Long Distances facts
While investigating facts about Long Distance Relationship and Long Distance Relationship Status, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1971, phone phreaker John Draper discovered a way to gain free minutes for long-distance, AT&T calls. He would blow a toy, ‘Captain Crunch’ whistle, which had the same 2600-hertz tone that indicated a trunk line was ready to be put through, and gain access to additional minutes.
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About John Draper. He used the whistles found in Cap'n Crunch cereal boxes in the 1960's to bypass phone systems and place free long-distance calls as they played at 2600 Hzs—the perfect tone to commandeer a phone line. His work inspired the founders of Apple.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what dogs can run long distances. Here are 50 of the best facts about Long Distance Love and Long Distance Synonym I managed to collect.
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Prior to Steve Irwin's death - he designed and funded a study which discovered that crocodiles can "surf" long distances across the ocean. One of the crocodiles in this study surfed 366 miles within 25 days.
Humans are the greatest endurance-runners in the animal kingdom. Over a long enough distance a human can outrun any other animal on this planet.
Cap’n Crunch once gave a free prize whistle that blew a 2600 Hz tone - so if you dialed a long distance phone number and blew the whistle, it gave you free long distance calls.
In 1903, two men and a pit bull made the first documented journey by automobile from San Francisco to New York using only a connection of dirt roads, cow paths, and railroad beds. The journey took 63 days, became a national sensation, and called for a system of long distance roads.
Humans are the kings and queens of the planet when it comes to long-distance running. We can outrun every animal on the planet, and run in conditions that no other animal can run in.
Elephants know to come to humans for help (like if they've been poisoned) and can find us even over long distances
Talking drums were used in Africa for centuries to transmit messages over long distances by mimicking speech. When these were brought to America during the slave trade, they were banned because slaves used them to transmit messages their masters couldn't decipher.
1968, Olympic long jumper Bob Beamon's first attempt exceed the limit of the official measuring equipment. It took over 15 minutes before a distance was posted, and only then did he realize he had broken the world record by nearly 2 feet (0.6m).
Long-distance swimming is unique among the world's various athletic competitions. It is one of very few endurance sports where there are women's records that beat men's records under equal conditions, especially as the distances increases.
Long Distances data charts
For your convenience take a look at Long Distances figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why can't i run long distances by examining the linked well-known sources.
Humans are the best long-distance runners on the planet, able to beat natural running animals( horses and dogs) in marathon distance races.
In the early 1900s, 6-day long bicycle races were quite popular. The winner would be whoever rode the greatest distance in the 6days. They would get extremely little sleep and hallucinate on the track. - source
Since 1980 about 40% of the top honours in men's long distance international athletics have gone to Kenyans from a single tribe, the Kalenjin. - source
A hacker in the 70's (John Draper) found that a toy whistle in the cereal Cap'n Crunch blew at the same frequency that was used by AT&T long lines to indicate that a trunk line was ready the route a new call, essentially allowing him to make free long distance calls.
During the OJ Simpson verdict, long distance call volume fell by 58%, stock trading fell by 41%, and water use declined as people avoided going to the bathroom - source
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From 1961 till 1972 women were prohibited to run marathons in US since officials thought woman’s uterus could fall out from long distance running
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Comedian Eddie Izzard completed 43 marathons in 51 days with no history of long distance running
The world record for long-distance archery is held by a guy with no arms.
Humans are the best long distance runners on the planet
On April 5, 1943 the Destroyer USS O'Bannon encountered a Japanese submarine. Too close to fire their guns, the crew threw potatoes at the Japanses sailors, who thought they were grenades, distracting them long enough to get distance from the sub, fire their guns, and eventually sink it.
Long distances infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Long Distances numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

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