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Musical Hamilton facts

While investigating facts about Musical Hamilton London and Musical Hamilton Story, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The musical Hamilton has over 20,000 words, and would take 4-6 hours to perform if songs were sung at traditional musical paces

how long is hamilton the musical?

The decision to remove Alexander Hamilton from the ten-dollar bill was reversed due to the popularity of the musical, Hamilton.

What musical hamilton about?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the story of hamilton the musical. Here are 21 of the best facts about Musical Hamilton New York and Musical Hamilton Toronto I managed to collect.

hamilton musical at white house?

  1. Because of the musical "Hamilton", more people visited the grave of Alexander Hamilton in 2015 than in the previous 212 years since his death. Many of those visitors came having just seen the musical on Broadway, or en route to do so.

  2. Eight years ago at a White House event, Lin-Manuel Miranda announced a concept for a new musical, but everyone laughed at the idea. That musical was Hamilton.

  3. Lin Manuel Miranda the mastermind behind Hamilton: An American Musical, co-wrote the new Cantina Song in Star Wars: The Force Awakens with JJ Abrams.

  4. The practice of deloping, or "throwing away" your first shot in dueling, giving more meaning to the repeated refrain "I am not throwing away my shot" in the musical "Hamilton"

  5. In 2015 the U.S. Treasury announced a decision to replace the engraving of Alexander Hamilton on 10 dollar bills but the decision was changed due to the unanticipated popular success of the 2015 Broadway musical Hamilton.

  6. Hamilton" has the most words per minute of any musical--more than twice that of Phantom of the Opera and Pirates of Penzance.

  7. Ten years before "Hamilton" there was the hip hop-influenced Australian musical "Keating" about the political career of former Labour Prime Minister Paul Keating in which one of the key numbers is a rap battle parliamentary floor debate

  8. A few years before "Hamilton," the hip-hop musical about Alexander Hamilton, opened to massive success on Broadway, the emo/rock musical "Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson" closed after only 120 performances

  9. That, contrary to the events in the musical 'Hamilton,' Burr did not campaign against Jefferson. The Democratic-Republicans had intended for Jefferson to be president and Burr to be vice president; the fact that they tied was an accident.

  10. Lin-Manuel Miranda (author of Hamilton: An American Musical) lived in the same apartment as Antonio Burr, a descendent of Aaron Burr.

musical hamilton facts
What is the broadway musical hamilton about?

Why is hamilton the musical so important?

You can easily fact check why is hamilton musical so popular by examining the linked well-known sources.

About Hamilton, a recent Broadway rap musical about the life of Alexander Hamilton during and after the American Revolution.

There's a two and a half hour hip hop broadway musical about Alexander hamiltons life - source

There's a two and a half hour hip hop broadway musical about Alexander hamilton's life - source

When did hamilton the musical come out?

Lin-Manuel Miranda was featured in a How A Met Your Mother Episode centered around rhyming 2 years prior to the opening of the smash Broadway musical - Hamilton.

How accurate is hamilton the musical?

In the Hamilton Musical, a R&B/Hip hop style Broadway musical about the forming of the USA, there is a reference/inspiration taken from Biggie Smalls "Juicy"

The writer of Hamilton, Lin Manuel Miranda, composed a piece of music for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. He composed a song for the cantina because John Williams declined to write one himself.

The vocalist of the experimental hip hop group clipping., Daveed Diggs, also stars as both Marquis de Lafayette AND Thomas Jefferson in the musical Hamilton.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Musical Hamilton. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Musical Hamilton so important!

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