Nba Draft facts
While investigating facts about Nba Draft 2019 and Nba Draft Lottery, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In the 1986 NBA draft, Len Bias, the #2 pick by the Boston Celtics died of cocaine overdose 2 days after his draft night. He is considered by some sportswriters to be one of the greatest players not to play at the professional level.
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Len Bias was selected by the Boston Celtics as the second overall pick in the 1986 NBA draft on June 17, and died two days later from cardiac arrhythmia induced by a cocaine overdose. He is considered by some sportswriters to be the greatest player not to play at the professional level.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what nba draft picks are lottery. Here are 50 of the best facts about Nba Draft Results and Nba Draft Order I managed to collect.
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Darko Milicic, who was drafted 2nd overall in the 2003 NBA draft (before Carmelo Anthony, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh) is currently an apple farmer in Serbia.
Until 1966, the NBA had Territorial Draft Picks. A team could forgo its first round pick and take any player within 50 miles of its location. They included Wilt Chamberlain and Oscar Robertson.
When he was in his 20's NBA legend Karl Malone impregnated a 13 year old. He never faced charges and refused child support for years. The son born to the 13 year old was drafted into the NFL in 2008
If five or more NBA players on a team die or become dismembered, the league enacts a "disaster draft" which allows the affected team to select five new players from any team in the NBA. Each team owner is permitted to protect only five of their players during the disaster draft.
In the 1977 NBA Draft, the New Orleans Jazz selected Lusia Harris, but she was pregnant at the time & declined to attend training camp. She remains the only woman ever officially drafted into the NBA.
When Michael Jordan was drafted into the NBA, the then Bulls GM said "Jordan isn't going to turn this franchise around. I wouldn't ask him to. He's a very good offensive player, but not an overpowering offensive player."
When the 7'7 Manute Bol was drafted into the NBA he could only bench 45 pounds, squat 55 pounds, and sported a 31" waist.
Wataru Misaka, a Japanese-American drafted into the New York Knicks in 1947. He was the first non-Caucasian professional basketball player, and the first African-American player didn’t play in the NBA until three years later.
The 2000 NBA draft, considered to be one of the worst in history, was the only draft that produced an average number of wins below replacement level. In other words, the 2000 draft actually made the NBA less talented.
David Robinson, one of the 50 greatest NBA players of all time, graduated from the Naval Academy and was drafted into the NBA in 1987 but waited two years to enter so he could fulfill his service contract to the Navy.
Nba Draft data charts
For your convenience take a look at Nba Draft figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
In1977 Luisa Harris became the first and only woman to be officially drafted by an NBA team. Although she was selected by the New Orleans Jazz as 137th pick overall, she didn't play a game because of her pregnancy.
Joe Hammond - an excellent street basketball player, he once scored 50 points in a single half against Julius Erving. Even though he was drafted into the NBA, he turned to dealing and using drugs, and wound up in prison and eventually into poverty. - source
Pee Wee Kirkland was drafted by the Chicago Bulls to play in the NBA. He never did, but he continued to sell drugs and become a drug kingpin which was more lucrative at the time. After spending years behind bars for his crimes he is now a motivational speaker. - source
I learned that while he was drafted into the NBA by the New Jersey Nets, Kyle Korver was traded to the Philadelphia 76ers, basically, for a new copier. - source
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In the 1956 NBA Draft, the owner of the Boston Celtics convinced the owner of the Rochester Royals not to draft Bill Russell by offering to have the Ice Capades (which he also owned) come to Rochester for a week. He agreed, and Russell & the Celtics went on to win 10 championships together.
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In the 13th round of the 1969 NBA draft, the San Francisco Warriors selected high schooler Denise Long, who averaged 62.8 points per game in her senior year. She became the first female ever drafted by an NBA team, however, the selection was later voided by the commissioner as a publicity stunt.
Baseball Hall of Famer Dave Winfield was drafted by 4 teams in 3 Major League Sports coming out of college in 1973 (MLB: Padres, NBA: Hawks, ABA: Stars, NFL: Vikings)
Olympic athlete Carl Lewis was drafted in the 1984 NFL and NBA drafts
In 2011 Kyrie Irving entered the NBA Draft and was chosen as first overall pick by the Cleveland Cavaliers.