Newer Cars facts
While investigating facts about New Cars For Sale and Newer Cars With Manual Transmission, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Most cars on the road in Cuba are Classic Cars, due to the Embargo not allowing the import of cars newer than 1959. This restriction was lifted in 2011.
how much safer are newer cars?
A lot of newer cars and trucks have fake engine noises come out from speakers. The engine have become so efficient and quiet that the manufacturers fear you won't by them without the proper BRRRRRM BRRRRMMM
What are newer cars made of?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 5 of the best facts about New Cars Under 5000 and Newer Cars Cheaper To Insure I managed to collect.
why are newer cars sold at auction?
Riding shotgun in newer cars may be comparable in safety to riding in the back. Whereas in older cars the backseat middle was safer by up to 59% The safety improvements of the backseat haven't kept up with improvements to the front passenger seat.
The United States has a rule against individual buyers importing cars newer than 25 years old, and if caught, the car can be seized and crushed.
Fuel efficiency in cars has not improved in the last 25 years because despite advancements in technology, newer cars are denser and heavier
Newer Cars data charts
For your convenience take a look at Newer Cars figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.