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Klm Flights facts

While investigating facts about Klm Flights To Amsterdam and Klm Flights Cancelled, I found out little known, but curios details like:

After KLM 4805 was diverted to the island of Tenerife, tour guide Robina van Lanschot chose not to reboard her flight because she lived on Tenerife. Her plane would end up crashing into Pan Am 1736 in the worst plane crash in history. None of van Lanschot's fellow passengers survived.

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KLM flights used to have a fully automatic rifle (Fairchild era AR-10) aboard for survival purposes in case of arctic grounding on their polar route from Amsterdam to Tokyo.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the baggage allowance on klm flights. Here are 11 of the best facts about Klm Flights Status and Klm Flights Schedule I managed to collect.

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  1. King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands has a pilots license and often flies his own VIP transport. To keep his license current, he sometimes flies for scheduled KLM flights.

  2. King of Netherlands, Willem-Alexander served as a first officer on KLM flights for 21 years, even after his ascension to the throne. He was rarely recognized while in the KLM uniform and wearing the KLM cap.

  3. The king Of the Netherlands Willem Alexander spent 21 years guest piloting KLM flights when he wanted a break from royal duties

  4. The Tenerife Airport Disaster, where a KLM and a Pan-Am flight collided on the runway when about to take off. Post-collision, KLM asked for veteran pilot Veldhuyzen van Zanten to be in their investigation team, only to learn that he was the Captain of the crashed KLM plane.

  5. KLM airlines uses dogs to track down and return items left on flights to their owners.

  6. The Tenerife airport disaster, the deadliest accident in aviation history, the only survivor from the KLM flight from Amsterdam to Tenerife survived because she chose not to reboard for Las Palmas, as she lived in Tenerife and did not want to fly to Gran Canaria to fly back the next day.

  7. The Dutch king has been flying KLM passenger flights in complete anonymity for several years

  8. The Dutch King Willem-Alexander has been co-pilot of commercial KLM flights twice a month for 21 years to fulfill legal requirements required to retain his pilot's license. He always flies under a pseudonym because he does not want his passengers to know that he's in the cockpit.

  9. The 1977 Tenerife Airport disaster, in which two jumbo jets collided in the fog, killing 583 people. Only 61 people survived the Pan Am flight, and one lucky woman had exited the KLM flight before takeoff.

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This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Klm Flights. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Klm Flights so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor