Metric Ton facts
While investigating facts about Metric Ton To Kg and Metric Tons To Pounds, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There is a "forest" covering over 100 acres consisting of over 40,000 trunks of a single tree. The trunks are all connected to the same root system and collectively weigh 6000 metric tons. The root system is an estimated 80,000 years old, though each trunk only lives about 130 years.
how metric tonne?
When recycled glass is used to manufacture new glass containers, it is virtually infinitely recyclable. Furthermore, every metric ton (1,000 kg) of glass recycled into new glass items saves 315 kg (694 lb) of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere.
What is a metric tonne?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the difference between ton and metric ton. Here are 50 of the best facts about Metric Ton Vs Ton and Metric Tonne I managed to collect.
what metric ton means?
After Hurricane Katrina, Cuba & Venezuela were the first countries to offer assistance, pledging over $1 million, several mobile hospitals, water treatment plants, canned food, bottled water, heating oil, 1,100 doctors and 26.4 metric tons of medicine -but were rejected by the US Government
Manufacture and distribution of telephone directories (Yellow Pages) produces over 1,400,000 metric tons of greenhouse gases and consumes over 600,000 tons of paper annually.
The world is running out of chocolate, and the world's top producers predict that by 2030, we will have a chocolate deficit of over 2 million metric tons.
The steel used in the US to make structural beams, plates and reinforcing bars is nearly 100% recycled. Employing 1 metric ton (1000kgs) of recycled steel saves the need for the extraction and use of 1.1 metric tons of iron ore, 630 kilograms of coal, and 55 kilograms of limestone.
Plastic was invented in 1907. Since 1950, humanity has produced 6.3 billion metric tons of plastic waste; 9% of it is recycled, 12% is incinerated, 79% ends up in a landfill or in the environment. Majority of the world's plastic waste from the developed world is exported to Southeast Asia.
There was once a woman who had immortal cells and scientists are keeping about 50 million metric tons of her cells supplied with fresh nutrients so they can replicate forever.
Bald Eagle nests can weigh up to a metric ton
The most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated, Tsar Bomba, had a mushroom cloud 7 times the height of Mt. Everest, weighed 27 metric tons, and its shockwave could be felt 700 km away
Fluoropolymers, whose most widely known brand name is Teflon, are produced in nearly 180,000 metric tons annually.
In 2011, there was about 500,000 metric tons of pumice and pumicite mined in the United States, mostly in Oregon, Nevada, and Idaho, and other states west of the Mississippi River.
Metric Ton data charts
For your convenience take a look at Metric Ton figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about metric ton?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Diet of bowhead whale consists of zooplankton and small fish. Bowhead whale can eat 10 metric tons of crustaceans each year.
Cod fishing was so popular in the Gulf of Maine that in 1851 there were 1260000 metric tons of it caught by fishermen.
Peru is the greatest manufacturer of quinoa in the world. It produces more than 40 million metric tons of quinoa per year.
The greatest producer of cashew nuts in the world is Nigeria. It produces more than 1.9 metric tons of cashew nuts annually.
India is the greatest manufacturer of millet in the world. It produces more than 8.8 million metric tons of millet annually.
When metric system started?
A Bald Eagle nest found in Florida (the largest tree nest ever found) was 6.1 m (20 ft) deep, 2.9 meters (9.5 ft) across, and weighed 2.7 metric tons.
How much is a metric ton?
A typical military railgun design aims lfor muzzle velocities in the range of 2000–3500m/s with muzzle energies of 5–50 MJ. For comparison, 50MJ is equivalent to the kinetic energy of a school bus weighing 5 metric tons, travelling at 509 km/h (316 mph).
Greatest producer of barley in the world is Russia. It produces more than 16 metric tons of barley each year.
Canada produces 1.5 Million metric tons of lentils per year and is the worlds largest provider of lentils
UPS improves efficiency by providing right turn only directions to drivers. This seemingly silly strategy has paid off: UPS's routing software shaved 20.4 million miles off their routes last year* while delivering 350,000 more packages. It also diminished CO2 emissions by 20,000 metric tons.
Canada is the greatest manufacturer of lentils in the world. It produces 1.5 million metric tons per year.
Metric ton infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Metric Ton numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.