Puma Adidas facts
While investigating facts about Puma Adidas Brothers and Puma Adidasi, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The rivalry between Adidas and Puma became so fierce that the German town of Herzogenaurach (where both companies had their HQs) became known as "the town of bent necks", as no local would start a conversation with another without first looking down to check which firm's shoes they were wearing
how do puma shoes fit compared to adidas?
The founders of Adidas and Puma are brothers, and were Nazis
What is the relationship between puma and adidas?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is better puma or adidas. Here are 50 of the best facts about Puma Adidas History and Puma Adidas Nazi I managed to collect.
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German brothers Adolph and Rudolph Dassler split up their father's shoe company in to Puma and Adidas in 1948. This happened after Adi leaked information to Americans saying that his captured brother was a member of the SS.
In Nazi Germany, the founders of Adidas and Puma (The Dassler brothers) secretly gave Jesse Owens a pair of track shoes that helped him win 4 gold medals for the Americans in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. This gift is said to have spared their factory from destruction from Allied forces.
Adidas was named after its founder Adolf "Adi" Dassler, who was also a member of the Nazi Party in Germany. His brother Rudolph founded the competing brand Puma.
The idea for a sneaker company came to Phil Knight while he was writing a paper in college. He hooked up with Onitsuka Tiger because he believed the Japanese-made shoes could compete with Puma and Adidas.
PUMA and ADIDAS are two rival companies owned by two german brothers in the same town in Bavaria , Germany
The Dassler brothers, Nazi shoe manufacturers who gave Jesse Owens his shoes for the 1936 Olympics. Because of this, American troops spared the Dassler factory, and sales boomed in the US. Their company later split into Adidas and Puma.
Adidas and Puma were founded by rival brothers. Rudolf Dassler went on to form Puma and Adi Dassler formed Adidas in Germany after the Second World War.
Puma Adidas data charts
For your convenience take a look at Puma Adidas figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
"adidas" and "Puma" have been competing since their foundation by two highly-competitive German brothers who argued about everything. - source
The founder of Adidas is the younger brother of the founder of Puma.
Puma was started by German brothers who were members of the Nazi Party; then one of the brothers, Adi Dassler, left to form Adidas. - source
When did adidas buy puma?
Adidas and Puma's headquarters are located on opposite sides of a river in the town of Herzogenaurach, where there is bitter brand loyalty concerning footwear.
How did puma and adidas start?
Adidas & Puma were founded by 2 brothers & continue to be headquartered in the same German town.
The creators of the companies Adidas and Puma were brothers and had started a family rivalry that separated their hometown into warring factions for 60 years
The founders of Adidas and Puma were brothers who split their shoe company after WWII, resulting in one of the largest retail rivalries in history.
Jesse Owens was sponsored by Nazi brothers, who founded both Adidas and Puma. Adolf Dassler drove from Bavaria to the 1936 Olympics and persuaded Owens to use them, the first sponsorship for an African American. Business boomed; selling 200,000 pairs of shoes a year World War II.
the companies Adidas & Puma were created by a pair of rival brothers.