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Motor Vehicles facts

While investigating facts about Motor Vehicles Department and Motor Vehicles Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Mississippi is the only state to allow drivers to drink alcohol while operating a motor vehicle. It is permitted as long as the driver's blood alcohol content stays below the state’s legal limit of 0.08%.

how much is motor vehicles?

An Ohio woman once got out of a parking ticket because of a missing comma in the state's laws. She successfully argued that her car wasn't a "motor vehicle camper" and therefore wasn't included in the list of prohibited vehicles.

What motor vehicles are open today?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does suv stand for in motor vehicles. Here are 50 of the best facts about Motor Vehicles Nj and Motor Vehicles Act I managed to collect.

what motor vehicles are open?

  1. Chevron and General Motors bought the patents for NiMH car batteries and used them to block electric vehicle development in the 90s and 00s

  2. Mackinac Island, MI is culturally preserved in time and has banned motorized vehicles for over 100 years; most travel by horse-drawn carriages and bikes.

  3. Drug overdose deaths, driven largely by prescription drug overdose deaths, are now the leading cause of injury death in the United States – surpassing motor vehicle crashes.

  4. Mackinac Island, MI has banned motorized vehicles for over a hundred years. Most travel by horse-drawn carriages or bikes.

  5. More middle-aged Canadian men died by suicide in 2011 than by motor vehicle accidents, homicide, and HIV combined.

  6. In the U.K 2002 a man attempted to refute a £25 motoring ticket by invoking the right to trial by combat, challenging the Driving Vehicle and Licensing Agency to elect a champion to do combat with him.

  7. While women and Saudi Arabia are allowed to fly a plane, they must be chauffeured to the airport because it is illegal for them to operate a motor vehicle

  8. One of the dangers of working in a tryworks (a furnace in the whaling industry) is that a rotting pregnant whale could fill with gas and burst, ejecting a fetus the size of a motor vehicle with sufficient force to kill a man

  9. Tesla Motors made all of their patents available to the open market in 2014 "for the advancement of electric vehicle technology.

motor vehicles facts
What are the best facts about Motor Vehicles?

Motor Vehicles data charts

For your convenience take a look at Motor Vehicles figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

motor vehicles fact data chart about Motor Vehicle Accidents Causing Death, by Age Group
Motor Vehicle Accidents Causing Death, by Age Group

motor vehicles fact data chart about US , CANADA , UK , CHINA & INDIA Motor Vehicle Fatalities(Ac
US , CANADA , UK , CHINA & INDIA Motor Vehicle Fatalities(Accident Deaths) Since 1899

Why motor vehicle record?

You can easily fact check why motor vehicle service by examining the linked well-known sources.

The total amount of wage theft from employees is three times more than all of the robberies, burglaries, larcenies, and motor vehicle thefts in the US.

Tesla Motors publicly releases their patents to encourage competition and the advancement of electric vehicle technology. - source

The first persons to drive a motor vehicle to the North Pole were James May and Jeremy Clarkson of Top Gear - source

Form 1969 to 1977, Ford Motor Company produced the Pinto with full knowledge of a design flaw that frequently caused the fuel tank to catch fire during rear collisions, which would have cost $11 per vehicle to fix. The tag line in radio ads was, "Pinto leaves you with that warm feeling."

Each U.S. driver crashes an average of once every 10 years and that cell phone use is involved in 26% of all motor vehicle crashes. - source

When motor vehicles open?

Michigan Highway M-185, created in 1933, had its first automobile accident ever in 2005. The highway is on Mackinac island, which bans all private motor vehicles - the accident was a firetruck running into an ambulance.

In the U.K 2002 a man attempted to refute a £25 motoring ticket by invoking the right to trial by combat, challenging the Driving Vehicle and Licensing Agency to elect a champion to do combat with him.

