Laser Pointers facts
While investigating facts about Laser Pointers And Dogs and Laser Pointers And Cats, I found out little known, but curios details like:
One of the first items sold on eBay was a broken laser pointer. When eBay creator, Pierre Omidyar, emailed the person who bought the broken laser pointer for $14.83 ($22.40 today) to make sure he knew it was broken, the man told him “I’m a collector of broken laser pointers.”
how laser pointers work?
The first item sold on Ebay was a broken laser pointer for 14.83, to someone who kept a broken laser pointer collection
Why do cats chirp at laser pointers?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering why can't you point laser pointers at airplanes. Here are 30 of the best facts about Laser Pointers Near Me and Laser Pointers Amazon I managed to collect.
why do cats chatter at laser pointers?
The FBI might pay you 10,000$ if you rat out people who point laser pointers at planes.
Laser canons which "work just like a laser pointer" in operation by the US Navy can shoot down drones silently and instantly, and precisely aim (and burn) enemy ship's engine
Jumping spiders can not only see the moon, but also enjoy chasing laser pointers.
The first item ever sold on eBay was a broken laser pointer in 1995. The buyer was a collector of broken laser pointers.
In the morning of his Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, Kary Mullis (inventor of the polymerase chain reaction) was nearly arrested by Swedish authorities for the "inappropriate use of a laser pointer".
Laser pointers, even though they’re only a dot at close range, can be inches across at a distance. This is one of the reasons there’s legislation making it illegal to point lasers at aircraft.
One of the first things sold on Ebay was a broken laser pointer. It was brought by a collector of broken laser pointers.
Laser pointers are heavily prohibited in Australia.
EBay started off on a website server that founder Pierre Omidyar used to spread information about the Ebola virus. Also the first item listed was a broken laser pointer.
Arizona considers "aiming a laser pointer at a peace officer" to be on the same level as a "drive by shooting" when it comes to getting a Level 1 Fingerprint Clearance Card.
Why laser pointers are bad for cats?
You can easily fact check why laser pointers are dangerous by examining the linked well-known sources.
It is a federal crime to aim a laser pointer at an aircraft. In 2015, a man got sentenced to 14 years in prison for aiming a laser pointer at a helicopter.
Canada's new polymer bills can be authenticated with a laser pointer. Found it by accident playing with a $5 bill. - source
In 1993 a patent application was submitted for a method of exercising cats with a laser was granted in 1995. - source
You can light a cigarette with a 1w laser pointer
A laser pointer has enough energy to pop black balloons - source
When were laser pointers invented?
If you shine a laser pointer through Canadian note ($5, $10, $20, $50, $100), it will project its value onto a wall
How laser pointers can damage eyes?
The Ban on High Power Laser Pointers in Australia Decreased Safety, Without Decreasing Availability of >1mW Laser Pointers (.pdf link to actual study in comments)
The first item sold on ebay was a broken laser pointer, and when asked in an email by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar if he was aware that the laser pointer was broken, the buyer replied that “I’m a collector of broken laser pointers.”
"laser" is an acronym for "light amplifiction by stimulated emission of radiation." As a bonus, it takes about 200,000 laser pointers to kill a human.
During a presentation to a foreign delegation, Jerome M. Hauer, NY State's Director of Homeland Security, used his Glock sidearm's laser as a pointer, pointing it in the direction of several Swedish delegates while looking for a map of New York to point to.
The first item ever sold on eBay was a broken laser pointer for $14.83. Among the other items sold just a week after Omidyar launched eBay were autographed Marky Mark underwear for $400, a Superman metal lunchbox for $22, and a Toyota Tercel for $3,200.