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Mid Century facts

While investigating facts about Mid Century Modern Furniture and Mid Century Modern, I found out little known, but curios details like:

It was a physician named John Snow who deduced that the cause of spread of Cholera in London in mid-nineteenth century, was contaminated water. His evidence included the 70 workers in the local brewery who only drank beer and all survived.

how to identify mid century lamps?

The Can-Can was originally considered scandalous as it became popular in the mid-19th century because many women of that time wore pantalettes, which had an open crotch, meaning that a high kick could be unintentionally revealing

What is mid century furniture?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is mid century decor. Here are 50 of the best facts about Mid Century Modern Homes and Mid Century Desk I managed to collect.

what mid century modern?

  1. The Confederate Battle Flag, the modern day symbol associated with the Civil War, was never formally adopted by the Confederate congress nor flew at any state capitols. It became popular due to its use by the KKK and Southern Dixiecrats during the mid 20th century.

  2. In the mid 19th century, Chicago was in desperate need of a sewage system, but instead of digging down to install the sewers, they raised the entire city up 4 feet.

  3. Originally, the classic banker's lamp had a green shade to lessen one's eyestrain due to early incandescent lights. The green eye visor commonly worn by accountants, telegraphers, and copy editors in the late-19th and mid-20th century were worn for similar reasons.

  4. The abandonment of city streetcar systems in the mid-twentieth century led to accusations of conspiracy which held that a union of automobile, oil, and tire manufacturers shut down the streetcar systems in order to further the use of buses and automobiles.

  5. Sic is an adverb used to indicate that quoted matter is transcribed exactly, including any errors. Use of sic greatly increased in the mid-twentieth century, with a major factor being the use of sic as a form of ridicule.

  6. Bumblebees were originally called Humblebees until about the mid 20th Century.

  7. High heels were originally worn by men as a signal of status. Women started wearing heels as a way of trying to appropriate masculine power. Being rational (practical footwear), everyone quit wearing heels altogether. It emerged again for women during mid 19th century from pornography.

  8. The poem "Twas the Night Before Christmas" is largely responsible for some of the conceptions of Santa Claus from the mid-nineteenth century to today, and has had a massive impact on the history of Christmas gift giving

  9. Akira Kurosawa attempted suicide in 1971 by slashing his throat. He had been unable to secure financing for his films, fired from a 20th Century Fox epic production, and considered by many as old-fashioned. His hardships continued until the mid 1980s when he made Ran, his last masterwork.

  10. It took over two centuries for the 27th ammendment, the one banning congress from giving themselves mid term pay raises, to become law.

mid century facts
What is mid century?

What is true about mid century?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

In the mid-2000s Kevin Smith was approached about the possibility of a Jay & Silent Bob/Hellraiser crossover as sort of a 21st century Abbot & Costello Meet Frankenstein. They would have opened the box and their version of Hell would have been rehab.

Robert Moses (considered to be the "master builder" of mid-20th century NYC, Long Island, Rockland and Westchester County) was responsible for various NYC bridge constructions, Interstate 278, the Cross-Bronx Expressway, parkways and other highways, but never held a valid driver's license. - source

From the late 18th to mid-19th century, it was considered bad for women to read novels based on the belief that women were not "able to differentiate between fiction and life." - source

Ostriches used to roam Europe, Arabia and Asia until around 10,000 years ago. The last non-African ostrich subspecies to go extinct was the Arabian ostrich in the mid 20th century.

The Mayor of Mississauga, Ontario was 94 years old when she retired in 2014. Elected in 1978, she was the longest serving Mayor in the city’s history(36 years). Not only was she an Independent politician, but also a professional Hockey player in the mid 20th century - source

When is mid century?

The paternoster or "Our Father": an elevator with no doors that never stops moving. Invented in the late 19th century and popular because they can carry more passengers—its construction was halted in the mid-1970s due to safety concerns. There are about 300 left, mostly found in Germany.

How to decorate mid century modern on a budget?

In the mid 1990's 20th Century Fox brought legal action against Lion Nathan's for producing Duff Beer. The product was ordered to be pulled from store shelves and destroyed. The beer became a collectors' item in the process, with one case selling for US$13,000

As early as the mid-16th century, Italian scientist Girolamo Fracastoro essentially proposed the germ theory of disease as it relates to microscopic organisms that spread epidemic proportions of disease.