The Secret Service purchased a 1907 White Motor Company steam car to follow President Theodore Roosevelt's horse-drawn carriage. The president himself eschewed riding in the vehicle due to his "image as a rough-riding horseman".

Frederick W. Smith, the CEO, founder and chairman of FedEx, has separately killed two people in motor vehicle accidents: one in a hit and run (for which he was released on $250 bond), and another where he lost control, causing the vehicle to flip, killing the passenger.

About a Louisiana man who avoided a DUI charge after riding his horse home from the bar as he was not in a "motorized vehicle".

About the Jurassic Park Motor Pool, a global community of enthusiasts who convert their cars into Jurassic Park replica vehicles.

Motor vehicles infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Motor Vehicles numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

motor vehicles fact infographic about Popularity of different types of motor vehicles by state

Popularity of different types of motor vehicles by state

When motor vehicles open in nj?

BBC's Top Gear crew were the first to reach the North Pole in a motor vehicle

Six hundred Paris taxi cabs were commandeered by the French army to ferry troops to the front on September 7. It was one the first major mobilizations of motorized vehicles for military transport.

Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 226 is in effect now for all new cars sold in the US. Many new vehicles have laminated side glass, which does not break and shatter the way tempered glass does, raising concerns for passengers trapped in sinking and burning cars.

Hungary has a zero tolerance policy on drunk driving, which means that the acceptable blood alcohol level for operating a motor vehicle is 0.00%

It is estimated that there are more than one billion bicycles being used around the world today. This is double the number of motor vehicles.

Bosch continued to make improvements to motor vehicles and in 1927 invented diesel fuel injection.

Togo has the least motor vehicles with only 2 cars per 1000 people. Somalia has 3 and North Korea has 11 cars per 1000

Mackinac Island's M-185 was the only highway in America to never have a motor vehicle accident until 2005, when the island's fire truck collided with its ambulance.

The George Washington Bridge, spanning the Hudson River from the New Jersey Palisades to Northern Manhattan, is the world's busiest motor vehicle bridge. Over 106 million vehicles go across the bridge each year, and are charged a $15 toll for each crossing.

It’s perfectly legal to ride a bike while intoxicated in Canada—the criminal code’s section on driving while impaired refers only to motor vehicles such as cars, Jet Skis and Zambonis

Mississippi is the only state that allows drivers to drink alcohol and operate a motor vehicle. As long as the driver’s blood alcohol content stays below the state’s legal limit of .08%

On April 20th, one study found a 12% increase in the risk of fatal motor vehicle crash between 4:20 p.m. and midnight on April 20th compared to identical time intervals on control days. Drivers less than 21 years of age, risks were 38% higher on April 20th than on control days.

There is only one state highway in the US that doesn't allow motor vehicles. (M-185) The only traffic consists of pedestrians, bicycles, and horses. It circles Mackinac Island, and is only 8 miles long.

There is a State highway in Michigan where all motor vehicles are banned. The restriction dates back to 1889 and modes of traffic there includes by foot, by horse, and by bicycle.

It is estimated that motor vehicle collisions caused the death of around 60 million people during the 20th century, around the same number of World War II casualties.

About the Motor Scout, the first ever armed engine-powered vehicle and precursor to modern armoured cars. It was essentially a quadricycle with a one and a half horsepower engine and a machine gun mounted in front of the handlebars.

Vehicles in Australia are required to have compulsory third party insurance which provides unlimited indemnity for personal injury as a result of a motor vehicle crash.

Victor Wouk, the "Godfather of the Hybrid," built the first full-powered, full-size hybrid vehicle out of a 1972 Buick Skylark provided by General Motors (G.M.) for the 1970 Federal Clean Car Incentive Program. The Environmental Protection Association later kills the program in 1976.

In 1971, John Francis saw an oil spill. Disgusted he went the next 22 years without riding in a motor vehicle. He also spent 17 years silent communicating through banjo.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Motor Vehicles. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Motor Vehicles so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor