Hedge Fund facts
While investigating facts about Hedge Fund Manager and Hedge Fund Definition, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A billionaire hedge fund manager once paid Kenny Rogers $4 Million to sing The Gambler over and over a dozen times at his birthday party.
how hedge funds work?
A Billionaire hedge fund founder payed 800 New York teachers an extra $15,000 due to poor teacher salaries
What's hedge fund?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what hedge funds really do. Here are 50 of the best facts about Hedge Fund Manager Salary and Hedge Fund Jobs I managed to collect.
why work at hedge fund?
Warren Buffet has won a $1 million bet for 6 out of the last 7 years that the S&P 500 will beat a famous hedge fund portfolio return's
Ellen Pao's husband Buddy Fletcher is a former hedge fund manager, but his fund went bankrupt after Fletcher and associates diverted investor funds for their own personal benefit, causing the loss millions of $$$ to Louisiana pensioners. He is now under investigation for civil fraud.
George Soros used a loophole to defer paying taxes and instead reinvest his money. Following this rule, after 40 years a Hedge Fund manager could amass $15.9B as opposed to $2.4B (amount if taxes were paid when the money was earned).
When hedge fund manager Eddie Lambert merged Sears and Kmart into one company he was hailed as the next Warren Buffett, capable of turning around struggling businesses. Today he is blamed for running Sears and Kmart into the ground
Billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Tudor Jones was the subject of a 1987 PBS documentary called "Trader" and wants to hide it from the public so much that he buys every copy that becomes available and tries to block it from being aired on the internet
New Jersey lost $140M in tax revenue after a hedge fund billionaire moved to Florida.
Apple controls 'the world's biggest hedge fund' called Braeburn Capital. It manages over 100 billion and helps the company avoid tax
A mathematics professor at Stony Brook University quit his job and started a hedge fund. He personally earned $2.8 billion in twelve months in 2007.
After starting his first hedge fund in 2006, 'Pharma Bro' Martin Shkreli lost a $2.3m lawsuit to Lehman Brothers. Lehman Brothers collapsed before they could collect.
A bunch of guys working a hedge fund out of their garage turned $110000 of dad's money into $120 million by successfully predicting the 2008 market crash
Hedge Fund data charts
For your convenience take a look at Hedge Fund figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why hedge fund wso?
You can easily fact check why hedge funds in connecticut by examining the linked well-known sources.
A billionaire hedge fund manager spent $50million investigating HERBALIFE and exposing it as pyramid scheme in a public presentation. HERBALIFE share price shot up 25% as a result.
An investor and operator of a hedge fund has placed a $1,000,000,000 special bet (known on the stock market as a "short") against the shady multilevel marketing company, Herbalife. If they lose money, he makes money. He plans to donate his profits to charity. - source
Reddit's CEO is suing her former employer for discrimination and sexual harassment, is married to man who left his long-term boyfriend for her and sued his condo, the Dakota in NYC, for racial discrimination after not selling him another unit following the collapse of the hedge fund he manages - source
John Paulson, an American hedge fund manager, earned almost $4 billion on Wallstreet in 2007. He donated $100 milllion to the Central Park Conservancy, which at the time represented the largest monetary donation in the history of New York City’s park system.
The top 25 hedge fund managers in America make more than all the country's kindergarten teachers combined - source
When was the first hedge fund?
In 2007 historian Niall Ferguson made a 7:1 bet with a hedge fund manager that there would be another recession within 5 years while researching his book the Ascent of Money. Ferguson claimed winnings of $98,000.
How hedge funds make money?
A 2013 financial study showed that 77% of the €207 Billion intended to bail out Greece went to wealthy banks and hedge funds. Some of these were not based in Greece.
One of the richest hedge fund managers in the world bought his old boss’s house for $40m and tore it down for revenge
Germany does not extradite German citizens which is why Florian Homm, a hedge fund manager who the US sentenced to 225 years in jail for ripping off his investors for hundreds of millions of dollars, is currently living in self-imposed exile in Germany to avoid extradition.
a hedge fund in the United States was able to seize an Argentinian war ship because Argentina defaulted on its credit.
Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin, former Goldman Sachs CIO and hedge fund manager, has produced 45 films to date, including The LEGO Batman Movie, Edge of Tomorrow, The Accountant, and Mad Max: Fury Road.