Neil Young facts
While investigating facts about Neil Young Songs and Neil Young Harvest Moon, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In Kurt Cobain's suicide note, he quoted a Neil Young song saying "It's better to burn out than fade away". Neil Young said that "it fucked with me" and he had actually been trying to get in touch with Cobain around when his suicide happened, in order to offer encouragement.
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Captain Planet was the first cartoon to deal with AIDS. The episode featured a villain who brainwashed the community making them think Aids could be passed by casual contact, making the whole town hate a young man infected by HIV- AIDS voiced by Neil Patrick Harris.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what band was neil young in. Here are 50 of the best facts about Neil Young Tour and Neil Young Old Man I managed to collect.
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Timothy Hunter, a DC Comics character created by Neil Gaiman seven years before Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. He wears glasses, lost his mother when he was young, discovered he was destined to be a powerful wizard, and has a pet owl.
The TV series Captain Planet was the first children's show to deal with HIV-AIDS. The episode involved a villain brainwashed a community, making them think HIV could pass on just by casual contact, making the entire town hate a young man infected by HIV, voiced by Neil Patrick Harris.
A young Neil deGrasse Tyson's neighbors would call the cops on him 1 out of every 3 times he'd go up on his roof to stargaze with his telescope.
Neil Young not only used to own a part of the Lionel LLC model train company, he also helped design the Lionel Legacy control system and his name is on seven model train-related patents.
The photo on the cover of Neil Young's album "Silver and Gold" was taken with his daughter's Game Boy camera.
Rick James ("Superfreak") was in a band with Neil Young, Bruce Palmer (Buffalo Springfield) and Nick St. Nicholas (Steppenwolf) before having to serve a year in prison because he was actually AWOL from the navy
Kurt Cobain's famous line “It’s better to burn out than to fade away” is a reference to Neil Young's song ‘Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black)’. In an interview, Young said: "When he died and left that note, it struck a deep chord inside of me. It fucked with me."
The Sons of Lee Marvin, a secret society where the only requirement for entry to the club is that one must have a physical resemblance to plausibly look like a son of Lee Marvin. Members include Tom Waits, Jim Jarmusch, Nick Cave, Neil Young and Josh Brolin.
R.E.M. was going to sign with Geffen records, but chose not to because Geffen sued Neil Young for making a record that Geffen didn't like.
Neil Young data charts
For your convenience take a look at Neil Young figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check tell me why neil young lyrics by examining the linked well-known sources.
Linda Ronstadt and James Taylor sang backup on Neil Young's "Heart of Gold."
When Jimi Hendrix and Neil Young were flown to the wrong airport, they stole a pickup truck to make it to Woodstock 69. - source
Neil Young's "Old Man" was the caretaker on a ranch he purchased when he was 24. - source
Canadian rocker Neil Young invented a special control button for model trains so his son with Cerebral Palsy could play with trains. He is listed as the co-inventor on seven patents for model train controllers. - source
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Neil Young was once sued for not sounding enough like Neil Young
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When Stephen Colbert found out that biologist Jason Bond named a spider after Neil Young, he demanded one be named after him. After an on show interview, the Aptostichus stephencolberti (Silent T) became the name of a newly discovered spider.
Slash's mother was a costume designer for David Bowie among others; his father created album covers for Joni Mitchell and Neil Young.
Neil Young purchased 200,000 copies of his own album "Comes a Time" due to an error in production and used them as shingles.
Martin Scorsese once had to have a large chunk of cocaine hanging from Neil Young's left nostril rotoscoped out of his rock documentary The Last Waltz.
Neil Young bought 200,000 copies of his own album and used them as barn roof shingles