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Opposite Sides facts

While investigating facts about Opposite Sides Are Congruent and Opposite Sides Are Parallel, I found out little known, but curios details like:

On the California side of the US-Mexico border, there's a town called Calexico, and on the opposite side there's a town called Mexicali.

how to prove opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent?

Men's and women's buttons and zippers are placed on opposite sides because, historically, men have always dressed themselves and are mostly right handed and women who wore ornate clothing had assistants to help them dress.

What do opposite sides of a dice add up to?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the opposite sides of a parallelogram. Here are 50 of the best facts about Opposite Sides Of A Parallelogram and Opposite Sides Of A Parallelogram Are Congruent I managed to collect.

what opposite sides that are parallel?

  1. Despite 82.9% opposition the Swedish government switched the entire country from left-hand side to right-hand side driving in ONE DAY in 1967

  2. Men's and women's clothes button on opposite sides due to historical tradition where men needed quick access to their weapon using their right hand, while wealthy women were dressed by servants with the button configuration being flipped for easier access by the servants

  3. In most men, the lower hanging testicle is usually on the opposite side to your dominant hand.

  4. Mirror image twins are perfect reflections of each other, are exactly right- and left-handed, have birthmarks exactly on opposite sides of their body and have hair whorls that swirl in opposite directions.

  5. Supreme Court Justice John Harlan and Supreme Court Justice Horace Lurton were in a Civil War gun battle on opposite sides and found out they tried to kill each other in that battle, during one of their dinners together.

  6. A man's dominant hand is the opposite side of his lower hanging testicle

  7. "Sinus Inversus", a rare condition where you are born with all your internal organs on the opposite side of your body. It is harmless by itself and people are often unaware that they have it.

  8. The gravity of a neutron star is so strong that parts of the opposite side can be seen from the front, as light is bent around it.

  9. John F. Kennedy's thick head of hair and perpetual tan weren't due to being fit and healthy. Just the opposite, they were side effects of one of the many drugs he took, and he was actually chronically ill.

  10. Contrary to popular belief, canes aren't meant to be used on the same side as your injury. While it seems logical to want to support the injured leg, you are actually meant to walk with the cane opposite your bad leg as to lean your weight away from the injury (rather than against) the bad leg.

opposite sides facts
What is the opposite and adjacent sides of a triangle?

Why are mens and womens buttons on opposite sides?

You can easily fact check why are buttons on opposite sides by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Pacific Ocean is so big it has its own antipodes (two points on exact opposite sides of the earth)

Possums and opossums are actually two completely different animals. They share the fact that they are marsupials, but no other relation, and they live on opposite sides of the planet. - source

The last 2 Afghan Jews lived on opposite sides of Kabul's synagogue, both claimed ownership of the space, refused to leave fearing the other would sell it. The two fought so much over the synagogue's Torah (bible) scroll that, after each called Taliban on the other, the Taliban confiscated it. - source

A battle, involving over 30,000 Roman troops and a larger Pontic opposition, resulted in a tie, after both sides withdrew from the field scared, as they witnessed a ‘silvery-hot’ meteor bombarding the middle ground between them.

Men and women's clothes are buttoned on opposite sides because in high society, men generally dressed themselves whereas women were dressed by servants. Reversing the buttons on women's clothes made the job faster and easier - source

Which of the following are necessary when proving that the opposite sides of a parallelogram?

"Steel Manning," the opposite of a straw man. It's a technique where you attempt to explain your opponent's position as sincerely and honestly as possible. The idea is that by building trust, your opponent will be more willing to listen to your side of the argument.

How to identify opposite and adjacent sides of a triangle?

Part of the Argentine province of Formosa is on the exact opposite side of the earth as Taiwan- which was once known as Formosa.

Founders of Adidas & Puma were rival siblings who built competing factories on opposite sides of a river. The family feud divided the town for decades. People checked shoes before talking. No dating/marrying across company lines. Some local businesses served only Adidas or only Puma people.

