy has a black market for cheese.

  5. During the Fire of London, MP Samuel Pepys buried his prized wheel of Parmesan cheese and some wine in his garden to save them from the fire.

  6. Parmesan cheese was invented in Italy, in the region around Parma. Other cheeses created in Italy include ricotta, provolone, mozzarella, and gorgonzola.

  7. A Bank in Italy accepts wheels of parmesan cheese as collatoral for loans

  8. Credito Emiliano, an Italian bank, accepts Parmesan cheese as collateral for loans and keeps row upon row of 85-pound wheels of cheese stacked 33 feet high in a climate-controlled warehouse.

  9. Much of the Parmesan cheese you buy in the store has a large amount of sawdust in it

parmesan cheese facts
What's parmesan cheese made from?

Why parmesan cheese not vegetarian?

You can easily fact check why parmesan cheese smells like vomit by examining the linked well-known sources.

A 6.0 magnitude earthquake hit Emilia Romagna in 2012, the parmesan cheese that was made and stored there was ruined as a result, and represents almost 10% of world production. It takes around 2 years for Parmesan cheese to be ready for sale.

Italy’s Credem Bank accepts parmesan cheese from local producers in exchange for bank loans. The offered loans are for up to 24 months, equal to the time it takes the parmesan to age. If the loan defaults, the cheese is sold at market price. 440,000 parmesan wheels (worth $250M) are stored there - source

Nearly all Parmesan cheeses in the U.S. are counterfeited - source

Parmesan cheese is often used as bank collateral in Italy

Parmesan cheese accounted for 10% of all goods stolen from shops in Italy according to a survey on shrinkage - source

How to tell when parmesan cheese is bad?

Vegetarian Parmesan cheese cannot exist because of PDO status.

How to make parmesan cheese?

Parmesan cheese is the most shoplifted item in Italy

Parmesan Cheese is broken into wedges, not cut

The FDA allows parmesan cheese to be 2-4% sawdust. Jewel Osco sells a brand at 8.8%.

Parmesan cheese is made by coagulating milk in copper tanks

All parmesan cheese made in the United States is actually counterfeit and the Italian government is working to stop the cheese’s black market.

How to know when parmesan cheese is bad?

How to break open a Parmesan cheese with Carlo Guffanti

A three cheese pizza blend is made with Mozzarella, Provolone and Parmesan.

It takes 131 gallons of milk to make 1 wheel of Parmesan cheese. 131 gallons! Really interesting video.

Kangaroos have 'green' farts. In addition to this kangaroo farts smell like vinegar and parmesan cheese.

Parmesan cheese contains high amounts of sawdust.

How to store parmesan cheese?

Dolley Madison, wife to US President James Madison, preferred oyster flavored ice cream at dinner parties held at the white house. Other popular ice cream flavors at the time included Parmesan cheese ice cream and asparagus ice cream.

Parmesan Cheese isn't vegetarian as it is made with Rennet.

Parmigiano Reggiano and Parmesan cheese are entirely different

Parmesan" Cheese Is Not Really "Parmesan" Unless It is Followed By Reggiano. Most of What is Labeled "Parmesan" Is Fake

Many chicken parmesan recipes call for the parmesan in the batter, not on top, and then the battered chicken to be cooked in oil. So you're eating a chicken breast covered in fried cheese. No wonder it's so damn good!

MSG doesn't cause headaches or allergic reactions of any kind because "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome" is racism-based bullshit. Parmesan and Roquefort cheese have more MSG than soy sauce, nobody has ever been diagnosed with "Italian" or "French Restaurant Syndrome".

There is a consortium for Parmesan cheese.

In 2008, Italy spent $45,000,000 to bail out the Parmesan cheese industry

There's a bank in Italy that accepts parmesan cheese as loan collateral.

Butyric acid, which is in milk, butter, parmesan cheese, and Hershey's chocolate. It's also what makes vomit smell like vomit.

A bank in Italy accepts wheels of parmesan cheese as collateral for loans

"100% Parmesan Cheese" often contains wood pulp

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Parmesan Cheese. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Parmesan Cheese so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor