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Monarch Butterfly facts

While investigating facts about Monarch Butterfly Migration and Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The monarch butterfly’s life span is 2 to 6 weeks, except every 4th generation lives from 6 to 8 months so they can travel all the way down from Canada/USA to Mexico and back

how monarch butterfly migrate?

More than 90 percent of the monarch butterfly population has vanished in the last 25 years.

What do monarch butterfly eggs look like?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the lifespan of a monarch butterfly. Here are 35 of the best facts about Monarch Butterfly Meaning and Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar I managed to collect.

what monarch butterfly eat?

  1. Monarch butterflies seem to remember an ancient mountain that used to stand where Lake Superior is now, and they still veer around that long-gone obstacle during their migration flight across the lake.

  2. The migration route of the Monarch Butterfly still takes an eastward turn over Lake Superior, then a few miles later takes a southward turn, in order to avoid a mountain that once existed there millennia ago.

  3. Most birds dislike the taste of monarch butterflies because they still contain poisons from when they were caterpillars (monarch caterpillars' favorite meal is poisonous milkweed).

  4. Vermont's state bird is the hermit thrush and its state butterfly is the Monarch butterfly.

  5. Alabama's state insect is the Monarch Butterfly, but the state butterfly is the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

  6. Red Rock State Park is often graced with the migration path of the Monarch butterflies each year.

  7. Various butterfly and moth species can be found in Costa Rica and Chirripo National Park including the green page moth, owl butterfly, violet sabrewing, monarch butterfly, and chestnut headed oropendola.

  8. Butterfly weed is host plant for the Monarch butterfly. Caterpillars use leaves of butterfly weed as a basic source of food until they transform into butterflies.

  9. West Virginia's state bird is the cardinal and the state butterfly is the Monarch butterfly.

monarch butterfly facts
What does it mean when you see a monarch butterfly?

Why monarch butterfly endangered?

You can easily fact check why monarch butterfly is important by examining the linked well-known sources.

The state bird is the common loon, the state insect is the Monarch butterfly, and the state fish is the walleye.

Caterpillars of monarch butterfly eat leaves of milkweed and collect toxins in the body. Toxins remain in the body after transformation of caterpillars into the butterflies and provide protection from birds and other predators.

Monarch butterfly caterpillars live off of Milkweed, which is toxic and should kill them. They store it in their bodies and while becoming a butterfly the toxic is transferred to their wings as a defense mechanism - source

The Monarch butterfly migrates all the way from Mexico to Canada during spring. Then it's offspring flies back in autumn.

Alabama's state insect is the monarch butterfly.

When monarch butterfly migration?

Monarch butterfly wings can be repaired with some glue if damaged to help the pollinators' long migration

How long does a monarch butterfly live?

There is a organization that will send you free seeds to plant to help repopulate the disappearing Monarch Butterflies

Every fall, the North American Monarch butterfly migrates over 3,000 miles south to wait out the winter in central Mexico. They congregating on a handful of mountain peaks, huddling together by the millions on the branches of oyamel fir trees. Then they return north to mate and lay eggs.

A species of Dragonfly has a global population, and migrates almost twice the distance of a Monarch Butterfly

The common milkweed is not just for monarch butterflies. It can be used for food, for pillow and jacket filling, for making twine.

Monarch butterflies may be on the way to extinction. GMO crops are being sprayed with Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, decimating milkweed, which is the only plant Monarch caterpillars live on.

When monarch butterfly migration california?

Most monarch butterflies do not live more than a few weeks. The exception are the ones that migrate 2500 miles to Mexico and back. They can live up to 8 months.

Monarch butterflies are 4 generations old by the time they complete their annual migration from Mexico to the Eastern U.S. and back, and they nest in the same trees in Mexico each winter.

The Monarch Butterfly population has nearly collapsed, and is being placed on the endangered species list. Only 30 million remain today, opposed to close to a billion in 1990.

Monarch butterflies are so sturdy and wired-in in their behaviour that they travel over 2000 miles to same destinations every year

Monarch butterflies will migrate over open ocean (ctrl-F Cuba)

How to draw a monarch butterfly?

In the city of Pacific Grove, California, there is a law on the books declaring the molestation of monarch butterflies to be illegal

Monarch Butterflies get high. Today I was on the observatory deck of the tallest building in US (One World Trade Center, NY - 1,268ft high), and a Monarch Butterfly floated by. Pilots have reported seeing them as high as 11,000ft.

Monarch Butterflies only have four functional legs. Their front-most pair are vestigial.

There is a visible difference between male and female monarch butterflies. Males have thinner veins, scent gland spots and are smaller than females.

Monarch Butterflies can fly up to 11,000 feet (2.08 miles).

To save the monarch butterfly, Mexican scientists are moving a forest 1,000 feet up a mountain

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Monarch Butterfly. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Monarch Butterfly so important!

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