Menstrual Cycle facts
While investigating facts about Menstrual Cycle Phases and Menstrual Cycle Calendar, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The quality of a woman’s voice fluctuates through the course of her menstrual cycle with the “best voice” (higher pitch) during the ovulatory phase & “worst” during the premenstrual phase which is referred to as “premenstrual voice syndrome.”
how menstrual cycle works?
The sweat from a man's underarm can help women relax, boost their mood and help regulate their menstrual cycle, if applied to her lips.
What menstrual cycle is normal?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what menstrual cycle means. Here are 36 of the best facts about Menstrual Cycle Calculator and Menstrual Cycle Chart I managed to collect.
what's menstrual cycle?
The menstrual cycles of women that live together actually don't synchronize, contrary to common belief.
Once an HPV has caused cervical cancer a woman may experience irregular menstrual cycles, pain in the leg, back or pelvic area, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, a swollen leg or other symptoms.
Stem, flowers and leaves of wormwood are used in treatment of gastrointestinal disorders (ulcers, indigestion, gallbladder inflammation, intestinal worms…), muscle pain, irregular menstrual cycles, fever, hepatitis, jaundice, hysteria, convulsions, insomnia, and many other disorders.
Females have menstrual cycle that resembles the menstrual cycle of a woman. They produce several litters per year.
Garden cress can regulate menstrual cycle, increase production of milk in breastfeeding women and improve libido. Seeds are used to purify blood, stimulate appetite, boost immune system and memory and in treatment of dysentery, diarrhea, sore throat, asthma and cough.
Leaves and seeds of oleander are used in the manufacture of medicines for asthma, epilepsy, painful menstrual cycles, warts and other skin conditions.
Herbal tea made of leaves of raspberry can be used for the regulation of menstrual cycle.
Yoshikazu, the son featured in "Jiro Dreams of Sushi" does not believe women can be sushi chefs because their menstrual cycle affects their taste.
Menstrual Cycle data charts
For your convenience take a look at Menstrual Cycle figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why menstrual cycle changes?
You can easily fact check why menstrual cycle late by examining the linked well-known sources.
Signs that someone might be suffering from bulimia include a constant preoccupation with number of calories consumed, being extremely conscious of one's weight, low blood pressure, low self-esteem, irregular menstrual cycles, depression, frequent trips to the washroom, consuming large amounts of food in a short time period, and possibly excessive exercise.
Before 2014, there were no concrete cases of female to female transmission of HIV. The first case arose when two lesbians had rough sex during their menstrual cycle and one infected the other. - source
In 1983, NASA was concerned with the workings of the menstrual cycle in space while preparing for the first woman to achieve spaceflight, and asked Sally Ride if 100 tampons would be enough for a 7 day mission. - source
People excluded women in investigations of alcohol effects on human performances because they believed the menstrual cycle was affecting the outcomes of the results. Followed a study on alcohol effect on women in and out of menstrual cycle.
Yarrow can be used in a treatment of rheumatism, toothache and sore throat. It also stimulates circulation, regulates menstrual cycle and eliminates excess water from the body (acts like diuretic).
When menstrual cycle stop?
Women's cognitive abilities vary across their menstrual cycle.
How menstrual cycle occurs?
In 1946 Disney produced an informational video about the menstrual cycle for schools
Strippers make significantly more during peak fertility of their menstrual cycle (~20-35USD/hour more)
Rare nodules in a womans lungs can go through a menstrual cycle, which cause the lungs to collapse due to bleeding in the lung cavity
Although the human menstrual cycle is similar in length to the lunar cycle, the relationship is believed to be a coincidence.
Your voice is very accurately linked to hormone levels. Acoustic information includes women's stages in their menstrual cycles, and Alexa from Amazon Echo might know that a woman is pregnant even before she knows.
Menstrual cycle infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Menstrual Cycle numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.