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Medium Sized facts

While investigating facts about Medium Sized Dogs and Medium Sized Dogs That Dont Shed, I found out little known, but curios details like:

NASA, during the Apollo program, had to rename urinal sleeves in sizes "small, medium, and large" to "large, gigantic, and humongous" because astronauts would only select large (regardless of their size) and the sleeves kept slipping off.

how medium-sized?

The condom-based toilets used by male NASA astronauts to pee came in three sizes: "small", "medium", "large". After some leaking events, the sizes were informally changed to "extra large", "immense" and "unbelievable".

What medium sized dogs shed the least?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what medium sized dogs are hypoallergenic. Here are 50 of the best facts about Medium Sized Box Braids and Medium Sized Hypoallergenic Dogs I managed to collect.

what medium sized dogs don't shed?

  1. When it launched, the iconic "Big Gulp" from 7-11 was an unprecedented 32 oz. Today, this is the same size as some medium-sized beverages.

  2. Even though the 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens is considered a medium sized eruption relative to other volcanic eruptions, the landslide that happened less than a second before was the largest landslide in recorded history

  3. A medium-sized dog has the same environmental cost as a SUV

  4. According to a report about movie theater popcorn by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, "A medium-size buttered popcorn contains more fat than a breakfast of bacon and eggs, a Big Mac and fries, and a steak dinner combined."

  5. In 2008 due to the recession Japanese workers could go to a shop called 'The Venting Place' in Tokyo and buy plates to smash against a wall to release anger. "You can get three small dishes for 500 yen, a medium sized plate for 500 yen, a big platter for 1000 yen"

  6. NASA changed their urine-collecting condom sizes from Small, Medium, Large, to Large, Gigantic, Humongous because male astronauts who were not well-endowed continued choosing ‘Large’ even though it was too big.

  7. NASA had to change condom (used as part of the urination system in space suits) sizes from small, medium, large to large, gigantic, humongous since all of the astronauts picked up large regardless of their size.

  8. Doberman Pinscher has long muzzle, medium-sized ears, strong, muscular body and long tail. Many people shorten ears and tail of Doberman Pinscher few days or weeks after birth. Those procedures are very painful for dogs.

  9. Black turnstone has short, dark, slightly upturned bill. It has stocky, medium-sized body with short, reddish-brown legs.

  10. Weimaraner has medium-sized head, loose lips, long, pendant ears, athletic body, long legs and long tail.

medium sized facts
What medium sized dogs are good for apartments?

What is true about medium sized?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Sloth is a medium sized animal. It is usually 2 to 2.5 feet long, reaching 8 to 17 pounds in weight.

Mandarin duck is a medium sized bird. It can reach 8 to 10 inches in length and weigh between 1.5 and 2.5 pounds. Females are larger than males.

Tiffany has broad head, softly squared muzzle, oval, yellow eyes, medium-sized, hairy ears with rounded tips, elongated body and thick, long, well-plumed tail.

Rice can be white, yellow, golden, brown, purple, red or black in color. All varieties of rice are divided in three major categories based on the size of grain: long, medium and short. Medium and short types are sticky due to high content of starch.

Little stint is tiny, sparrow-sized bird with short, dagger-like bill. It has black eyes and medium-sized black legs. Little stint does not have webbed feet.

When do medium sized dogs stop growing?

Shih Tzu has big, rounded head with short muzzle (short nose is responsible for snoring), dark eyes and long, floppy ears. Its limbs are muscular and medium in size, while tail is long and curled above the back.

How big is a medium sized dog?

Avocet is a bird of medium size. It can weigh 11 to 15 ounces and reach between 16 to 18 inches in length.

Tawny frogmouth has roundish, medium-sized wings, but it does not belong to the group of good fliers.

Blesbok has medium-sized body and short tail which ends with black tuft. Both males and females have S-shaped, spiral horns that can reach 14 to 20 inches in length. Females have more slender horns (compared to males).

Lemon is medium sized tree that can reach 20 feet in height.

A dog's age isn't exactly "7 years to each human year," but actually a more complicated calculation with size also being a factor. For example, year 1 for all dogs is 15 human years, but year 16 is 80, 87, & 120 human years for small, medium, & large dogs, respectively.

When is a company medium sized?

Savannah is large- to medium-sized cat that can reach 8 to 20 pounds of weight.

Dark-colored zucchini contains the greatest amount of nutrients. Small and medium-sized zucchini have better flavor than large varieties.

Cuscus is an animal of medium size. It can reach 14 to 26 inches in length and weigh between 3.3 and 13 pounds. It has 13 to 24 inches long tail.

The Mayflower had 4 medium size cannons and 8 small size cannons. The passengers and crew felt that there might be a need for defense against pirates, Spanish, French, or even Native Americans.

Fire-bellied toads are medium sized toads. They usually reach between 1.3 and 5 inches in length and between 0.7 and 2.8 ounces of weight.

How long do medium sized dogs live?

Sphynx is medium-sized cat that can reach 6 to 12 pounds of weight.

Banded cat-eyed snake is medium-sized snake that can reach 30 inches in length.

Ring-tailed coati is a medium sized animal. It can weigh between 4.4 and 16 pounds, with length of up to 44 inches. Tail measures the half of the total body length.

One medium sized potato contains more than one half milligram of vitamin B6. This vitamin is important for enzyme reactions in the body. The body's DNA requires this vitamin for its creation. All new cells in the body require vitamin B6.

Ruff has small head, orange bill, elongated neck, medium-sized body and long orange-yellow legs.

Eastern meadowlark has body of medium size, slender bill, short tail and long legs.

Woolly monkey is a medium sized animal. It can reach 20 to 24 inches in length and 11 to 18 pounds in weight. Males are larger than females.

Rhodesian Ridgeback has broad head, long muzzle, round, brown-colored eyes, medium-sized, drooping ears, large muscular body, long legs and long tail.

Rambutan is medium-sized tree that can reach 39 to 66 feet in height.

Beagle has dome-shaped skull, square muzzle, long, floppy ears, small to medium-sized, muscular body and long, slightly curled tail.

Wild boars are medium-sized animals. They can reach 3 to 6.5 feet in length, 21.6 to 39.3 inches in height and 90 to 700 pounds in weight.

Birch is a medium-sized tree that can reach 30 to 50 feet in height. Some species may grow to the height of 80 feet under appropriate conditions.

Cuckoos are birds of the medium size. They can reach 12.6 to 14.1 inches in length and weight up to 2.1 ounces.

Grant’s gazelle is a medium-sized animal that can reach 55 to 65 inches of length and 84 to 180 pounds of weight. Males are much larger than females.

Body of common tenrec is covered with medium sized fur. Color of the fur depends on the habitat (it provides camouflage). Fur is usually reddish or grey in color.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Medium Sized. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Medium Sized so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor