Las Vegas facts
While investigating facts about Las Vegas Weather and Las Vegas Hotels, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Michael Jordan once tipped a waitress a $5 chip for bringing him a drink. Wayne Gretzky stopped the waitress, removed the $5 chip, grabbed one of the many $100 chips on Jordan’s side of the table, and gave it to her. Then he said, "That's how we tip in Las Vegas, Michael."
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Heart Attack Grill, a Las Vegas restaurant where people over 350 lbs. eat free. 3 people have died while eating there, and the only vegan option on their menu is cigarettes.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what time is it at las vegas. Here are 50 of the best facts about Las Vegas News and Las Vegas Shows I managed to collect.
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Ben Affleck is banned for life from playing Blackjack at the Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas after being caught counting cards.
Sacha Baron Cohen most likely uncovered a pedophile ring in Las Vegas, but the FBI declined to investigate
A woman who has won the Lottery four times since 1993. She was outed as a PhD of Statistics from Standford University and had figured out the pseudo-number generator for the distribution of the winning tickets. She won a total of $17million, and has since moved to Las Vegas.
The "Sky Beam" that shoots out of the Luxor Hotel/Casino in Las Vegas attracts so many insects that it has established a new ecosystem of moths, bats, and owls.
6 British soldiers were dining in Las Vegas when the Vegas shooting occurred, they immediately abandoned their meal and rushed into the chaos to treat victims, saving multiple lives.
Jim Carrey offered Nicolas Cage to co-star with him in 'Dumb and Dumber' (1994), however Cage wanted to do a much smaller movie instead called Leaving Las Vegas. 'Leaving Las Vegas' (1995) ended up earning Nicolas Cage an Academy Award for Best Actor in 1996.
In 1970 George Carlin, tiring of performing clean stand-up comedy, listed the many uses of the word "shit" one night at the Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas. He was immediately fired and escorted from the premises.
Approximately 300 people live in the tunnels under Las Vegas in order to do drugs or be alone in general.
If you are thrown out of a Las Vegas strip club, you are entitled to be reimbursed your cover charge and the cost of any alcoholic beverage you purchased. (Las Vegas Code of Ordinances sec.6.06B.090(O).)
As of 2015, Japan's pachinko market generates more gambling revenue than that of Las Vegas, Macau and Singapore combined.
Las Vegas data charts
For your convenience take a look at Las Vegas figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why las vegas wedding by examining the linked well-known sources.
Las Vegas's MGM Grand Hotel & Casino had its worst financial week ever when it hosted a physicist convention
Survivors of the Las Vegas shootings received death threats from conspiracy theorists - source
While planning his comeback in Las Vegas in 2007, Michael Jackson wanted to build a 50 foot tall robot replica of himself that would roam the desert under the flight paths of incoming planes, shooting lasers out of its eyes in order to get the attention of the tourists flying into the city. - source
Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack are widely credited with helping end segregation in Las Vegas, by refusing to perform in venues that wouldn't allow blacks
Las Vegas' new NHL team will use an arena funded by 0 taxpayer dollars. Meanwhile, the NFL's Raiders are asking for $750 million upfront in public money to fund the construction of a new stadium in order to relocate to LV. - source
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Target has a top rated forensic lab in Las Vegas and Minneapolis used to solve retail crimes committed at Target stores. They also tackle felony, homicide and special circumstances cases for law bureaus that need the extra manpower, facilities, resources and time free of charge.
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Penn & Teller created a Sega Game in the 90s called 'Desert Bus.' The Objective is to drive in a straight line from Tucson, Arizona, to Las Vegas, Nevada. The Journey takes aprox 8 hours, cannot be paused and you are awarded 1 point every time you complete it.
When Frank Sinatra died, Las Vegas casinos stopped spinning for 1 minute. (#8)
In the early days of FedEx, CEO Fred Smith took the company's last $5,000 to Las Vegas and won $27,000 gambling on blackjack to cover the company's $24,000 fuel bill.
George Carlin went off on his Vegas crowd: "People who go to Las Vegas, you've got to question their fucking intellect to start with. Traveling...thousands of miles to essentially give your money to a large corporation is kind of fucking moronic... fucking people with very limited intellects."
In 2004 a customer in Las Vegas walked into an In-N-Out and ordered a 100x100. That's 100 beef patties and 100 slices of cheese, which the restaurant obliged as until then they accommodated orders of any size at extra cost. Since then In-N-Out changed it's rules and capped the burger at 4x4.
Las vegas infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Las Vegas numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Las Vegas airport grounds flights temporarily after shooting on 10/01.