World Oldest facts
While investigating facts about World's Oldest Person and World's Oldest Cat, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The oldest bar in the world is in Ireland. Archeological records have found that the walls of Sean’s Bar have been around, and serving, since 900 AD. Further, there are records of every owner of the pub back to its 10th century founding. It opened over 1100 years ago.
how old is the oldest person in the world?
The world's oldest continuously running business is a hot springs hotel in Japan that's run since 705 A.D.
What world's oldest game?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the oldest country in the world. Here are 50 of the best facts about World's Oldest Dog and World Oldest Language I managed to collect.
where can you dine at world's oldest restaurant?
The world's oldest man is celebrating his bar mitzvah at age 113. His first one, 100 years ago, was cancelled due to World War 1.
The oldest known individual tree in the world is 5,067 years old, yet there are no photos of the tree online, and its location is kept secret to protect it
The world’s oldest known spider lived to be 43. Named Number 16, she died after being stung by a wasp.
Vera Lynn, a British pop singer who entertained troops during World War II. In 2017, she released a new album to celebrate her 100th birthday, making her the oldest recording artist in the world and the first centenarian to have an album in the charts.
The British pound is the world's oldest currency still in use - it is 1200 years old.
Wisdom—the world’s oldest albatross who reunited with the man who first tagged her in 1956. Having spent 40 years apart, Chandler Robbins picked her up by chance among a colony of more than 250,000 nests and discovered she’d also become the oldest albatross to ever give birth to a chick.
That, due to him being unable to celebrate his bar mitzvah at the age of 13 due to World War I, Yisrael Kristal celebrated his bar mitzvah on his 113th birthday instead. Kristal was already the world's oldest living man and the world's oldest living Holocaust survivor during this time.
Yoda, the world's oldest mouse, was just over 4 years old, the equivalent of about 136 in human years, and lived in quiet seclusion with his cage mate, Princess Leia, in a pathogen-free rest home for geriatric mice.
Kirk Douglas, star of Stanley Kubrick's Paths of Glory (1957) and Spartacus (1960), will turn 100 years old on December 9th. He has starred in 91 films, won a Lifetime Achievement Oscar in 1996, and has survived a helicopter crash and a stroke. He is also the world's oldest celebrity blogger.
The world's oldest beer advertisement was on a Mesopotamian Stone Tablet dated approximately 4000 BC. It read "Drink Elba, the beer with the heart of a lion" and was accompanied by a "large breasted woman holding goblets of beer in each hand"
World Oldest data charts
For your convenience take a look at World Oldest figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Which is the oldest civilization of the world and why?
You can easily fact check why is damascus the oldest city in the world by examining the linked well-known sources.
About Patrick the Wombat. He was the world’s oldest wombat at 32 years, and died a virgin. He had a Tinder profile and rode around in a wheelbarrow.
The oldest living human-planted tree in the world with a known planting date is the sacred fig tree "Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi", planted in 288 BC. - source
The 5th oldest tree in the world was destroyed when a 26 year old model set a fire to see better while she was smoking meth inside the hollow trunk. She was turned in by friends after showing them pictures of the fire and telling them "I can't believe I burned down a tree older than Jesus." - source
The Zildjian cymbal company is one of the oldest companies in the world, started in 1623 in Constantinople, making cymbals for frightening the enemies of the Ottoman Empire.
The oldest unopened wine bottle in the world is from a 4th century Roman tomb - source
When was the oldest person in the world born?
Granny, the oldest orca in the world who has been swimming since 1911. She's 105 years old.
How old is the oldest tree in the world?
The world's oldest tree (Old Tjikko) is approximately 9,550 years old, and the geologist who discovered it, named it after his dead dog.
The oldest operating school in the world is The King's School in Canterbury, England, at 1,420 years old. It was founded in AD 597 during the Late Antiquity era, 100 years after the fall of Rome.
In Okinawa, Japan, a place where the average life expectancy for women is around 90, the oldest in the world, people form a kind of social network called a moai — a group of five friends who offer social, logistic, emotional and even financial support for a lifetime.
There are more than 5000 companies worldwide that are older than 200 years. More than 3000 of them are located in Japan and the oldest company in the world was Kongō Gumi, a construction company in Japan, which had its origin traced back to 578 AD. It was liquidated in 2006.
The oldest hotel in the world has been operated by the same Japanese family for over 1,300 years. 52 different generations of descendants have cared for and operated the inn.
World oldest infographics
Beautiful visual representation of World Oldest numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

World's Oldest Person Titleholders Since 1955