Kiss Kiss facts
While investigating facts about Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Kiss Kiss Nails, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Lady Gaga admited that Kiss FM was the only radio station to correctly censor the song during the chorus when she replaces "poker face" with "fuck her face". Although not in the official lyrics, the switch can be heard every second repetition of the phrase during the chorus.
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In 1958 a white girl kissed two African American boys aged 9 and 7 on the cheeks. The two boys were arrested, detained for 6 days without access to their parents or legal counsel, & were severely beaten by the police. The boys were detained for a total of 3 months.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is kiss kiss bang bang about. Here are 50 of the best facts about Kiss Kiss Me and Kiss Kiss Kill Kill I managed to collect.
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In the 1980s Alyssa Milano befriended Ryan White(A Boy Ostracized For Having Aids) who was a fan of her works.She went on to appear on The Phil Donahue Show alongside Milano to kiss him on the cheek to show that she could not contract the disease.
Marcia Lucas, George Lucas’ then wife, was the reason for major changes to the Original Star Wars film. Obi Wan’s death, Leia’s good Luck Kiss and re-editing the trench run to increase tension were all her ideas. She won the Academy Award for editing the film while George did not for directing.
In 1958, a white girl kissed two African American boys, aged 9 and 7, on the cheeks. The two boys were arrested, detained for 6 days without access to their parents or legal counsel, and were severely beaten by the police. The boys were detained for a total of 3 months.
James Bond has slept with 46 women and at least “kissed” a further 52 in the first 20 films. According to one doctor: "The likelihood of James Bond having chlamydia is extremely high,".
About Freddie Oversteegen. She, along with her sister and friend, would flirt with Nazi collaborators and lure them to the woods for a promised makeout session. Once they reached a remote location, the men got a bullet to the head instead of a kiss.
Jackie Wilson always kissed the "ugliest" girl in the audience because "they'll all think they can have me and keep coming back and buying my records."
The first black-white interracial kiss on American television was on an episode of Star Trek. However, the producers were worried about the show being banned in the South because of it, and tried to shoot alternate versions of the shot. The actors intentionally flubbed those shots.
Sebastian Bach was fired from Skid Row after booking a show where the band would have opened for KISS. The other members refused to perform, saying Skid Row was too big an act to open for KISS. Bach left the band with a message saying "You're never too big to open up for KISS."
We kiss under the mistletoe to honour Balder, the Norse god, and brother of Thor.
Crested Black Macaque's are the most affectionate monkeys in the world, due to living in a forest full of food where they all want for nothing. They love to hug, blow kisses, share, and make friends.
Kiss Kiss data charts
For your convenience take a look at Kiss Kiss figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about kiss kiss?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Following a performance on The Mike Douglas Show, Gene Simmons of Kiss declared himself "evil incarnate", to which comedian Totie Fields commented, "Wouldn't it be funny if he's just a nice Jewish boy underneath the makeup?"
Among Turkic peoples, there is a sport called "girl chasing", in which a man and a woman race against each other on horseback. If the man wins, he gets a kiss from the woman. If the woman wins, she gets to beat the man with a whip. - source
The Hershey's Kisses Holiday Commercial has aired every season since 1989 - source
The Woman of Seine was the unknown woman whose body was pulled out of the Seine River.A post-mortem pathologist at the morgue was so taken by her beauty that he made a plaster cast death mask of her face.Now that mask is used as the face of the CPR mannequin and is the most kissed face on earth.
For Star Trek's groundbreaking interracial kiss, NBC worried that Southern affiliates might refuse to air the episode, so they filmed the scene with and without the kiss, but stars Nichols and Shatner consciously sabotaged the non-kiss takes so they could only air the kiss version. - source
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A ten-year psychological study found that men who kissed their wives before leaving for work lived, on average, five years longer, earning 20 to 30 percent more than peers who left without a kiss.
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A man rescued a dying crocodile, looked after it, tried to release the croc into the wild, but the croc kept coming back. The two became ‘best friends’ and for the next 20 years, Chito (man) used to get into the water to SWIM, KISS, HUG, PLAY with ‘Pocho’ the 5-meter, 450kg croc.
On February 11, 1992, a man who was likely innocent of a crime for which he was about to be put to death uttered these last words: "I'd like to thank my family for loving me and taking care of me. And the rest of the world can kiss my everloving ass, because I'm innocent."
We kiss under the mistletoe to honour Balder, the Norse God, and brother of Thor.
Julie d'Aubigny, a 17th century French swordswoman and opera singer who was challenged to duels by three different noblemen after kissing a young woman at a society ball. She beat all 3 of them. She was later sentenced to death by fire for kidnapping and arson. She survived that too!
Max Martin, a 43-year-old Swede, has co-written more #1 singles than anyone since the Beatles. His credits include "I Want It That Way", "Oops!... I Did It Again", "It's My Life", "Since U Been Gone", "I Kissed a Girl", "Shake It Off", and much more.
Kiss kiss infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Kiss Kiss numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Who kissed who in Parks and Recreation?