Austin Texas facts
While investigating facts about Austin Texas Weather and Austin Texas News, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Texas billionaire and former Presidential candidate Ross Perot wrote a blank cheque to fund and save the 500-year old Treaty Oak in Austin Texas which was poisoned by a vandal
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The last victim of the 1966 University of Texas at Austin shooting died in 2001 after having to undergo dialysis for 35 years, 3 times a week, 5 hours each time. His death was ruled a homicide.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's austin texas known for. Here are 50 of the best facts about Austin Texas Things To Do and Austin Texas Homes For Sale I managed to collect.
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The when the city of Austin Texas asked people online to rename their Solid Waste Services Department, the winner was "The Fred Durst Society of the Humanities and Arts".
On October 6, 1909, Vancouver revealed its first Auto Ambulance and was taken on a test drive, when it ran over and almost instantly killed a wealthy man from Austin, Texas. Ironically, this man was the first person the ambulance picked up.
The oldest cat ever recorded lived to be 38 years (and 3 days) old in Austin, Texas from 1967-2005. Creme Puff lived with her owner Jake Perry, who had been the owner of the previous record holder, Grandpa Rex Allen.
In 1962, at the University of Texas at Austin, Janis Joplin was voted "ugliest man on campus"
"chicken shit bingo", a weekly event at the Little Longhorn Saloon in Austin Texas. Participants purchase a ticket which corresponds to a random number on the table. If the chicken poops on your number you win a cash prize.
9 patients in Austin Texas accounted for 2700 emergency room visits over a six year span costing tax payers 3 million dollars.
Austin, Texas is the biggest city in the United States without a team in the NBA, MLB, NFL or NHL despite being the 13th most populated city in the country.
One of America's first Serial Killers is suspected by many to have been the same person as Jack the Ripper. The "Servant Girl Annihilator" of Austin, Texas went on a year long killing spree only to abruptly stop in 1885, three years before Jack the Ripper started in 1888.
Janis Joplin was voted "Ugliest Man on Campus" by the fraternities at the University of Texas at Austin
Jordan died on January 17, 1996 in Austin, Texas due to complications from pneumonia.
Austin Texas data charts
For your convenience take a look at Austin Texas figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why move to austin texas by examining the linked well-known sources.
John Hamm (Mad Men) withdrew from the University of Texas at Austin after being charged in a 'brutal' 1990 hazing incident
Three years before Jack the Ripper, the Servant Girl Annihilator terrorized Austin, Texas. He was never found. - source
Texas" capital is Austin, which is also considered to be the live music capital of the world.
Retroville from Jimmy Neutron is actually located in Austin, Texas.
With a population of over 900k people, Austin, Texas is the largest US city without a professional sports franchise. - source
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In 1991, a local businessman running for mayor in Austin held a press conference to reveal that was a former mafia hitman from New Jersey who'd changed his name and relocated to Texas as part of the Witness Protection Program.
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An American cat named Creme Puff (August 3, 1967 – August 6, 2005) was the oldest cat ever recorded. She died aged 38 years and 3 days (or 168 cat years). The owner, Jake Perry of Austin, Texas also had another cat (Granpa) who lived past age 34.
Convicted murderer Bernie Tiede, the subject of the Richard Linklater film 'Bernie', was released from his life sentence on $10,000 bail in May 2014 with the condition that he live with Linklater in Austin, Texas.
It's illegal to carry wire cutters in Austin, Texas
On August 1, 1966, Charles Whitman climbed the clock tower at the University of Austin Texas and gunned down 49 people, killing 16. In an autopsy requested by the perpetrator in his suicide note, a small brain tumor was discovered which may have contributed to his actions.
Charlie Black, a freshman at the University of Texas, who after seeing Louis Armstrong perform in Austin, was so moved by “seeing genius” he went on to volunteer in the team of lawyers that helped desegregate schools in Brown v. Board of Education
Austin texas infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Austin Texas numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.