Incredible and fun facts to explore

Jet Lag facts

While investigating facts about Jet Lag Meaning and Jet Lag Lyrics, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A predominant cause of jet lag is the lack of available oxygen in airplane cabins. Airlines only pressurize cabins to levels equivalent to 8000 ft. above sea level to extend the lifespan of the plane.

how jet lag works?

Fruits and vegetables have circadian rhythms (they can tell day from night) and can become jet-lagged

What jet lag disturbs crossword?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what jet lag means. Here are 19 of the best facts about Jet Lag Cure and Jet Lag Mask I managed to collect.

what's jet lag?

  1. Sildenafil --more commonly known as Viagra-- has been proven to not only treat erectile dysfunction, but can extend the shelf life of cut flowers and treat jet lag recovery in hamsters.

  2. When roosters are kept indoors and you change when the "sun" rises, you can give them jet lag and they start crowing at random times.

  3. When researchers exposed elderly mice to light-cycle shifts — basically, when they simulated jet lag — for a couple of months, almost all of them died.

  4. Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder, a chronic dysregulation of the persons biological clock, affects 7-16% of all adolescents. The person experiences a longer circadian rhythm cycle so their sleep times don't match up with society. It is compared to living with "social jet lag."

  5. Blind people supplement synthetic melatonin (a hormone that regulates sleep cycles) in order to "teach" their brains when it's day and night. Without it they're arguably in a state of perpetual jet lag.

  6. When Pharrell Williams traveled to Paris to collaborate with 'the Robots' (Daft Punk) he was given hallucinogenic tablets to relieve jet lag. After taking the drugs, Williams has no memory of recording "Get Lucky" and heard the song for the first time months later in the US.

  7. After bumbling his first stab at a back-flip - "Afro Ninja" (who was jet lagged for the infamous viral video take) rested up, and did several successful flips, and booked the job.

  8. Horses suffer from jet lag. Horses who travel around the world for competitions suffer from jet lag. Some more than others. Although, jet lagged induced they still recover a lot quicker than humans.

  9. In addition to treating/preventing altitude sickness, Viagra has been shown by researchers to help treat jet lag in hamsters

  10. Viagra helps with jet lag recovery in hamsters

jet lag facts
What jet lag is worse?

Jet Lag data charts

For your convenience take a look at Jet Lag figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

jet lag fact data chart about Baby jet lag 1 week into our daughters first international t
Baby jet lag 1 week into our daughters first international trip

Why jet lag happens?

You can easily fact check why is jet lag worse going east by examining the linked well-known sources.

The best way to avoid getting jet lag is to adhere to the new time zones eating schedule.

Jet lag is more severe when traveling eastward. Our internal clock follows a period of just over 24 hours and our bodies compensate by contracting this to synchronize with the regular 24-hour sun cycle. Traveling west, you gain time to make this adjustment but traveling east, you lose time. - source

Jet lag has been shown to cause long term brain damage in hamsters. - source

The five foods that can help me beat jet lag...finally!

How to sleep when jet lagged?

Jet lag is supposedly caused by prolonged hypoxia resulting from decreased oxygen concentration at increased altitude.

How jet lag happens?

My reason for constantly feeling tired, depressed, and a need for caffeine is due to something called Social Jet Lag.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Jet Lag. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Jet Lag so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor