Air Force facts
While investigating facts about *air Force Aircraft Crossword and Air Force 1, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A hijacked Ethiopian Airlines plane was headed to Switzerland, but had to be intercepted by French/Italian fighter jets because the Swiss Air force doesn't work on nights and weekends.
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The US Air Force seriously considered and researched Nuking the Moon as a show of force after Russia launched Sputnik, but scrapped it at the last minute as they felt landing on it would be better received by the public.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what air force base is in oklahoma. Here are 50 of the best facts about Air Force Portal and Air Force Ranks I managed to collect.
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The Royal Air Force, in order to hide their success of identifying Luftwaffe bombers at night, made up a story about how carrots are good for eyesight. This was done so Germany wouldn’t know it was radar. A story told almost 80 years ago is why people still believe this myth today.
Major Harold Hering was discharged from the Air Force for asking the question "How can I know that an order I receive to launch my missiles came from a sane president?"
Before he was a famous musician Johnny Cash was a military code breaker for the US Air Force. He worked as a as a Morse Intercept Operator in Germany, handling the hardest jobs, intercepting Russian intelligence & deciphering code transmissions. He copied the 1st news of Stalin’s death.
David Goggins, the only member in the U.S. Armed Forces to complete SEAL training, Ranger School and Air Force Tactical Air Controller training. Goggins retired from active duty as a Chief Petty Officer in 2016. He's also an ultra-athlete and held the world record for most pull-ups in 24hrs.
How British Cmdr Terence Otway, wanting to be sure his men wouldn’t leak the D-Day plans, tested them by sending 30 pretty members of the Women’s Aux. Air Force in civilian clothes to the local pubs with instructions to do all they could try and get the info, but none of the men fell for it.
The captain of a United flight had a heart attack mid-flight, and so an off-duty air force captain, Mike Gongol, had to help land the plane, saving 160 lives. He knew he had to help when he heard the PA announcement "are there any non-revenue pilots on board, please ring your call button."
In 1948 Canada wasn't going to sent a Hockey team to the Olympics, so the Royal Canadian Air Force sent some servicemen to represent the country, and they won Gold.
Charles Lightoller, the most senior officer to survive the Titanic, who forced men to leave the lifeboats at gunpoint so only women and children could board. He was then pinned underwater for some time, until a blast of hot air from the ventilator blew him to the surface.
A family with property overlooking Area 51 refused a $5.2 million offer from the government to buy their land. So a judge took their land away from them and gave it to the Air Force.
A unit of women aviators, known as the Night Witches, in the Soviet Air Force bombed the Germans during WWII by idling their engines and gliding to the bomb release site so that only the wind noise could reveal their position. They did this at night and flew with no parachutes.
Air Force data charts
For your convenience take a look at Air Force figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why air force one is blue?
You can easily fact check why air force one painted blue by examining the linked well-known sources.
The first hostile aerial bombardment on U.S. soil happened in 1921 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, when white police forces took to the air to drop incendiary bombs and dynamite on the business district in the black neighborhood of Greenwood, known at the time as the "Black Wall Street."
Elvis Presley and his entourage would rent out roller skating rinks to throw $15,000 worth of fireworks at each other while wearing "air force jump-suits plus gloves, helmets, and goggles." - source
During WW2, there was an Australian dog whose hearing was so acute that it could warn air force personnel of incoming Japanese planes 20 minutes before they came and before they showed up on radar. He could also differentiate the sounds between allied and enemy planes - source
The very last WWI veteran died in 2012 at age 110. Florence Green had joined Britain's Women’s Royal Air Force in 1918 at age 17.
The United States Air Force Pararescue (PJs) use the sound bite of "Leeroy Jenkins" from World of Warcraft to notify themselves of an upcoming medevac mission. - source
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Morgan Freeman turned down a drama scholarship because he dreamed of being an Air Force fighter pilot. He spent four years as a tracking radar repairman. At age 65, he finally earned his private pilot license.
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In 1944 Russia captured an American B-29 bomber. Stalin demanded exact clones be made for the Russian air force. A small hole was found on the left wing of the captured aircraft as a result of a manufacturing mistake. All Russian TU-4 bombers included the unnecessary hole in the left wing.
In 2010, The U.S. Air Force made the fastest computer in the US Defense Department with 1,760 PlayStation 3's
About Gunner, Gunner was an Australian stray dog who helped the air-force in WW2. His hearing was so acute that he could detect Japanese planes twenty minutes before the arrived - and before they showed up on radar.
The Air Force had a little known unit with the motto "You've gotta be shitting me", which was what some of the crews said when they were told their mission. It was a unit dedicated to hunting down anti aircraft missile launchers...using aircraft.
The two largest air forces in the world both belong to the United States 1. USAF 2. US Navy
Air force infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Air Force numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.