Olympic Runner facts
While investigating facts about Olympic Runner Edwin Crossword and Olympic Runner Movie, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Japanese marathon runner Shizo Kanakuri lost consciousness while taking a break during the 1912 Olympic marathon in Stockholm. In 1967 the Swedes invited him to return and finish the race. His final time was 54 years, 8 months, 6 days, 5 hours, 32 minutes and 20.3 seconds.
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Alan Turing, WW2 codebreaker and father of modern computer science, was also a world-class distance runner of his time. He ran a 2:46 marathon in 1949 (2:36 won an olympic gold in 1948). His local running club discovered him when he overtook them repeatedly while out running alone for relaxation
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what it takes to be an olympic runner. Here are 50 of the best facts about Olympic Runner Game and Olympic Runner Edwin Crossword Clue I managed to collect.
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At the 1912 Olympics, a marathon runner quit and went home to Japan without telling officials and was considered a missing person in Sweden for 50 years. In 1966, he was invited to complete the marathon. His time: 54 years, 8 months, 6 days, 5 hours, 32 minutes and 20.379 seconds.
An Ethiopian Olympic runner couldn't find a comfortable pair of shoes, so he ran the 1960 Olympic Marathon in Rome barefoot, finished first, and set a new World Record.
Betty Robinson, an Olympic runner, was involved in a plane crash in 1931 and was wrongly pronounced dead upon first being discovered. She spend 7 months in a coma and it took her 2 years to learn to walk normally again. In 1936, she returned to the US olympic team and won gold in the relay.
During the 1904 summer Olympics marathon one runner hitched a ride, another was given rat poison and brandy as a stimulus, fourth place winner took a nap during the run, and two other runners were chased a mile by angry dogs
Betty Robinson, an Olympic runner, was involved in a plane crash in 1931 and was wrongly pronounced dead upon first being discovered. She spend 7 months in a coma and it took her 2 years to learn to walk normally again. In 1936, she returned to the US olympic team and won gold in the relay.
Dave Wottle, an American runner who won gold in the 800m race of the 1972 Olympics. He went from dead last to first in the final 200 meters, wearing a golf cap.
The 1904 Olympic marathon involved a runner who drove 11 miles to the finish line, a runner who was poisoned by his coaches, a runner who was chased by dogs for one mile, and a runner who ate a rotten apple, took a nap and still finished fourth.
At the 1912 Olympics, a marathon runner quit and went home to Japan without telling officials and was considered a missing person in Sweden for 50 years. In 1966, he was invited to complete the marathon. His time: 54 years, 8 months, 6 days, 5 hours, 32 minutes and 20.379 seconds.
Linford Christie was disqualified from competing in the 1996 olympics 100m final, due to having a 'false' start with a reaction time of 0.086s, while the rules state runners must have a reaction time of greater than 0.1s.
Félix Carbajal, a Cuban Olympic marathon runner in 1904, who ran in cut-off trousers, a long-sleeve shirt and a beret. He stopped to eat some apples, got stomach cramps, had a nap, then kept running, to place fourth. The winner, Thomas Hicks, used brandy and rat poison to assist his victory.
Olympic Runner data charts
For your convenience take a look at Olympic Runner figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why is olympic national park famous by examining the linked well-known sources.
At the first Olympic marathon, the stopwatch from the start of the race had to be carried by bicycle all the way to the finish line before the first runners arrived.
The 1904 Olympic Marathon included a runner who was poisoned by his trainers, a runner who was chased a mile off-course by dogs and a runner who ate rotten apples, had to lie down for a bit and still finished fourth. - source
At the 1960 Olympics in Rome, a barefoot Ethopian marathon runner won the marathon and broke the world record. - source
The 1904 Olympic Marathon’s 1st place runner was disqualified for hitching a ride in a car, 2nd place was carried over the finish line by his trainers while doping on rat poison and brandy, 3rd place took a nap after eating rotten apples, and 5th place got chased for a mile by wild dogs.
The Australian runner who shared the podium with two Americans at the 1968 Olympics was shunned by the Australian Olympic Committee for supporting their political protest - source
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Distance runner Emil Zátopek won three gold medals at the 1952 Summer Olympics in the 5000 and 10,000 meter, as well as his first marathon ever. In the latter, an opponent trying to exhaust him told him his pace was too slow, so Zátopek sped up en route to a new Olympic record.
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The Hoplitodromos which was an event in the ancient Olympic Games. It was like the Diaulos, which was basically a run around the stadium, except the runners all had on full helmets, shin armor, and were brandishing a bronze shield for a total encumbrance of at least 50 pounds.
Betty Robinson, a US Olympic runner who was believed to have died in a plane crash, but instead was in a coma. In a wheelchair for 6 months and unable to walk properly for 2 years. She then went on to win a Gold medal in the Relay Race.
A Japanese Olympic marathon runner finished a race with a final time of 54 years, 8 months, 6 days, 5 hours, 32 minutes, and 20.3 seconds after being listed as missing for half a century by Olympic officials in Stockholm, Sweden
Leonidas of Rhodes an ancient Olympic runner who is acclaimed as the greatest sprinter of all time. Leonidas's lifetime record of twelve Olympic crowns was unmatched in not only the ancient world, but all of time.
The disastrous 1904 Olympics Marathon. It was ran in 90° heat, in terrible sandy conditions, with only dirty well water to drink. Several runners inhaled so much dust they almost died, and one man was fed exclusively strichnine (super-caffeine) and brandy by his coach, losing eight pounds.