The word "Juggernaut" derives from a mid-nineteenth century allegorical reference to a Hindu temple car that was reputed to crush devotees under its wheels.

There are populations of wild wallabies in England and France, the descendants of Australian wallabies which escaped from Zoos since the mid-20th century.

In the mid-18th century a French astronomer named a constellation after Table Mountain. The constellation is called Mensa. In Latin, Mensa means table. The constellation is located below Orion. Around midnight in mid-July it is possible to see Mensa from the southern hemisphere.

When was the mid 20th century?

In the mid-20th century, the lobotomy was such a popular “cure” for mental illness that...António Egas Moniz was awarded the 1949 Nobel Prize for Medicine for his role in perfecting the operation."

Jaguars could be found in the American Southwest until the mid 20th century

Interest in Cochise was rekindled in the United States during the mid-twentieth century when frontier culture became a fad. He was portrayed in numerous movies and television shows of the period as a sympathetic character.

In the mid-19th century, Buzzards Bay's port of New Bedford, Massachusetts was the most successful whaling port in the world.

The medical name for the “cone of shame” is Elizabethan collar, which refers to ruffs worn by socialites of the mid-sixteenth to seventeenth century.

How to decorate mid century modern?

The idea that a man should spend a significant fraction of his annual income for an engagement ring originated 'de novo' from De Beers marketing materials in the mid-20th century in an effort to increase the sale of diamonds in the 1930s.

Modern historians draw a line between abolitionists and anti-slavery activists. For instance, the Free Soil Party of the mid-nineteenth century opposed the expansion of slavery into the west but was not against the institution of slavery in the south, therefore it was not an abolitionist party.

The ore had first been sent to England in the mid-18th century by the first governor of Connecticut, John Winthrop.

James Oglethorpe, the founder of the colony of Georgia, was one of the first people to bring abolitionist ideas to the Americas in the mid-eighteenth century.

Due to the bust's light complexion and European features, many Egyptologists in the early to mid-twentieth century believed that Nefertiti foreign, possibly a Hittite or Hurrian princess.

Archie Moore, the mid 20th century boxer from Mississippi with the all time international boxing win-loss-draw record of 186-23-10 -- ahead of Sugar Ray Robinson (173-19-6) and Muhammad Ali (56-5-0)

In the mid-19th century, a bishop sent a finger-bone and some teeth to a convent in Rome. The package was marked for express delivery (in expedito) but the nuns thought that 'Expedite' was the name of the person whose bones were in the package. St Expedite is still worshipped in Catalonia today.

Dueling scars were seen as a badge of honor among upper class Germans through the mid-19th and 20th century. It was seen as ideal and a way of showing courage to be able to stand and take the blow

The bloodiest civil war in human history was fought in the mid 19th Century in China. One side was led by a man who claimed to be the brother of Jesus Christ, Hong Xiuquan Jesus. An estimated 20 to 30 million people died, with most deaths associated with plague and famine.

Australia has their own version of the Yeti/Sasquatch known as the Bunyip. It is a large mythical creature from Aboriginal mythology, said to lurk in swamps, billabongs, creeks, riverbeds, and waterholes. Europeans recorded written accounts of bunyips in the early and mid-19th Century.

From the late 18th centuty to the mid 19th century there was a "machine" known as the mechanical turk that claimed to be an automated chess machine until it was exposed in the early 19th century as an elaborate hoax with the machine containing an actually skilled chess player

Boredom" was not used until the mid-18th century, and is thought to have come from mind numbing jobs created by the industrial revolution

Before the mid-19th century dentures were commonly made with teeth pulled from the mouths of dead soldiers

The Selk'nam, the indigenous people of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago. In the mid-19th century, cattle breeders and fortune seekers hunted down and killed thousands of Selk'nam, reducing their numbers from 4000 to about 100 by the 1930's.

Before the 20th century, people reported mostly dreaming in color. But in the 1942, 70% of college sophomores "rarely/never" had color dreams. By 2001 that rate had dropped to 17%. The change is thought to be because of the influence of black and white media in the mid 1900's.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Mid Century. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Mid Century so important!

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