Liver Transplant facts
While investigating facts about Liver Transplant Cost and Liver Transplant Surgery, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A girl who received a liver transplant does not need lifelong immunosuppressants because her blood type spontaneously changed to accommodate the donor liver
how liver transplant is done?
A Hepatitis A outbreak at 2 Subway locations in Seattle. The staff weren't washing their hands properly or using gloves, thus spreading infected fecal matter. One victim, a 6 yr old boy, suffered acute liver failure and required a liver transplant. He was awarded $10 million out of court.
What is the life expectancy after a liver transplant?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the requirements for a liver transplant. Here are 33 of the best facts about Liver Transplant Criteria and Liver Transplant List I managed to collect.
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When Steve Jobs was dying and in need of a liver transplant from someone with the same, rare blood type, Tim Cook got his blood tested, found out he was a match and offered part of his liver. Steve refused.
Steve Jobs used a loophole in the medical registration system to get his non-essential liver transplant before 16,000 other people who were already on the list for years.
Demi-Lee Brennan, the first liver transplant patient to switch blood groups - at estimated odds of 6 billion to 1. The switch in blood type means the 15-year-old no longer requires life-long consumption of immunosuppressant drugs which are used to stop the body from rejecting a new organ.
All Singaporeans over 21 years old are organ donors by default, allowing for the kidneys, heart, liver and corneas to be transplanted in the event of death from any cause. Individuals who do not wish to be donors must actively opt out, and few do: 97% of its citizens are organ donors.
A liver transplant only requires a small section from the donor, because it will regenerate to the full size in the recipient. Interestingly, a child can receive a transplant and the liver will grow normally as they mature
When Steve Jobs was dying and in need of a liver transplant from someone with the same, rare blood type, Tim Cook got his blood tested, found out he was a match and offered part of his liver. Steve refused.
Japanese gang lords barred from entry to the US were given liver transplants at UCLA. During those years over 400 patients died waiting for livers in the LA area.
In 2008, a 15-year-old liver transplant patient became the first person in the world to take on the immune system and blood type of her donor.
After receiving a liver transplant, a 9 year old girl's body assumed the blood type of the donor organ - fully accepting the organ and allowing her to be taken off anti-rejection meds.
Steve Jobs used a loophole in the UNOS registration system to get his liver transplant before others.
Liver Transplant data charts
For your convenience take a look at Liver Transplant figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why liver transplant is needed?
You can easily fact check why liver transplant is done by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Death Cap Mushroom, the deadliest mushroom in the world, has no antidote for it's toxins. Additionally, it taste pleasant, resembles the edible paddy straw mushroom, has delayed symptoms, and treatment when poisoned often involves a liver transplant.
Mushroom related deaths, the Amanita make up of 95% of the fatalities, with 50% of them from the death cap, which is commonly mistaken for edible mushroom varieties. The toxins irreversibly destroy liver cell functions and can require a transplant. - source
About the organ transplant pioneer, Vladimir Demikhov, who created heart, lung, liver, and artificial heart transplant methods still used today. Though he's infamous for successfully grafting heads of dogs on to other dogs. - source
Legendary Mexican singer Vicente Fernández once refused a liver transplant on the grounds that he didn't want to"sleep next to (his) wife with another man's liver"
Pittsburgh has been home to several important health discoveries and advancements, including the first polio vaccine, perfecting organ transplantation, discovery of vitamin C, liver resection, youngest heart-lung transplant, first liver-kidney-heart transplant, and many more.
What is roux en y liver transplant?
The liver has an amazing ability - it can constantly regenerate itself, and can take huge amounts of damage. This is why things like liver transplants are possible - someone can donate half of their liver to another person who needs a liver, and the half that is taken will grow back!
How liver transplant works?
The liver has the incredible ability to regenerate its cells. Because of this, you can donate up to 50% of your liver for transplant and it will grow back
Treatment of liver cancer can include radiation, chemotherapy, surgery, and even liver transplants.
David Crosby was the recipient of a highly publicized liver transplant in 1994, which was paid for by Phil Collins. News of his transplant created some controversy because of his celebrity status and his past problems with drug and alcohol addiction.
Steve Jobs/Apple cut in line for a liver transplant
There were only two planes that flew on 9/11. One for the snake bite victim and the other for a liver transplant for an infant and here is her story