Wherever you are on earth, there is a greater than 95% chance that the point on the opposite side of the planet to you will be ocean.

About Agent Zigzag, a British spy during WW2 who endeared himself to the Nazi's and became a double agent, working for both sides and at one point having two fiancées at the same time, each in opposite war zones.

There's a bracelet with a white bead that carries water from Mt. Everest and on the opposite side, a black bead which contains mud from the Dead Sea (the highest and lowest points on Earth)

What is necessary when proving that the opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent?

The brain is split into two halves; each half controls the OPPOSITE side of the body.

Graves of a Catholic woman and her Protestant husband were placed on the opposite sides of a wall. The Graves are holding hands.

Pascal's theorem states that a hexagon inscribed in a circle, or conic, forms a line where the three points of opposite sides lie. The line is known as the Pascal line.

Snowberry produces rounded or oval leaves. They usually have entire edges or 1 to 2 lobes at the base. Leaves are dull green colored and oppositely arranged on the branches. Bottom side of young leaves is hairy.

African tulip tree has pinnate leaves composed of 7 to 17 elliptical leaflets. Bottom side of leaves is covered with hairs. Leaves are green colored and oppositely arranged on the branches.

How to determine the opposite and adjacent sides of a triangle?

There is no evidence that people are preferentially "Left brained" or "Right Brained." Though the brain is divided down the middle into two hemispheres, everything analytical isn't confined to one side of the brain, and everything to do with being creative the opposite.

Chaste tree has compound leaves that consist of 5 to 7 lance-shaped leaflets with toothed edges. Leaves are dark green colored on the upper surface, grayish-colored on the bottom side and oppositely arranged on the branches.

Chameleons have unique eyes, which can move separately from each other and achieve visual field of 180 degrees. This way chameleon can watch in two different directions at the same time and detect objects on the opposite sides. Eyes move rotationally and together provide visual field of 360 degrees.

During a new moon phase the moon seems to disappear but actually the Sun is shining on the opposite side of it.

Catnip has soft, hairy, triangular or ovate leaves with serrated edges and pointed tips. Leaves are oppositely arranged on the stem. They are pale green on the upper surface and whitish on the bottom side (due to short, white hairs).

There is "Old Zealand", opposite side of the globe from New Zealand.

During WWII, the Akune brothers fought on opposite sides of the war. Two of the brothers were living in the United States and joined the US Army, the other two were living in Japan and were drafted by the Japanese Navy.

Velvet tree develops large elliptic or ovate leaves that can reach 3.3 feet in length. They have prominent parallel veins that stretch from the base to the tip of each leaf. Leaves are dark green on the upper surface, and purple on the bottom side. They are oppositely arranged on the stem.

The Medieval Disputations. A debate game where the looser had to burn all their books. Christians and Jews who played would try to trick each other into heresies and get the opposite side's books burned. Later, Luther challenged the Pope to a game, but the game was never scheduled.

In 1995, the President of Kiribati moved the country onto the opposite side of the International Date Line, so that the country would be the first to enter the new millennium. (Neighboring South Pacific countries, competing for the same tourist dollars, accused Kiribati of cheating.)

Princess tree produces large, heart-shaped leaves covered with hairs on both sides. Leaves are light green colored and arranged in opposite pairs along the branches.

If while standing, you raise and slowly rotate your right foot in a clockwise circle, and then write the number 6 in the air with your right hand—your right foot will suddenly shift in the opposite direction. This is due to how your brain codes for movements on the same side of your body.

The first aerial dogfight was between two American mercenaries, fighting for opposite sides of the Mexican revolution

The first aerial dogfight took place between two American mercenaries who were friends fighting for opposite sides in the Mexican Revolution. With wingtips nearly touching, the pilots drew pistols... and deliberately missed.

Women’s clothing buttons etc. are on the opposite side due to olden day times of servants dressing the wealthy females.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Opposite Sides. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Opposite Sides so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor