Fuel Efficiency facts
While investigating facts about Fuel Efficiency Calculator and Fuel Efficiency Comparison, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The 'fuel efficiency' of walking is roughly equivalent to 360 miles per gallon.
how fuel efficiency is measured?
Nazi efficiency was fueled by crystal meth, allowing them to go days without sleep and stripping them of empathy
What fuel efficiency means?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is fuel efficiency and why is it important. Here are 35 of the best facts about Fuel Efficiency Formula and Fuel Efficiency Definition I managed to collect.
what's fuel efficiency?
The concorde could burn upto 2 tonnes of fuel just to taxi to the runway, however once at Mach 2 it was the most fuel efficient engine ever built.
A molten-salt reactor, a piece of technology conceived during the Cold War that forgoes solid nuclear fuel for a liquid one, can generate energy with far greater efficiency than any power technology in existence.
A Thermos flask creates a highly efficient thermal insulation by creating a partial vacuum between 2 barriers. Since there's virtually no air/gas/matter, there's nothing to carry energy away (bar the canister itself). This is how rocket fuel is stored - in a giant Thermos.
Drafting" 10 feet behind a semi truck can increase your fuel efficiency by up to 40 percent.
Sweden has become so efficient at recycling that they have run out of garbage to recycle and now import garbage from Norway to fuel it's energy programs.
The most fuel-efficient vehicle in the history of the world is currently a car that gets the equivalent of 14,573 miles per gallon and could drive to any point on the globe using the energy in one gallon of gas.
Motorcycles are actually 10 times more polluting per mile than a passenger car, light truck or SUV even though they are twice as fuel efficient as cars
Californian scientists have spent a decade tweaking an algae genome so that it produces more than twice as much fat than wild versions of the same species. They believe that fattened, genetically engineered algae could one day become the world's most efficient source of fuel.
Diesel began working with steam and researching fuel and thermal efficiency.
The "Fuel Efficiency" of a Human Walking is Equivalent to 360 miles per gasoline gallon equivalent.
Fuel Efficiency data charts
For your convenience take a look at Fuel Efficiency figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is my car losing fuel efficiency?
You can easily fact check why does fuel efficiency decrease over time by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 2009, the Cash for Clunkers program, in an effort to stimulate the economy, offered incentives to trade in older, less fuel efficient cars, and in that process, destroyed about 690,000 functional, working vehicles.
Sweden has become so efficient at turning trash into energy that they have to import garbage from neighboring countries for fuel. - source
Satellites have better fuel efficiency than some of the smallest and most efficient cars on earth.
The fuel efficiency of the Saturn V rocket was less than five inches/gallon.
The USAF had a concept to increase the combat radius of jet fighters by attaching them to a bomber, one hooked up to each wingtip. The hope was that it would increase fuel efficiency, effective range and allow the bomber to carry its own fighter escort into enemy territory. - source
When the fuel economy?
A bulbous bow can increase a ship's fuel efficiency by as much as 15%.
How fuel efficiency is important?
In the 1980s Saab secretly tried to produce a 280 HP V8 engine, capable of a 250 km/h top speed in a Saab 9000. On a test drive, a higher than normal speeding fine was received because of refusing to open the hood. The engine was canceled due to poor fuel efficiency and Saab being bought by GM.
It is more fuel efficient to turn your car off if it is going to be sitting idle for more than 10 seconds.
About Jevons paradox. When technology increases fuel efficiency, the rate of consumption rises because of increasing demand.
The Boeing 737Max was fitted with a larger engine to be more fuel efficient, however the top of the engine would be bit above the wing; the nose would point too far up in full thrust during take off, so a new Software system MCAS was introduced. This seems to cause the 2 disastrous crashes.
The most efficient fossil fuel plants are only 50% efficient in creating energy, while the modern turbines used for hydroelectric power are 90% efficient in creating energy.
Fuel efficiency infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Fuel Efficiency numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

My fuel efficiency over 7 years shows dependence on temperature (Northeast US).