Internet Access facts
While investigating facts about Internet Access Point and Internet Access Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2011, the United Nations declared that access to the Internet is a basic human right.
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France had a "proto-internet" called Minitel, to which half the population had access. It allowed for buying plane tickets, shopping, 24-hr news, message boards & adult chat services. It was used to coordinate a national strike in 1986. Some believe it hindered the internet's adoption in France.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is private internet access. Here are 50 of the best facts about Internet Access Must Be Limited To Students and Internet Access Is Blocked I managed to collect.
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In 2011 a 75 year old Georgian woman cut off internet access to the whole of Armenia when she severed a single cable while digging with a shovel
Take This Lollipop is an interactive film which accesses viewer's Facebook profile and locates the viewer's home from data in profile. It depicts the dangers in posting too much personal info on the Internet. Information gathered is then deleted which makes the film different for each viewer.
A 75 year old Georgian woman accidentally cut off Internet access to all of Armenia while searching for copper wire.
There is 3G cell service and internet capability at the peak of Mt. Everest, while only 9% of the Nepalese population has access to the Internet.
Finland made internet access a legal right in 2010
Only around 1000 people in North Korea have access to the real internet and computers are just straight up illegal unless you have specific government permission
In 2010, Finland became the first country in the world to make Internet access a legal right.
Prisoners in Belgium have a computer station with an headset and limited access to the internet in their cells. They can also order PPV films (including adult ones), "making the prison run more efficiently".
Internet Service Providers pay about $0.40 USD per month to provide you with internet access.
Internet Access data charts
For your convenience take a look at Internet Access figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why internet access should be limited to students by examining the linked well-known sources.
Pirates stole internet cable and sold it as scrap causing most of Vietnam to get far slower internet access
In 2003 the Polynesian island country of Niue became the world's first "WiFi nation", offering free Internet access throughout the country. - source
Philadelphia, home of Comcast, has the second-lowest rate of broadband access (71.6%) of the US's 25 largest cities, and was the only large city to record a decrease in internet access (2.7%) between 2016 and 2017. - source
All internet access in Iraq is shut down for hours in May, to prevent sixth graders from cheating on an exam.
Mississippi has the highest percentage of citizens without internet. 41% of Mississippi has no internet access at all, and an additional 8.7% don't have any home internet. - source
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Nearly 4 billion people still lack internet access, 53.9% of the world's population
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The entire country of Armenia lost internet access for 12 hours after a woman in Georgia broke a fiber line with her shovel, In 2011
In 2006, workers accidentally pulled a fibre optic cable just outside Buckeye, AZ, with a backhoe. As a result, internet access for millions of Sprint users west of the Rockies was disrupted for 3 and a half hours.
In 2010, Finland became the first country in the world to make Internet access a legal right
There are approximately 75.8 million people in Brazil with internet access.
Internet is really scarce in Cuba and people gather at designated public places to access it
Internet access infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Internet Access numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Top 20 Countries by Proportion of Population with Internet Access from 1990-2017