Navy Seal facts
While investigating facts about Navy Seals and Navy Seal Copypasta, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2007, Navy SEAL Mike Day was shot 27 times by four Al Qaeda gunmen and hit by grenade shrapnel, but he killed all four of the gunmen and walked out to the extraction helicopter. He recovered and is living with his wife and daughters.
how navy seals train?
Jonny Kim. His accomplishments include being a former Navy Seal with 100 combat missions, a Doctorate of Medicine from Harvard, and will soon be an astronaut for NASA
What's navy seal training like?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what navy seals do to train. Here are 50 of the best facts about Navy Seal Training and Navy Seals Edward Gallagher I managed to collect.
what navy seals do?
Navy Seals who carried out the Bin Laden kill mission, forgot to bring a tape measure and had to measure Laden's height by making a six feet tall Seal lie down next to Laden's corpse
Navy Seals who carried out the Bin Laden kill mission, forgot to bring a tape measure and had to measure Laden's height by making a six feet tall Seal lie down next to Laden's corpse.
Red cell, which was a team of ex navy seals tasked to take over millitary bases, kidnap and take hostage VIPs, steal top secret info, and even ifiltrate air force one in order to expose security flaws
In 2007 Navy SEAL Mike Day was shot 27 times by four Al Qaeda gunmen and hit by grenade shrapnel, but he killed all four of the gunmen and walked out to the extraction helicopter. He recovered and is living with his wife and daughters.
US Navy SEAL Mike Thornton earned the Medal of Honor in Vietnam for saving the life of Thomas Norris, another SEAL, who would also later receive the Medal of Honor for a previous rescue mission, making it the first time in a century where a MOH recipient saved the life of another MOH recipient.
The divorce rate of Navy Seals is 90%, twice as high as the next highest profession.
Navy SEALs began as a Naval Combat Demolition Unit eliminating obstacles on enemy-held beaches at Normandy prior to invasion. The NCDUs at Omaha Beach blew 8 complete gaps and 2 partial gaps in the German defenses by clearing 700 yds of beach in 2 hours, another 900 yds by the afternoon.
Out of the 92 Navy SEALS that died since 2002, 21 were killed during training (many by parachute accidents)
The danish Crown prince Frederik is a fully trained operative soldier of the danish Frømandskorps (The danish version of the american Navy SEALS).
Former US Navy Seal hero Chris Kyle claimed in his book the the US Government sent him to New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina to kill looters, he claims he sat on top of the Superdome and killed 30 people.
Navy Seal data charts
For your convenience take a look at Navy Seal figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do navy seals have beards?
You can easily fact check why become a navy seal by examining the linked well-known sources.
Bill Shepherd, first Commander of the International Space Station, was a Navy SEAL selected as astronaut. When asked what he does best in his astronaut interview, he said: "Kill people with a knife"
About Navy Seal who survived being shot 27 times, only 11 hit his armor. He then walked back to the helicopter. Later he did a half-Ironman competition - source
When Tiger Woods father passed away, a Green Beret, Tiger became so obsessed with Navy Seals he regularly trained with them at their facilities. His team staged an intervention to avoid him quitting Golf and enlisting. - source
Canada's elite special forces unit JTF2 once earned a US presidential unit citation whilst serving with Task Force K-Bar. Vice admiral Robert Harward, a US Navy SEAL in charge of the task force also stated that the JTF2 team under his command was his first choice for any direct action.
In 2012 the NYPD committed a man to a mental hospital when he claimed to be a Navy SEAL after being arrested for running a red light and weapons possession. It was soon confirmed that he was in fact an active duty Navy SEAL, and he was released with all charges against him deferred. - source
When did the navy seals start?
Senior Chief Robert O'Neill, the Navy SEAL that killed Bin Laden, also rescued Captain Phillips and Marcus Luttrell, the SEAL from the movie "Lone Survivor".
How navy seals workout?
Dan Bilzerian was Kicked Out of Navy SEAL training 2 days from completion.
A Navy Seal Lieutenant, Michael P. Murphy, along with a 4-man team were pinned down by nearly 100 Taliban Militants in a remote part of Afghanistan. Murphy made his way to a high-point in the mountains to successfully phone in reinforcements. He continued to fight for 2 hours until his death.
Don Shiply outs 10-15 fake navy seals a week
During the Vietnam War, the most feared soldiers by the Vietcong were not US Navy Seals but Australian SASR. The VC referred to SEAL's as "The men with Green faces" whereas SASR known as "The Phantoms of the Jungle
Three SR-71's flew over the Hanoi Hilton during the Viet Nam war - their sonic booms "the sound of thunder" to alert Vice Admiral Stockdale that if he could escape, Navy SEALs were waiting to rescue him