Mark Cuban facts
While investigating facts about Mark Cuban Wife and Mark Cuban House, I found out little known, but curios details like:
After Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said NBA referee manager Ed Rush "wouldn't be able to manage a Dairy Queen", Dairy Queen management took offence and offered to let Cuban manage a Dairy Queen for a day. Cuban accepted.
how mark cuban is rich?
At age 29, before he was famous, Mark Cuban bought a lifetime pass on American Airlines for $125K to fly anywhere, anytime, even if the flight was full. Magic Johnson once had to give up his seat to him
What ethnicity is mark cuban?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what did mark cuban invent. Here are 35 of the best facts about Mark Cuban President and Mark Cuban Family I managed to collect.
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Until 2013, Shark Tank required 5% equity of all companies - just to pitch in the show. Lawyers at ABC later changed the requirement after Mark Cuban gave them an ultimatum — remove the equity clause or "I'm not coming back."
Every company on the show "Shark Tank" used to have to give 2% royalties or 5% equity to the producers, regardless of whether a deal was made. Mark Cuban forced the producers to end that requirement, saying the "quality of the companies and entrepreneurs would decline" if it were kept
The production company behind Shark Tank used to require contestants to give them 5% equity or 2% of the profits from their companies in exchange for appearing on the show. Mark Cuban threatened to quit over this rule, so producers got rid of it.
Billionaire Mark Cuban wrote: "The most patriotic thing you can do: bust your ass and get rich. Make a boatload of money. Pay your taxes. Lots of taxes. Hire people. Train people. Pay people. Spend money on rent, equipment, services. Pay more taxes."
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said that the manager of officials of the NBA "wouldn't be able to manage a Dairy Queen." Dairy Queen was offended by this and invited him to manage a Dairy Queen for a day. Cuban accepted the company's invitation and worked for a day at a Dairy Queen
Billionaire Mark Cuban once said he wouldn't hire the head of NBA officiating "to manage a Dairy Queen." Dairy Queen offered to let Cuban manage one of their stores, which he did for one day.
When Mark Cuban was fined $15k for charity for saying the F word at a LoL match, he responded "F*ck it", effectively doubling the fine.
Mark Cuban offered Trump $1 million to a charity of Trump's choosing if Trump shaved his head
Mark Cuban has a greater net worth than all the other shark tank hosts combined
Mark Cuban data charts
For your convenience take a look at Mark Cuban figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about mark cuban?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Yahoo! paid Mark Cuban $5.7billion for - a service that has since been discontinued.
GoPro founder Nick Woodman is worth $4.8 billion dollars, which is more than twice Mark Cuban's net worth. - source
Mark Twain reviled Cuban cigars:"I dread high-priced Havanas with a fancy label; a label which augments the price of the cigar twenty-seven degrees beyond its value. I have accepted tons of those; and given them to the poor. It's not that I hate the poor but that I do not wish to waste anything. - source
Mark Cuban still holds the Guinness World Record for biggest single e-commerce transaction, a personal jet purchased for $40 million in 1999.
Mark Cuban managed a Dairy Queen for a day after DQ took offense to his comments about how the NBA's manager of officials "couldn't manage a Dairy Queen." - source
When did mark cuban get married?
Mark Cuban bought 1/3 of "I Want To Draw A Cat For You" on Shark Tank for $25K and the company went on to gross $200K the following year
How did mark cuban make his money?
After a recomendatation from a friend, Mark Cuban bought a 15 million dollar mansion without ever stepping foot in it
Mark Cuban threatened not to return to Shark Tank until an equity clause was removed from contestants' contracts.
Mark Cuban owns the domain that showcases student debt in real-time.
Nearly 20 years ago, after making his first million dollars, Mark Cuban (now a billionaire entrepreneur) bought a lifetime American Airlines pass and flew all over the world.
Mark Cuban once set up a chain letter, which paid for one semester's tuition at Indiana University. He also gave disco lessons to sorority girls for $25 an hour.