Mortgaged House facts
While investigating facts about Mortgaged Houses In Monopoly and Mortgage House Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A US cargo plane crashed while moving children from Vietnam. American businessman Robert Macauley heard that it would take over a week to evacuate the survivors, so he chartered a Boeing 747 and arranged for 300 orphaned children to leave the country, paying for the trip by mortgaging his house.
how to sell a mortgaged house?
Jesse James gave $1500 to a widow who housed him. He told her to pay her mortgage and to get a receipt. Later that day, Jesse James robbed the landlord and took his $1500 back
What happens to a mortgaged house when you die?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happens to a mortgaged house when you divorce. Here are 21 of the best facts about Mortgaged Houses For Sale and Mortgaged House In Trust I managed to collect.
what happens when you sell a mortgaged house?
Walt Disney had to fight to get Snow White made . His brother and business partner Roy Disney and his wife Lillian attempted to talk him out of it, and the movie industry referred to it as "Disney's Folly" while it was in production. He had to mortgage his house to help finance the film
In 2015, a woman who lived in a house that straddled the NY/CT border lost half of her house because her mortgage provider did not pay the property taxes.
It takes cash and assets worth $68,800 (£48,300) to get into the top10%, and $760,000 (£533,000) to be in the 1%. That means that if you own an average house in London without a mortgage, you are probably in the 1%
A nurse paid over $400,000 to a Nigerian 419 scam over the course of 3 years re-mortgaging her house and using her husband's retirement savings
In 1975 an American businessman named Robert Macauley chartered a Boeing 747 and arranged for 300 orphaned Vietnamese children to leave the country, paying for the trip by mortgaging his house.
Michael Marin, a former investor who was convicted in 2012 of intentionally burning down his Phoenix, Arizona, USA house to avoid making mortgage payments. When read his guilty verdict, which could have yielded 21 years in prison, Marin committed suicide in court using poison pills.
George Clooney was paid only $1 for writing, directing, and starring in Good Night, and Good Luck (in fact, he mortgaged his house to help finance it). The film earned $54 million worldwide.
A Seattle man bought a statue of Lenin from a scrap yard Czechoslovakia in 1993. He mortgaged his house to bring it to Seattle, but before it could be erected, he died in an accident. It now stands in the Fremont District of Seattle, and is dressed in drag during Gay Pride Week. It's for sale.
Mortgaged House data charts
For your convenience take a look at Mortgaged House figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do mortgage companies sell loans?
You can easily fact check why do mortgage companies sell your loan by examining the linked well-known sources.
An American businessman chartered a Boeing 747 from Pan Am to arranged for 300 orphaned Vietnamese children to leave the country, paying for the trip by mortgaging his house.
George Harrison mortgaged his house to help fund the filming of Monty Python's "Life of Brian" - source
Levittown, New York built in the early 1950's only sold houses to whites because the Federal Housing Association (FHA) would only give 30 year mortgages to non-mixed developments - source
It's legal for your landlord to keep the rent you're paying while he doesn't pay the mortgage on your house and lets it go into foreclosure.
A 90 year-old Akron, Ohio woman shot herself when sheriff's deputies came to serve her with eviction papers at the house she had lived in for nearly 40 years. Upon learning of the situation, the mortgage holder agreed to halt eviction proceedings and give her the house outright. - source
What happens when you sell a mortgaged house?
Multi-billionaire Warren Buffet's mobile home empire has a pattern of charging minorities substantially higher mortgage interest rates; Fair-housing laws prohibit lenders from targeting and overcharging people of color
How to find out if a house is mortgaged?
George Harrison of The Beatles mortgaged his house and office building for $4 million to finance Monty Python's 'Life of Brian'.
Our government had a major, unintentional role in creating the housing bubble. To make homes more affordable for low-income groups, Clinton mandated Fannie and Freddie to purchase subprime mortgages. Bush furthered these requirements. Banks then used them to facilitate predatory lending.
Mortgage literally translates to "Death-Pledge". From French peasants who literally worked until they died for the privilege of owning a house.