Oldest Living facts
While investigating facts about Oldest Living Person and Oldest Living Animal, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The world’s oldest known spider lived to be 43. Named Number 16, she died after being stung by a wasp.
how old is the oldest living person?
There are microorganisms living on the seafloor that reproduce only once every 10,000 years and have been alive for millions. These are likely the oldest living things on Earth.
What oldest living thing on earth?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the oldest living animal. Here are 50 of the best facts about Oldest Living Dog and Oldest Living Cat I managed to collect.
what's oldest living animal on earth?
That, due to him being unable to celebrate his bar mitzvah at the age of 13 due to World War I, Yisrael Kristal celebrated his bar mitzvah on his 113th birthday instead. Kristal was already the world's oldest living man and the world's oldest living Holocaust survivor during this time.
Yoda, the world's oldest mouse, was just over 4 years old, the equivalent of about 136 in human years, and lived in quiet seclusion with his cage mate, Princess Leia, in a pathogen-free rest home for geriatric mice.
Jake Perry has been the owner of two consecutive holders of the record for oldest domestic cat ever. Creme Puff lived to 38 years old, the equivalent of 165 human years. 1/3 of Perry's cats have lived past 30.
In 2016 the oldest living leap year baby celebrated her 25th birthday on her 100th year of life
The oldest living human-planted tree in the world with a known planting date is the sacred fig tree "Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi", planted in 288 BC.
The oldest living terrestrial animal, a 186-year old giant tortoise called Jonathan, has been mating with a female giant tortoise called Frederica since 1991...who, it turns out, was actually a male all along.
The oldest person ever to live made a deal with a 47 year old lawyer at age 90; he would pay her 2500 francs per month in return for her apartment when she died. He paid more than double the apartment's worth, and ended up dying two years before her.
Samuel Whittemore, the oldest known colonial combatant in the American Revolutionary War. At the age of 78, after killing two British soldiers, Samuel was shot in the face, bayoneted numerous times, and left for dead in a pool of blood. Samuel lived another 18 years.
The oldest cat to ever live was named Creme Puff and lived 38 years. Creme Puff's owner had a second cat named Granpa, who lived 34 years. Both cats were fed a diet of bacon and eggs, asparagus, broccoli, and coffee with heavy cream.
The oldest living animals are black corals over 4,000 years old, nearly as old as the pyramids of Egypt
Oldest Living data charts
For your convenience take a look at Oldest Living figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about oldest living?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
When scientists found harpoon tips from the 19th century in bowhead whales, they got curious about how old they were and discovered they are one of the oldest vertebrates in the world, living to be over 200 years old.
The world's oldest ever flamingo was badly beaten by four teenagers, survived, and lived another 5 years to the age of 83. - source
Jimmy Carter and George HW Bush are in a tight race to be the oldest living former President - both currently 93 - source
"The Mother Dough." The oldest in the USA can be found at the Boudin Bakery in San Francisco. Over 400 loaves of bread a day are made from a living yeast strain over 160 years old. The yeast/dough mixture doubles in size every day.
The oldest living organism is called Pando and is 80,000 years old, it looks like a forest but is actually one tree covering over 100 acres and...its dying. - source
When your older sister is jealous of you?
The oldest person to have ever lived met Vincent Van Gogh and called him "dirty, badly dressed and disagreeable" and "very ugly, ungracious, impolite, sick"
How old is the oldest living person in the world?
Christopher Lee holds world records for tallest actor in a leading role, most films with a sword fight by an actor, oldest video game voice actor, and formerly, most connected living actor, and most screen credits for a living actor.
In 2006 scientists accidentally killed the world's oldest living animal while trying to figure out its age
Snooty, the world's oldest captive manatee, has lived at the South Florida Aquarium almost all his life. On his birthday, a cake of fruit and vegetables is made for him while the visitors sing him Happy Birthday.
America’s oldest living WWII vet is 108. He smokes cigars, does yard work, drives and drinks whiskey. His name is Richard Overton.
87 year old Leo Thalassites is the oldest living policeman in America. He served in all 5 branches of the U.S military, received 3 purple hearts, competed in the Olympic games, and blames modern-day overweight cops who "are quick to pull a gun because they can’t use their fists."