Incredible and fun facts to explore

Oil Pipeline facts

While investigating facts about Oil Pipeline Map and Oil Pipeline Jobs, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A train company invented a way to ship oil without pipelines; bitumen is converted into a solid product and sealed in plastic made from recyclables. The pucks are designed to be transported in regular container cars by train and loaded onto cargo ships at coal terminals. They float too!

how oil pipelines work?

A drunk hunter singlehandedly caused a 285,000 gallon oil spill by shooting the Trans-Alaska Pipeline with a .338-caliber rifle

What is an oil pipeline?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what country claims the longest oil pipeline. Here are 40 of the best facts about Oil Pipeline Canada and Oil Pipeline Stocks I managed to collect.

what country claims the world's longest oil pipeline?

  1. About saturation diving. Divers working on deep-sea infrastructure such as oil pipelines live in a pressurised chamber for a month, taken between the chamber and their worksite by a pressurised diving bell. That way, they only need to be decompressed once, at the end of each 28-day job.

  2. By law, Alaska is required to remove all traces of the Trans-Alaska pipeline after oil extraction is complete.

  3. A former governor of Alaska proposed building a pipeline from Alaska to California, to pump fresh water, not oil.

  4. There is a 64 year old pipeline in the heart of the Great Lakes that pumps millions of gallons of oil a year.

  5. The Railroad Commission of Texas regulates the oil and gas industry, pipeline safety, the coal and mining industry, but NOT railroads.

  6. A Canadian artist stopped an oil pipeline being built on his land by copywriting the top six inches of said land as his artwork.

  7. Trains, when compared to pipelines for the transportation of oil, have less instances of integrity failures/spills and are less harmful to the environment in terms of its operational impact.

  8. In 1997 members of the Taliban were in Texas to discuss oil pipelines across Afghanistan.

  9. In 1982 the CIA planted flawed software in the control system of a Russian oil pipeline, deliberately causing it to go haywire and causing the biggest non-nuclear explosion the world had ever seen

  10. A Canadian land artist turned 800 acres of his homestead into a work of installation art, converting it to 'intellectual property' and thus protecting it from government-sanctioned use by corporate interests in the creation of an oil pipeline

oil pipeline facts
What are oil pipelines made of?

Why oil pipelines are bad?

You can easily fact check why are oil pipelines bad for the environment by examining the linked well-known sources.

On October 4, 2001, a drunken gunman named Daniel Carson Lewis shot a hole into a weld on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline near Livengood, Alaska, causing the second-largest mainline oil spill in pipeline history.

Transporting oil through pipelines is 4.5 times safer than transporting it by rail. - source

There are oil pipelines running the Great Lakes. One particular pipeline runs through the Straits of Mackinac and since it was commissioned in 1953, it has received very minimal maintenance. - source

Radon can be carried in oil pipelines due to its similar pressure and temperature properties to propane, which can cause the pipelines to become radioactive.

In 2009, the U.S. Justice Dept reported that some U.S. refineries had bought millions of dollars' worth of oil stolen from Mexican government pipelines. Criminals, drug gangs, tap remote pipelines, build their own pipelines to siphon off hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of oil each year. - source

When was the first oil pipeline built?

The United States has nearly 2,500,000 miles of oil pipeline laid throughout the country

How oil pipelines are built?

There are extensive natural gas and oil reserves under the Timor Sea and a pipeline exists from the Joint Petroleum Development Area to Wickham Point.

One month before the 1998 Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, the Union Oil Company of California (UNOCAL) faced opposition by Iran and Russia for control over Afghanistan and Central Asian oil pipeline routes. After the attacks UNOCAL dropped the deal

Solar storms accelerate rusting of oil and gas pipelines due to the induced current from the shifting magnetic field.

An underground pipeline near Albequerque, NM leaked as much as 24 million gallons of jet fuel over more than a 25 year period and was more than twice the size of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska.

In 1949 the CIA overthrew the democratic leader of Syria because he rejected an American plan to lay an oil-pipeline through his country

Interesting facts about oil pipeline

An American Oil company used attack dogs on Native Americans protesting pipeline through their burial grounds.

Before the construction of the Alaska Pipeline, Boeing had proposed a massive oil transport plane that had a max takeoff weight that was more than 3.5 times that of a 747-8.

Hungary used reversed fighter jet engines to put out burning oil pipelines in kuwait in gulf war one

In 2014 a UK High Court judge dismissed claims that Unaoil and Leighton Holdings had been engaged in corruption regarding a $500 million oil pipeline contract in Iraq

There are only 135 federal oil and gas pipeline safety inspectors in the U.S. overseeing 2.6 million miles of pipe, meaning each inspector is responsible for almost enough pipe to circle Earth. According to one study, only a fifth of the nation's pipelines have been inspected since 2006.

How do oil pipelines work?

There are OLD oil Pipelines at the bottom of the great Lakes that are being used past their engineered Life Expectancy

During the BP oil spill there was a fear that the rig and pipeline would drift across the gulf while burning. Collisions with other pipelines could have caused subsequent spills.

the United States currently has 2.5 million miles of oil and natural gas pipelines running through it.

Belgium hired oil and beer experts and made a beer pipeline!

Between 2000 and 2012 there were 1047 oil pipeline leaks in Canada alone.

There is a town in Oklahoma which stores a vast majority of crude oil in the US and which has more than 20+ inbound oil pipelines running to it.

The U.S. has 2.5 million miles of hazardous liquid pipelines. The Keystone pipeline would add 1,179 more miles. That would be: A 1.94% increase in crude oil pipelines A 0.61% increase in hazardous liquid pipelines A 0.047% increase in energy pipelines of all kinds

Mexican oil thieves can earn $90,000 USD in just 7 minutes from tapping pipelines

There are two 64-year old active oil pipelines that run under the Great Lakes, carrying over 23 million barrels a day, operated by a company with a history of fresh-water spills

Syria's first and only democratically elected government was overthrown by a CIA-instigated coup in 1949 at the behest of American oil interests irked at Syria’s request for better terms on a pipeline deal

Keystone Pipeline Closed After Major Oil Spill

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Oil Pipeline. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Oil Pipeline so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor